UwO (soft bitch chapter i dont know)

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Hewwo. I'm feeling like hella soft rn. It's also 5:30am while I'm writing this. I pulled an all nighter again. Oh well. Anyways, this is basically what y'all do when y'all are bored/hanging out. Also btw that art is of me and Jon. Mainly because I love that bb so much uwu✨✨✨✨✨ I'm having a big uwu hour rn 💖💞💛💖💞💛💞💖💛

•Cuddles while drawing
• Snuggles and hugs
• Lofi music/calm music is normally playing behind you
•Watching those low budget zombie movies
•cola cola cola and more hecken cola
•You love this cola babey

• Really intense Tickle fights/Pillow fights
•Pillow forts
•Snuggles inside the fort, lots of teddies
•Complimenting him every two seconds
•Nice sweet dreams

•Cuddles on the couch
•Drinking games, no wine tho. That shits too formal.
•Smiling like dorks
•Tom sings you adorable love songs
•Y'all being soft bbs
•Watchin Dumb movies and cuddling
•Falling asleep on toms shoulder, he took you upstairs and y'all snuggled
•Y'all fuckers are adorable

•Some times y'all go for joy rides in his giant robot
•Huggies every two seconds
•Watching y'alls favorite anime's and then crying about them
•Reading manga togther
•You has to slap him tho as he was trying to get you to read his hentai
•No tord, no. Don't ruin the babey
•Cuddles and snuggles
•Big uwu moment


•When y'all are alone/have the house to yourselfs, you two just cuddle and hang out
•Watchin dumb movies
•Hell sometimes y'all watch bad porn for fun, it's enjoyable.
•He whispers sweet Spanish sayings into your ears
•He fucking cooked for you bro. That's how you know he cares
•Y'all cuties are gonna be the death of me


•Reading. Lots and lots of reading
•Snatching his sweaters
•" Y/N please take off my sweater"
"But it's soooo comfy"
•He only agrees because of how cute you are
•Cuddles while reading
•Y'all stay up till 5am reading the same book, go to sleep and then talk/gush about it in the morning
•Reading books and then watching the movies based off them, and then hating the movies
•Cuddles Cuddles and kisses
•Big owo moment tbh


•THIS SWEET BB✨✨✨✨💖✨💞✨🌻✨💞✨💖💞✨
•He gives you so many hugs it's unreal
•Such a sweetheart tbh
•Cuddles and talkin about dumb shit that happens in y'all life
•Running away from Edwardo
•Baking sweets together, and then doing the cliche thing of licking icing off someone's nose
•God y'all are adorable
•Watching cartoons and being sweet lil kids
•Y'all fall asleep cuddling.
•Y/N and Jon is my otp, period.

•"Smoking cigarettes on the roof, you look so pretty and I love this view"
(Lmao that's from a song that's about being a lesbian)
•That's basically what you and payt were doing
•Staring down at the city while talking about life and other stupid shit
•It's very rare to get moments like this
•Since ya know paus in the army, it's kinda hard to see eachother often (unless your with him in the army, then disregard this)
•At home y'all cuddle and watch dumb movies
•Tv dinners and ordering pizzas are great with nights like this
•Pau tried to get you to smoke a cigarette, you felt like you were dying
•He was hella sorry and put you in a blankie and Cuddled you to make you feel better


•Legit like a mom
•Cooking together and making y'all s favorite food
•Listening to Rex orange county, Tyler the creator, and other artist you hoes love
•Watching movies
•Stealing his uniform
• "Y/N you should just join the army, then you'll get your own"
"But yours is nicer, and it smells good"
• Some more Snuggles
•soft bb hours

~Female time uwu💖💖✨✨ Btw I fucking love all the female characters, I don't know why~


•Clingy babey 101
•Cuddling on the couch, giving off a fuck Ton of PDA
•Tamara hates it
•Y'all snuggle and watch movies
• eventually you guys go upstairs
•She watches you draw, it's one of her favorite things to do.
•Same with you, cuddling while watching eachother draw is adorable
•Starring at the glow n the dark stars on the ceiling
•Makes y'all go uwu
•Falling asleep to lofi music while cuddling with little fairy lights on behind y'all

•Fashion shows, testing out many many outfits and makeup looks
•Doing eachother s makeup
•Y'all look like drag queens
•You guys look like sarina from birdcage
•It's beautiful
•Watching some cartoons while cuddling
•She eventually falls asleep on your shoulders
•Carrying her upstairs and snuggling together
•Y'all are so mf cute I swear💖💞💖💞

•sitting on the roof and looking at the stars
•Hand holding
•Soft chill music is behind y'all
•Laying in bed and just talking
•Getting high/drunk as fuck
•Smiling like giant dorks
•sneaking out at 3am to go to a park and be dumbasses
•Soft kisses
•Laying on the couch and watching dumb movies

•Satying up late watching anime is one of y'all s favorite things to do
•Cuddling while doing it is even better
•Sweet soft kisses
•Y'all could makeout for hours
•Getting high is a common thing y'all do togther
•Sometimes y'all will just watch really bad porn
•Snuggling into her chest, it's softer than a basket of kittens (it almost translated baskets to penis.)
•Big uwu moment

•You love snuggling into her chest while watching movies
•Sitting in her lap is so mf fun, because tiddies.
•Handholding for no reason
•She whispers sweet words into your ear as you smile
•Joan and marry can take how fucking cute you two are
•Of course that gets her mad, but you calm her down with kisses
•Big cutie moment.

•Reading books on the roof
•Or just straight up going to library's and reading there
•Cuddling at a park
•Watchin the fish and other animals swim by
•Going home and cuddling while watching tv
•Watching dumb movies/ sweet Pixar or Disney moves
•Big uwu moment

•Y'all are legit so sweet it's unreal
•Cuddles Cuddles Cuddles and more motherfucking Cuddles
•Watching movies and cuddling while eating sweets
•Sharing lollipops and sodas
•Cuteness overload
•Big uwu moment
•(if your taller than her) she likes stealing your hoodies and wearing them
•Playing knights and princesses, only your a knight and she's a princess.
•You can't let her out of your arms
"Your MY princess"
•God y'all are way to cute 😭✨✨

F) pau:
•Sitting togther and Watching movies
•Laughing and talking trough them
•Cuddles, lots and lots of them
•Hand holding
•Y'all will probably end up getting high as fuck
•Just laying outside staring at the stars
•Being sweethearts
• "Baby do you know how much I love you" "Pau I know you love me but can you please stop shoving your face in my chest"

F) Pat:

•She's like a mom
•Cuddles and cooking together
•Making dinner together and then saying "fuck it" and eating on the couch
•It was only some fuckin choo choo wheels (it's a type of pasta)
•She stole one of your hoodies, you only agreed to letting her wear it because she was so mf CUTE
•Snuggles while looking at the stars


Uguuu I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter 💖🌻💖💖🌻🌻💖 I'm going trough a big softy moment rn
UwUuUuuUuu also y'all look

Uguuu I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter 💖🌻💖💖🌻🌻💖 I'm going trough a big softy moment rn UwUuUuuUuu also y'all look

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I cant get over how fucking cute I made this. UguuUuuu I love my bbs uwu

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