Get money yah yah (jealousy pt2)

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Fuck. Uh- yeah heres the part two to uh- those bitchasses getting jealous ah ah ah 🌻💃💃💃🌻🌻🌻💃🌻💃💃


•Eyebrow man doesn't get jealous that often
• but when he does uhhHhhHh
• this man knows how to work a god damn gun, he can do anything
•The guy/girl that was hitting on you is gonna get a niceeeeeeeee ass beating ah ah ah
•Or he'll just give him a stare that would send their sorry ass straight into the sun 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃


•overprotective mom 101
•Even if your just saying like "hi" or "Hewwo" to some guy/girl, bird hair will make sure they don't do anything
•If they start getting handys/flirty, he's probably gonna give them a death stare or grab you and give you them good old smooches uwu
•oh and he burned down their house. Ya know, like ya do.


•Hope whoever was hitting on you had a death wish
•cuz ni🅱️🅱️a they finna get it 😤😤😤
•Diet Coke lover will BEAT them, unless he knows them personally then he probably won't give a fuck.
•Anger issues really b like that sometimes😔😔😔😔😔
•To be fare the same thing would happen to me/you/anyone if they said Diet Coke is nasty. WHICH IT FUCKING IS BTW CHERRY COLA IS SOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER- ok we're getting off track sorry lol.

Bookworm ass- I mean mark

•He doesn't care.
•He knows you too well to know that you won't cheat on him
•If he sees someone flirting with you tho
•boye will snatch you and y'all will just walk away. Probably to go read books
•fucking nerds.

Best bb: aka jon

•Jon is too sweet man
•Just like mark he knows you'll never leave him (👀 coughs)
•if he sees another guy flirting with you, he'll try to defend himself
•Girl/guy starts bullying your babey
•No hurts bb Jon, no one.
•needless to say, their ass gets hauled into the sun. And you and Jon go get ice cream to make y'all happy
• y/n and Jon is my otp bruh

Walks in, uh hi. So basically I finished this chapter. While listening to someone tell me "everything's alright" and "go to sleep" over and over again. I really need that. Man if only I could afford medication ah ah ah 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃 alright bye lol

Also uh anime girls are hot as fuck. Lol

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