Ass (serious chapter thing lol)

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Ok im uh sorry in advance about the fact I've posted nothing but somewhat serious chapters but I need to get this out.

If you live in Virginia or somewhere in DC or like NC you might have heard about this but If you didn't let me explain.

Yesterday somebody thought my school had an active shooter in it and called 911. Which means we were stuck in closets and corners of rooms for most of the day.

Course no one thought it was real at first most of us just thought "Ok it's just another drill, no big deal." And that's the mind set I had, until my friend started getting texts from his guardians about how there were at least 15 FUCKING COP CARS OUTSIDE.

So naturally we all thought "oh fuck this is real" and of course that's when we actually started to take this thing seriously.

At first we thought it was just some shooting on the roads near our school, like there was a few years ago. But then we got confirmed information that they were called in because they thought it was an ACTUAL SHOOTER.

So that meant they searched the entire school, every single door in every single classroom. And hell they even broke my art teachers closet door. Which by the way, I was thankful I was in art and NOT at lunch. Then I would have been stuck in a boiler room or the kitchen. And no offense but that's just not fun.

But turns out there wasn't an actual shooter. It was just some kid texting a 911 operator and trying to get us all out of school early. Which went super fucking wrong by the way, most kids didn't even ride the bus home because their parents got there first. Hell my dad asked to come get me, I wanted to say yes but then when I saw the line I said "yeah, probably don't do that."

What made me upset about the situation was that this was all fake. Just because one girl wanted to get out of class early. She literally got dragged out by the police from what I heard. But still it blows my mind that somebody would do that, and cause all these children and adults to panic and cry.

And that's why I'm staying home today. I just can't go to school without thinking or going into tears about what happened. Because we thought we were in actual danger. First a kid went to school with a HIGHLY realistic BB gun. Then somebody says there's a shooter in my school.

^Oh and by the way, here's the proof that this shit actually happened

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^Oh and by the way, here's the proof that this shit actually happened.^

So yeah, that happened. The day right before I said I was gonna start writing again. The worst fucking convince ever. So yeah, chapters are on hold for a day or two because I need to have some time to myself. I'm really sorry and I hope all of you understand, I love you all and I wish you all well 🥺✨💕

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