•Chapter 15•

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Lafayette opens his eyes to a white room, and a dull ache in his head.

Groaning, the man looks around to see a curtained off section with the bed he lies in, and a few machienes.

The small "room" must be part of the infirmary.


He looks down to see his arms tightly wrapped with white gauze that runs from his wrists to his elbow.

Lafayette can feel a deep sickening feeling in his gut as everything comes rushing back.

And in the end, he couldn't even die. What kind of sick joke is this? He couldn't even control when he died?

Lafayette feels a hot tear trace it's way down his face, and hears the heart rate monitor beat faster and faster as he starts to cry.

When he tries to wipe his tears, he realises  that he's cuffed to the metal bed frame. Of course.

Oddly enough, it makes the crying man laugh in quite the unsettling way.

Suddenly, the curtain opens and a nurse walks over. She pays no attention the fact that the man's crying, and simply writes something onto her clipboard.

"I'll tell the doctor you're awake." She mumbles in a monotone voice, not looking up at the man even once. When she walks away, she unintentionally leaves the curtain ajar.

Lafayette's eyes flick around the infirmary, watching prisoners in beds like his, and nurses who walk around.

Unexpectedly, Charles Lee walks into the mans field of vision. He stands on the other side of the hall, peering into curtained off areas.

Suddenly, he looks up and makes eye contact with Lafayette, sending a shiver through the man.

"Found you." He whispers, unheard by anyone but himself. He chuckles, anticipating how happy James will be when he tells him.

Lafayette feels paraylsed, struck by fear as the man glares at him.

A guard walks up to Lee, having watched him from down the hall.

 "If you dont need medical asistance you cant be in the infirmary. Ima need you to leave now." The guard says.

Lee smiles innocently at the guard.
"Of course sir, I was just looking for my..friend." He replies, loud enough for Lafayette to hear from across the hall. The frenchman can hear how the man emphasizes the word 'friend'. Obviously, Lee and Reynolds have been looking for him however long he had been knocked out for.

It scares him, and makes a thousand thoughts run through his head.


A doctor finally walks over, closing the privacy curtain.
Similarly to the nurse, the doctor doesn't make eye contact, and pays no attention to Lafayette's tear stained cheeks.

Aside from the occasional "hmm", or "good", the doctor says nothing. Like many other things about today, this seems to upsettle and confuse the man.

The doctor leaves without a word, closing the curtain behind him in a sharp manner.

Alone and left with a sense of defeat, Lafayette leans his head back and lets the tears out, not minding them as they fell.


When Lafayette awakes again after 13 hours of sleep, he lays for a long time, staring at the cieling and feeling quite numb.

He reaches for the plastic cup of water beside his bed, and feels something restricting him and making it hard to turn.

With his free hand, he lifts his gown and can see his ribs are wrapped.

'Huh.' He thinks to himself 'If they fixed this I wonder if they fixed my busted up face...'

Reaching for the call button, he press it and waits a moment before a nurse pulls the curtain aside.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" He asks the woman nicely.

"Mm." She hums, pulling a key from her pocket and unlocking the cuffs.

"Thank you." He says, to no response.

The woman helps him get to his feet. He can stand, but he leans heavily on the woman. His ribs still hurt a lot, but they feel slightly better.

She parts the curtain a bit more, so they can get out.

On their way to the bathrooms, they pass many other prisoners laying down, each of them seeming equally messed up by one gang or another.

Lafayette can't help but stare at some of them, and wonders to himself if someone else walked past him while he was unconsious, and couldn't help but stare at his wounds and brusies.

"Here we are." The nurse says, stopping in front of a door.

"Thank you." Lafayette mumbles, once again to no response.

Walking in the door, Lafayette turns a corner on the tile floor and finds a mirror. 

"Oh, much better." He mumbles, staring at his reflection. His black eye seems more healed, and his lip has a single stitch in it. His brusies seem better too, and when he stands back he can notice a difference in himself.

Hes not sure if it was the medication or all the sleep, but either way hes grateful for the improvement and wishes it could last.

"Merci." He says to the nurse as he walks out.

"Oh. Uh...What day is it?" He asks the woman.

"The twenty eighth." She replies. Lafayette realises it means nothing, since he wasn't keeping track of the date before.

"Do you know how long I was asleep for?" He rephrases, making her sigh.

"I do not know everything about your case, sir. I can check the chart just as well as you can." She replies, the man falling silent.

Looking up, Lafayette sees another unfortunatly familiar face.


Although there isn't a heart monitor this time, Lafayette knows his heart must be racing. Still staring at the man, he hears the static of a walkie talkie buzzing in, and realises it must be the nurse's.

"You damn well better get back to bed with no problems, I have to go." She says harshly, before rushing off.

"Okay..." Lafayette says to himself, hoping Reynolds won't see him.

Unfortunatly, the man has already spotted our frenchman, and is awaiting the perfect oppurtunity.

And the nurse thats walking away, well, thats perfect.

Reynolds saunters over, getting close enough for Lafayette to feel the man's hot breath on his face.

"You think its gonna be that easy to get away from me? When you gonna learn, dumbass? You never get out of this. And you better get discharged fast, or we're gonna-"

 "Mr. Reynolds step away from the patient and follow me for your meds." A nurse calls, Reynolds doing as told and following the man.

When the nurse is looking away, Reynolds glances back at Lafayette, mouthing two words that makes a shiver go down his spine. "chop chop."

Reynolds' lips part in a sickening smile when he sees the fearful expression on Lafayette's face.

It takes all of Lafayette's strength to stay standing. He seems paraylsed in the middle of the hallway, silently hoping he never gets discharged.

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