EAT MY N U T S B I T C H (Tom x reader)

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I literally don't know what to fucking write about. Hhhhshakskskskksks SomEboDy gIve mE iDeas bEfOre I LosE my mInd 🥺✨

Also I wanna make fluff lmaooooo

I feel bad about not writing so here have a Tom x reader short fluffy thing I made while I was sad but also like not sad.

Waking up alone is a vary rare thing in this house. I mean, it's always loud or bursting with action. So for it to be quiet was a shocker.

Walking downstairs you noticed it was still... dark out?

Oh shit it was two in the fucking morning, that's why no one was awake.
'I guess they put me in bed when I fell asleep watching the movie...'

I walked downstairs and, oh god it was so adorable holy shit. Matt and Edd were passed out on the couch, while Tom was still in the chair, semi awake but about to pass out.
The tv had on some show about cats. You couldn't be bothered to care about it rn.
You grabbed a blanket and put it over Tom.

"Get some sleep kiddo. You really need it."
"I'm... not sleeping un..unless your with me." Clearly he was out of it, but hey who wouldn't say no to cuddles.

A fucking communist would.
Anyways, you agreed to cuddle with Tom, like I said cuddles are great. You snuggled into his chest and looked up at him.

His... lack of eyes were half lidded. He starred down at you lovingly. You gave him a lil smooch on the cheek and he smiled.
"Thank you baby, I love you." And that's what he said before his.. "eyes" were closed. You snuggled back into his chest, smiling as you slowly drifted off.


OhHHHHH goDDddd this is actual shit I'm so sorrryyyy whhshdjdkfjjfkd I tried my best and it just didn't workkk. Oh well, I hope you enjoyed this, don't worry I'm working on other chapters that are hopefully better than this,
Bye gamers until next time 🥺✨💖

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