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Lee tells the warden for less time

Laff tell herc ily

Herc gets fired

Laff is wondering where herc went, thinking he scarred him off

Laff is big sad wo thom or herc

Herc comes back to visit incognito

Laff is sad and wonders what to do

Herc visits again and is like "id do anything just to get to hold you again."

"I know. But im out of options."

Herc goes home ands thinking about it. And he really wants a way to be with him. And then his tv goes "heres how csrtle gang escapred texas prison for a week."

And he hatches a plan.

And he tells laff and laffs like "no, we'll get caught. Everyone gets caught. And then im back in here for life. And youll be in prison too."

"But maybe ill be with-"

"And they wont put us together. Im sorry. I just...i wont let you get yourself here just for me."

Laff walks away all sad. He really wants it to work. He just wants it to work. The gangs are getting more fiesty recently.

He comes back the next week and herc keeps asking him and begging.

The next week he finally breaksm admits he wants it as much as herc does.

"I dont even care if we get caught. Im ok being in here as long as i get to be free for a few days, with you. But you promise me when we get cuaght you pin it on me? I forced you."



"I promise."

Talk about the fiesty gangs.

"Heres the plan. Heres how i get out. I get the ganfs to fight it out. In the chaos i slip out."

But on the day it gets CRAZY. Gaurds are killed. The prison is on lockdown.

Laff wants to leave but the gangs are keeping him there. Lee is all "bitch!" And alex is lkke "STAY AWAY FROM MY BROTHER HO!"
so theres that.

Laffs in there all day.

That night, hes like- ill escape tomorrow. Tonight i need sleep.

Doesnt even lay down before he hears the swat team run in.

He runs to the exit.

He goes outside and cant find the hole he cut in the fence. Hes trying to find it and frantic.

Hercules sees him coming and gets out of the car. Happy at first but oh no when he sees his face.

The swat teams getting closer.

Laff makes it past the fence.

They come out of the prison into the yard, and lock up everyone in the yard. See laff running.


He doesnt. They shoot.

Laff shot. Herc runs to him.

Gaurds yelling at him to get up and away.

"WAHT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" "Laff? Laff please. Dont do this. Cmon. Wake up."

"I love you."

"No no, please dont die. Dont die."

Laff dies. Herc goes numb. He starts punching the swat gaurds. Hus fists are bloody and hes crying.

Theyre tryingnto handcuff him but hes fighting all of them and one of them slips and pulls the trigger and it hits his lungs.

He falls back.

Theyre surrounding him and calling from back up as he chokes on his blood. He looks to the side at dead Laff and closes his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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