Flowercrowns and tattoos

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I just want some fluff. So that's what we're going to get. So I uh found a theme of a tattoo artist and flower shop for shipping characters and I was like U M Y E S P L E A S E. So yeah now you get a tatto artist (C/N) X reader scenarios..

When Edd had walked into the flower shop he noticed you. Edd has liked you for a while, and he loved spending time with you.

You had just finished time with the kids and you were cleaning up the mess, however there was one flower crown left. He walked over to you
"Hey (y/n) did a kid leave this?" He asked holding the flower crown in his hand. It was a carefully woven flower crown with all types of green flowers.
"O-oh! No none of them left it. It's actually uh, for you!" You said as you had a bunch of flower pedals in your hand.
"Really? Wow thank you! It's very pretty!" He said 'Almost as pretty as you..' he thought.
"So, uh Edd would you like you go out sometime? I mean when we're not working obviously." You said.
"Oh! Sure I'd love to!" He replied. He walked over and gave you a kiss on the cheek, you smiled at him.
"When do you get off?" He asked
"Right now."

This babey boy ran a flower shop, he loved selling, picking and just straight up having flowers. Purple ones were his favorite, any kind of purple flower he ADORED. And so did someone else, his special (Y/N). He loved them so much. He also loved all the tattoos they had. From flowers to animals, You name it (Y/n) might have it. As he was stuck in his thoughts, a certain tattoo artist walked though his door, making the bell ring. He turned over to see (Y/n) smiling at him.
Matt ran over and gave them a giant hug, as they looked down and smiled at him.
"Heh, hi kiddo!" They said smiling down at Matt.
"Hi (y/n) how was work?"
"Oh yea know same old same old. Nothing really that exciting today."
"Hmm," Matt hummed in response.
"Oh wait!" He said out of no where surprising you. He ran back behind the counter and grabbed some flowers. Mostly purple types. He handed them to you.
"Here, these are for you!" He said while smiling softly
"Awww thank you Matt!" They said while smelling the flowers. 100% real.
(420 wordsahahahjsksksksk)
"Be sure to put them in a vase, you don't want them to die!"
"Don't worry kiddo I won't-"
"Promise??" He asked with semi puppy dog eyes. Like I'm sorry but he made your heart go UWU💖✨

"Anyways, Matt I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime, ya know like a date?"
"SURE! I'd love too, I mean who wouldn't want to go on a date with someone as beautiful as me~" you giggled at him.
"When I finish cleaning the store, we can go!" I said.
Oh god it's been so long since I updated I'm so sorry oh god- I probably won't finish this. I'm literally crying over an x reader rn so it's best if I stop writing/reading them for a while sorry gamers but if your still reading this thank you I love ya 🥺✨💞 and I promise new stuff will be out soon.

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