Aw shit here we go again (cuddles pt.2)

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AYEEEEEEEEEE GUESS WHOS BA C K. That's right it's your one and only dumbass bitch. Ah ah ah. ANYWAYS. We're gonna start up this nice and fReSh part two to the cuddling shit. Also bitch cuddle buddies are the best. I should know. I have one ah ah ah. Alright cya at the end hoe 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃


•This boye doesn't have a lot of time, I mean being a pilot and constantly being around the red leader ( I refuse to call him that, so now I'm calling him hentai god.)
•When y'all do get to cuddle it's like heaven to both of you
•Warm as shit bruh
•He smells like gasoline and uh- what do bullets s m e l l like? I don't fuckin know.
•Give this bb love uwu


•It's the same thing with pau, he works way to often. Which sucks for the both of you, because me normally never gets time off.
•When he does y'all cuddle a lot. Watchin movies, drinking hot coco or something.
•He's like a mom, so you'd have to watch some good old PG/G movies
•Y'all nibbas better watch tinker bell 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤

• when he's not hitting Jon (poor bb😔) he's probably clinging to you.
• you love him but- you need personal space at some point
•cuddles are nice but uh- sometimes he makes you watch those weird ass Kids cartoons on YouTube-
•He also said he loved a fictional character more than you once
•god what a terrible bf 😤😤😤😤 reader you should hangout with me and my squad instead 💃💃💃💃💃

Marky boye

•One of the best cuddlers our their
•sometimes (if your short) he'll let you sit inside his sweater with him
•god y'all are too cute
•watching movies or reading books are y'all favorite thing to do while cuddling (nerds)
•a night y'all fuckers still read, do y'all ever stop? And like all that shit. Cuddles cuddles cuddle bruh I love those

Bb boye Jon

•Unlike my friend JOHN in real life (speaking of John it hes reading this FUCKER PAY YO GOD DAMN TAXES HOE)  he loves cuddles, and hugs
•He trys to be the more dominant one
•Sometimes this bb can but it's very hard
•who knew
•He loves when you hug him it's just so sweet and AahhhhHhhH-
•y'all are still a great otp
•sweet bb I love him ah ah

I FINALLY FINISHED THIS STUPID ASS CHAPTER AHKDKKSKSKSKSKSK 😔😤😤😤😤😤😤 nibba you better be proud of me. Ah ah ah

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