•Chapter 16• rd

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☆Put in in present tense you gorgeous fool.☆

Despite how much Lafayette wishes it wasnt, this morning is the last bit of time he has in the safety of the prison infirmary.

"Alright, time to go back to gen. pop." A nurse says, opening the curtain.

The frenchman still has bandages wrapped around his ribs and wrists, but with daily visists is supposed to be back to normal soon.

That is, if Reynolds doesn't do anything to him first.

After changing back into the standard uniform, he takes a tentative step out of the infirm doors, half waiting for Reynolds to run up.

But he doesnt, so the frenchman is faced with a few choices: snitch on a prison gang, go back to his cell and reynolds, or wait to go back. Although he dreads what awaits him at his door, he knows the longer he waits the worse it'll be.

And maybe it's becuase hes become used to eating, or because he feels so nervous about walking into his cell, but Lafayette finds himself walking into the cafeteria and picking up a tray of breakfast.

Surprisingly,  the bland mush might be the most welcoming thing Lafayette has seen in a while.

Meanwhile, Alexander is sitting with his boyfriend mere feet away, unaware of his brother's presence.

"God John. Its been days now." The man says, rubbing the dark bags that have formed under his eyes, courtsey of the lack of sleep.

"I still think theres hope for him." John replies, trying his best to comfort the man. These days he seems so distant. He never smiles anymore, and the sparkle in his eyes seems lost.

"What if they killed him?" Alexander ponders in a dreadful voice.

"Alex." John whispers.

"No, i know i sound crazy, its just-"

"ALEX." John says, cutting off the man. He looks at the man curisouly.  The southerner nods forwards, his curly hair bouncing behind his head. Alexander follows his gaze, and sees something that makes his heart start to beat again.

His brother stands mere feet away, standing and looking around, a bit lost.

"Laff!!" Alex jumps out of his seat and runs to his brother, tackle hugging him once hes there.

"Ow-" he says, half joking and half serious. The frenchman chuckles, nudging his brother's head playfully.

When Alexander steps back, his sees the bandages, and gets a sinking feeling in his stomach.

"Oh my god..." he mumbles, the frenchman purposely avoiding eye contact.

"Are you okay?" John asks, as Lafayette cautiously sits down at their table.

"Reynolds and Lee...they got me." He says, not giving nearly enough of an answer.

"Got you?" Alexander asks.

"They uh...I dont know how long itll be til i see you guys again. It..." Lafayette allows his words to trail off.

"Please tell me what theyre doing to you. What-" his brother pushes.

"Lex...you know whatll happen if he does." John says.

To a gang, thatd be borderline snitching. And snitches-well....it wouldnt be good.

Alexander chews on his lip, at a loss of words as he feels a lump form in his throat.

"Do they let you go out at all?" John asks.

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