Tom NSFW alphabet

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(Enjoy that lofi music because I'm gonna start adding that to all my chapters lmao)
Lmao I'm writing this on a boat at like 9 o'clock at night I am not feelin good
After I finish these few request that I have, I'm probably going to start rewriting chapters because,, some of them are almost 2 years old. They're all time capsules if I'm being honest. Anyways, it's time for the sex man himself: Tom

Also, I am not sorry for making the cover of this book Tim Curry lmao, everyone deserves to see that gorgeous man.

A= Aftercare (what they're like after the act)

Tom is VERY loving when it comes to after care, hands down he either wants to spoil you... or wants to be spoiled. Depends if you want Dom Tom or Sub Tom. Either way, he's very loving and cuddly

B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)

He likes his hair. He likes it when you grab it when you two are fucking, it makes him feel AMAZING.
You like his eyes because,, come on who wouldn't. (Wonder if I could stick my dick in his EYE-)

C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)

Dom Tom) Tom,, honestly, not the biggest fan when it comes to cum. As in, he doesn't like it getting on him, HOWEVER, he DOES like it when it's in you, or all over you.

Sub Tom) So,, honestly he doesn't care. Cum is cum in his eyes, doesn't matter where tf it is. However, he found out he did like it when you cum on his face. (Omg Tom doin the ahego face,, fuck I might have to draw that)

D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)

CHECKERBOARD DILDO. That's right fuckers, the man owns a fucking checkerboard DILDO. When you found out he was EXTREMELY embarrassed. You didn't mind,

E= Experience (do they know what they're doing)

Dom Tom) He had a girlfriend before you, however he didn't go ALL the way with her. He wanted to save it with someone he cares about, but he's gotten a few blowjobs in his life but that's about it

Sub Tom) Nope. He needs your help, don't get me wrong he knows what sex is and all that jazz but like, he's never done it before and needs your help. Help the bb please.

F= Favorite position

He enjoys "Face off" quite a lot, however his favorite is Doggy style, Dom or sub it doesn't matter.

G= Goofy (how serious are they)

He's bound to make a joke if things end up going south or something bad happens, but normally he tries to be "serious" and loving.

H= Hair (grooming habits)

Dom Tom) Ok he's got a lil bush near his dick, but that's about it. He takes care of it so it's not like itchy or annoying, but it's hot as fuck trust me lmao. He's also got a nice amount of body hair, but it not an ungodly amount

Sub Tom) Completely clean. Barely any hair. Maybe on his arms and legs, but that's about it. He likes keeping himself clean. And that's ok.

I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)

Dom Tom) He's definitely romantic most of the time. Whenever you two do this he finds it special. But he will be rough, if you want him to that is. He will make sure to ask before hand, he doesn't want to hurt you

Sub Tom) Definitely a romantic, but sometimes just straight up dirty moment for the two of you. Just depends on the mood honestly. He will want you to be rough, but you just need his "ok go" first because,, well you don't wanna hurt the bb do you?? Exactly.

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