We gettin drunk

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Wow look my book hit like 600 views.
Thanks for that homies 😌✨. Anyways this is them drunk or what ever. Fucking hell I had a hangover yesterday and I still feel like shit. (and just to clarify I'm not old enough to drink. Take what you want out of that)

(I'm going to be an alcoholic)


•fucker got drunk off of drinking cola
•The world may never know
(Bruh my cats rubbing against my leg)
•Hes really out of it and hella widlin when he gets drunk
•Clibing on the ceiling fan and singing songs from Moana. I don't like the songs from that movie, do @ me on that one.
•"Edd, are you ok?"
•He notices what he's doing
•"(Y/n) please get me down" he says nervously
•Cuddles while he's snuggling into your breast. Mmmm tiddies.

•Drunk off of fucking chocolate milk. Hey it happened to me once, so I don't blame him. (I think it was drugged)
•Hes wayyyy more cuddly then he normally is.
•He let you touch his hair. And he lets
nO oNe touch his hair
•You take advantage of this, it's soft as shit
•Snuggles while he snores loud as shit bro.
•Fucking hell matt

•When is he not drunk? I gotta know
•See it's cannon that toms a quiet drunk but SOMETIMES it gets really wild
•A lot more cuddlier than normal
•Hanging onto your shoulders
•"Y/nnnnnnn I lovVvVeeee yOuuU"
•"Tom I know, now get off of the fucking freezer."
•You have to pull him down
•Fucker gets hard out of no where
•He ran to the bathroom, did his business and fucking puked
•Get ready for hangover complaints all morning


•Tords a smoker, so when he does drink it's ether for fun or he's stressed or som shit
•So walking home to find him drunk on the floor while "sunshine lollipops and rainbows" is playing very loudly was a... interesting scene
•Boyo starts humping your leg
•He thinks your an anime girl
• "(y/nNnNn) be my hOt anIme GFFfF"
• "Tord no-"
•He grabs ur tiddes
•Boyo worships those
•You are somehow ok with this. That's fine ig
•He passes out on your tiddes
•Good luck moving sis

•Eyebrow man really out here
•He almost shot someone
•Take the gun (y/n) or all of our life's could be at sake
•Hes brushing his eyebrows

•Bird man really out here getting smashed from fucking Pepsi
•Pepsi is disgusting, and if you think it's good fuck you.
• bruh he's clinging to you.
•Give him piggy backs to bed
• "(y-nnnnn)~ where are we goinggg~~"
• "To a magical land, full of rainbows and flowers"
•Fucker doesn't fall asleep until 3am
•Good luck going to work tomorrow

•Nothing like coming home and seeing him on the floor, booze everywhere and Dora is playing on the tv.
•The others were gone so he most have gotten shit faced while you were at work
•Fucker gets horny
•No don't, the last time y'all had sex while he was drunk he almost puked
•It was not a nice sight. And I have to write this book, which means I see everything y'all do.
•Hes clinging to you
•"CMon y/N sInG wiTH mE"
•Insert Edwardo singing the Dora theme really badly
(Fuck that I'm finished with that hoe)

•He is literally unaffected
•Like, when he gets drunk he just, passes out
•On you.
•On your tiddies
•Good luck moving, you t h o t
(Just kidding I love all you readers uwu 💞💞💞)

•He drank chocolate milk, just like Matt. Now he's drunk
•Take care of your babey Y/N
•He needs love💖💖 and cuddles
•God I have a giant ass soft spot for Jon, you better treat him well bro.

~✨Female time✨~

•Baby got drunk on cherry cola
•Honestly I don't blame her, that shits good
•So coming home to a drunk very cuddly ell is not a shocker
•Ell is already a Cuddler as it is. So coming back to that well, she basically cling onto you all night
•You and her cuddled as you watched dumb anime's on VRV

•Just like Matt, she got drunk over chocolate milk
•Big babey moment tbh
•Her makeup smeared
•InsertMatilda crying loudly
•You fixed it, obviously
•Big hugs

•Horny babey
•Oh god she will pounce on you, good luck getting out
•If Shes not horny, she's moody
•She almost got into a physical fight with tori
•You broke it off, thank god
•Hug this poor baby

•Just Like Tamara, she gets really horny
•Dont fuck tho
•She almost puked on you
•Just let her lay on ur tiddies
•It works. Trust me.

Sorry but I gotta cut it short again. I'm sorry y'all but I've been working on this for so long, I need a break. Idk when I'll update again. But thank you If you've made it this far, love ya 💖💖💖💛💞💞💞💗💓💓💞💛💛✨✨✨💛💞✨💗✨💗✨💓✨💗✨✨✨💗

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