Hah gay. (Dom and sub shit)

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Quick note: uh I did a face reveal for no reason aha ha aha ahabs lmao. So yeah that's me up there Ik ik I look like a little boy.

ALRIGHT BOYES WE GOT A FAT REQUEST FOR DOMS AND SUBS BSKXKCJDLALALALAL, uh I'm keeping the person that requested it anonymous. Also I'm probably gonna mess this up but that's ok.

😩💦 Coochie.

•Edd wasn't always this dominant, hell he used to be scared to do ANYTHING romantic or intaminte.
•He was super shy so I guess it makes sense why.
•But then there was the first time he got you like putty in his hands.
•God it was h o t. Like holy shit, he needed more of it.
•He teases you so slowly, mostly due to him scared of hurting you. He's never rough, unless you want him to be
•hickeys all over you, and if he's REALLY in the mood bites.

•His height isn't the only thing that stands tall when he thinks of you 😳
•He loves watching himself fuck you infront of a mirror, so he can see all of your facial expressions
•You'll have a few bites here and there, but you will be COVERED in hickeys and bruises
•His height always gives him an advantage when it comes to being dominant. Pinning you against the wall is one of his favorite places things to do
•By then you've gotten half of your clothes torn off and you're moaning Matt's name over and over like it's the only thing you know.
•Like Edd, He'll only be rough when you want him to be.
•Even with the dommiant shell, he's still an angel underneath

•Despite his height (in the weird headcannon chapter I made, you can change it if you want uwu) he can still dominate you like there's no problem at all.
•He will have you panting, begging, moaning and Hell even SCREAMING for more.
•You'll be COVERED in bites and hickeys. They will be all over your body as you moan his name
•He loves using toys on his submissive bb.
•He LOVES bending you over the table and fucking you into next week
• He's definitely got some good old kinks saved (read the kinks chapter xd) so if you want him to get REALLY rough use those.

•Oh god, this commie fucker is so kinky when he doms
•He is the master of dirty talk.
•Call him stupid anime nicknames,
Onii-Chan is his fucking favorite (nasty bitch)
•Loves pinning you down and with a deep voice tells you what he's going to do to you
•He laughs at you trying to dom, but he's just better than you

Edwardo (I'm probably spelling this wrong)
•Like yeesh this bitch gets fucking ROUGH when he's dom
•When hes not pounding into you like there's no tomorrow, he's teasing you like there is tomorrow....

That didn't make sense but whatever.
•Hickeys literally everywhere, from yo tiddies (if you have those) to your shoulders you'll have hickeys.
• Yum.

•French boye really out here
•This fucker is more of a slow and sensual dom
•He'll be rough when he needs to be, but it's mostly just calm domming
•Unless you call him "daddy" then your in for hell thats for sure.
•He will literally pound you into next week, yum.

•Ok now that that's out, Jon's kinda like mark, slow and sensual but rough when wanted
•He's also a mAStEr at teaseing and dirty talk. Like DAMN JOHNNY BOYE
•Dispite his height, he's still great at pinning you against the wall and telling you what he's going to do to you while his face is shoved in the crook of your neck

                    Sub time boyes

•Not a shocker that it's was easy to dom over him tbh
•Hes a lil chub so give him some luv bruh
•Sometime he just burst out in giggles when you kiss things like his stomach or cheek that sometimes you just gotta shush your bb up with a kiss
•Seeing him moan underneath (or on top) of you is so hot tbh
•Uhhh if you really wanna go far, pore cola on both of you. That'll make things interesting
•Hes too vanilla to dominate you, he tried but it just didn't work

•Oh god please be sure you guys are alone when ya do the do
•Because this boy will moan and moan like a fucking pornstar
•Hes all for you domming
• T e a s e this bb
•He will BEG and whine like a little puppy. It's so adorable I swear
•Hes all for that.
•He loves when you slam down/ thrust into him roughly.

•See Tom was nervous at first, he was so used to normally doming
•But the first time you got him like putty in your hands
•D o n t s t o p
• God can Moans and groans really sound that sexy??
•Fuck this boyeee upppp you won't regret it

•Hes living the fucking dream bro
•Oh my god he's literally doing the ahego face that's how good it feels
•He wasn't kidding when he said it felt like he was in one of the hentai books he reads
•Bite him HARD
•Mark him, if you don't he will literally beg and potentially cry if you don't. (Hey I would)
•Probably into bondage or something so like, use that against him if you want.

•Just like Tom he's not used to it but,
•Oh god dont stop.
•Tease him slowly, till he's begging for you to fuck him
•You love his blushy and embarrassed expressions
•Once you think you've teased him enough, slam into him/ lower yourself onto him with full fucking force
•He will be SCREAMING when your done

•Hes very Vanilla when it comes to sex, he's more of a slow and romantic type of guy
•But when you thrust/ bounce onto him
•Hi that mentality is thrown out the window
•He will BEG and BEG for you to keep going if you start teasing him
•French man oUt herE

•Lets just say it was very easy to dom this baby
•Hes so blushy and he some times rambles on for so long you just have to shush him up with a kissy
•Jon's pretty short, so defiantly get on top
•Shove this baby against the wall
•God you thrusting into him/ bouncing on him makes him feel so good
•He will SCREAM and moan because of how good it feels
•Fuck him upppppppp

HOLLYYYYYYY FUCK I DID IT. Man I'm so proud bruh, anYwAyS sorry this took so long, uh I kinda am preparing to get a bird so.... that happened. But anyways, this is done and now I can move on from this chapter.

Cya next chapter gamers 😋✌️✨💖

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