Edds NSFW alphabet

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(Side note: uh the chapter deticated to hannah is gone because uh- well we're not friends anymore 😳) (Also stream yellow submarine for clear skin 🥰🥰🥰)
Quote from my friend that pretty much sums up the next few chapters lmao, anyways yeah NSFW alphabet time, doing it for all 4 boys. Also  I think my obsession with rocky horror picture show is getting worse lmao

A: aftercare (what is he like after sex?)

(Dom edd) Aight dom edd gives you all the love and affection you could want. No joke, when he's finished he'll run a bath and make sure to clean you and give you lots of love. Cuddling in the bath and giving you lots of life and affection. He will give you little kisses all over you and whisper about how good you were and how good you felt.

(Sub edd) He will want nothing but cuddles and he wants to be held. He loves being held/holding you. He likes it when you get up and you give him a glass of water due to his throat being so dry. Bath time with Eddie babey!!!!

B: body parts (His favorite body part and yours)

Lets be honest, he loves all of you! Every part of your body, he thinks it's truly a masterpiece. Every curve and every mark he finds beautiful.

C: Cum (His favorite place for him/you to cum)

(Dom edd) He definitely like cumming inside you. He loves the way you tighten around his cock as he fills you with his seed. Sometimes if he's really into it he'll want to cum on your face, since he finds it pretty hot (I mean who wouldn't find (Y/N) hot bro 🥵😍😳)

(Sub edd) Now if you're someone of the male gender, he does like it when you fill him up with your cum. He just loves the way it feels, ya know? However if you are a lady sometimes you'll pull off him and he'll cum all over your tits. He finds this hella hot bro, and I mean who wouldn't. "Girls have tits"- that one weird guy from that really bad Texas chainsaw sequel

D: Dirty secret (A dirty secret he has)

Oh lord the amount of smut/porn he has drawn of you two is INSANE. Sometimes if you aren't there he will draw out what he would want to do you/have you do to him. And sometimes if he's feeling extra needy he'll draw out some of the fantasy's he wishes you two could do together. Someday maybe he will show you, I mean edds a hella talented artist so you can imagine how realistic they look (hah hah realistic penis and titties)

E: experience (How experienced is he?)

(Dom edd) He dated a (girl/guy) when he was in high school. That's it. Nothing else. I'm not even sure those two got to third base, like at all. The only other experience he had was POOORN, but he was definitely a fast learner. The man eventually got used to it after a while.

Sub edd) You are the first person he has ever dated. So of course he's not gonna be very experienced. So just help him out along the way, go slow. You don't wanna scare the poor boy.

F: Favorite position

Dom edd) lets be honest, if he can see your face it's a position he's down to do. He loves seeing your face twist and turn as he fucks the living daylights out of you. When he's really fuckin horny he might just say fuck it and do it doggy style, which I mean come on who wouldn't be down to smack some ass? I know I would.

Sub edd) If you are a part of the male gender group he really likes doggy style. Gotta stay consistent. He likes the feeling, and if it's a position where you can go extremely deep he will definitely enjoy it. Now if you are a female (first of all I automatically love you lol) he definitely likes reverse cowgirl. He likes seeing your ass and bottoming under you is probably one of his favorite things. (Hell if you want he might be down to try a strap on 😳)

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