•Chapter 17•

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The night has turned to morning, yet Hercules is still in the infirmary, sitting on a chair and staring at Lafayette.

The man has machienes connected to his arms, and oxygen in his nose. Like hes slowly turning from human to machiene.The man looks peaceful, porcelain, almost....corpse-like. It makes the Irishman uncomfortable, seeing him like this.

"Hey Mulligan. I got this shift." A guard says, walking up to the man.

"Im okay, Aaron." He mumbles, not taking his eyes off the man.

"Go home Mulligan." the man tries again, chuckling.

Hercules looks up with bloodshot eyes, gritting his teeth to keep the tears from falling.

"Im okay." He repeats firmly, unintentionally taking part of his stress out on his fellow guard. It doesnt take long for the guard to leave to man to his waiting, not wanting to irritate him further.

Alone once more, Hercules returns his gaze to the man he can't stop thinking about.


After so long staring from afar, Hercules finally walks up to the man's bedside.

At first he feels afraid to touch him, as if he'll break, but soon he works up the courage to hold the man's hand.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, a slight quiver in his voice.

He lets his mind go numb as the stead beep of the heart monitor surrounds him.


After all that has happened, Hercules is tired enough that he falls asleep on the floor next to the man's bed. The scene is quite peculiar, and several doctors and nurses watch from afar, speculating as to why hes there.

Groaning, Lafayetee's eyelids flutter open and hes greeted with small crowd staring at him, offering no explanation.

"Whats happening?" He asks them weakly.

One of the doctors simply nods towards the side of his bed, and looking over the frenchman sees something that makes his heart beat. Hercules lays right there, lightly snoring.

Honestly, he looks quite adorable like this.

Hesitantly, the frenchman reaches down with his non-cuffed hand, and taps the man's shoulder.

Hercules jolts up, his gaze settling upon his frenchman.

"Hey.." he mumbles, noticing how reserved the man seems. Following Lafayette's gaze, he realises the presence of the small crowd thats watching them.

"I need time to investigate with the prisoner" He excuses as he closes the privacy curtain.

"Mr. Guard, sir." Lafayette jokes, saluting the man with his non-cuffed hand, his iv being jostled around.

"Careful there." Hercules jokes, squeezing the tape around his forearm to make sure the iv stays in.

"You dont want to be without your painkiller right now, trust me." He jokes, before his face becomes more serious.

"How are you?" He asks, searching the mans face. Its hard to determine which emotions Lafayette was feeling.

"Im fine" Lafayette says on habit, slurring his words from the high hes riding, curtousey of the painkiller.

"Laff-lafayette." Hercules says, correcting himself and hoping the nickname didnt slip too much.

Lafayette raises a brow, chewing his lip playfully.
"Uh hum?" He hums.

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