Peace and love fuckers 😋✌️🌼🌻✨ (wet dreams)

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Hi kitty whores guess who's back? My dumb bitchass. I'm writing this chapter as a joke because hah I need to get something out. Btw it's about wet dreams so yeah definitely NSFW 😳✨ anyways, also btw I have lost 6-9 fucking times to omega flowey and I'm so mad about it >:(((

You know that moment when you wake up sweaty and your dick is like up and like "woaaaaaah hi I'm here now" yeah that was happening to edd. And of course him waking you up with his wimpy ass Moans didn't fuckin help.
"Ayo Y/N can you suck my pp"
"Fine but we makin it quick"

This fucker was having a Matt on Matt action dream. With you included. Yep he dreamed about having a threesom with you and himself. So when he wakes up and finds you staring at him and asking
"Nibba why THE FUCK were you moaning out your own name and mine???"
And then you notice his pp.
Y/n is not amused.
"Fine I'll help."

Now tom is a classy boye. And yet this fucker still has wet fucking dreams. And they get KINKY. So of course Tom waking up to find himself humping your leg so mf hard it's unreal. And you staring at him with a very flushed face.
"Uhhh baby, I need some help."
"I mean fuck bruh I'm down." And the ~fucking~ insues

This fucker won't even hide the fact that he had a wet dream. He'll just wake you up and be like
"Hey baby I just had a fucking hot ass wet dream can we make it real?"
"Sure you kinky mother fucker" and I think you know where it goes from here

Eyebrow fucker wakes up to find his dick just casually sticking up. He just wakes you up and is like
"You down to help me, or should I jack off and leave you alone?"
Course you said "Sure xd" because hah you get pp what more could you want???

Bird man really out here. He was just casually slowly grinding on you in his sleep. And when he woke up he looked down at you both being super fucking flushed. And then the fucking just starts all over again

Hah hah he woke up and was like
"Babe can you please dress up as Elsa and then come back so we can finish my sex dream" yeah he was dreaming about fucking Elsa. Gross ass bitch. Don't be sad reader, hang out with me and my friends so we can be epic together 🤪✌️

He dreamt about literally nothing and woke up with a boner. Huh who knew. You were still awake so he just asked "You down to fuck rn?"
"Sure ig" and then y'all just kept on fucking lmaooooo

Babey boye is so innocent he wakes up from the dream not knowing what to do. You're still asleep when he wakes up, so he wakes you up and says
"U-uh um.... i uh.. I had a dream and MhmP-" by the time he had finished you had noticed his hard on. And kissed him so he would shut up. And the sex insues.


YAYYYYY I WROTE THIS IN LESS THAN TWO HOURS LETS GO BOYES. Also uh don't worry the 2nd part to the flower crowns and tattoos is coming soon don't worry. Thanks for reading love you cuties 😋💕✨

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