Aw shit here we go again (cuddles)

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Uh fuck it's uh cuddle time bitchasses. For anyone that doesn't know uh I LOVE CUDDLES 💃💃💃💃💃 man there just so mf great it's unreal like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Also uh while I'm writing this I'm being forced to listen to my sister screaming. So yeah that's fun.


•Edd Fucking LOVES cuddles bro
•He's always the big spoon ALWAYS (unless you're taller, but then again he still will most likely want to be the big spoon)
•He loves just coming up behind you and hugging you.
•This boye smells like cola and pencil shavings (and if it's Christmas time FUCKIN PEPPERMINTS BRO)
•Cuddle him while drawing bro, be cliche 💃💃💃💃💃
•huggieeeeeeeeeees uwu
•Y'all are also my otp. Bruh y/n and Edd be WILDIN 🅱️🅱️🅱️


Matt's tall as shit bro. But he likes being the little and big spoon.
•Sweet bb
•Sometimes hes too busy looking in the mirror tho. So you get kinda sad
•oof now your crying
•Matt sees this and runs over to you, giving you huggies n shit. And- wait where tf did that blanket come from. Oh whatever it's fanfic logic
•y'all cuties will cuddle on the couch and watch dumb movies. Thank GoD y'all didn't watch that Matt on Matt movie bruh. That shit is scarring


•Laying on the couch cuddling and watching tv is probably one of y'all s favorite things to do.
•Or hell the tv being off and y'all just laying there. Listening to each others breathing.
•Couple goals right there.
•No pda tho. He's used to cuddling and small kisses at home, out in public this boye will be confused and will stutter for a good minute.
•Give this boye huggies man. Huggies should make everyone happy (unless you don't like getting touched, then I can see why)
•Man once again otp right there.


•See uh cuddles are normally fine with tord. Ya know just casual hugs and snuggles in bed/ on the couch
•But sometimes he forces you to watch/read hentai with him
•Now if you like that, good on you. But uh no offense straight hentai is nasty. Lesbian/yuri is sO much better. Just sayin.
•But uh if you don't like it, push him off the couch. That boye is a god damn twig. I cannon that.
•If your at the base and he's hella stressed, give him hugs from behind, or just sit in his lap and cuddle. If your taller than him tho- let him sit in your lap. That will make him hella happy bro. After all, he gets to lay on t


Uh sorry hoes I can't write anymore. I'll do the second part another time. Bye 💃💃💃💃

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