Cocanie is one hell of a drug (ellsworld x reader)

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Mmmmmm hi so uh I'm sad so I'm gonna wrote y'all a ellsworld x reader, basically everyone loves Y/N oh and btw you're a female, sorry males maybe next time. also guess who just cried of an angst fanfic. M E 💃💃
Y/Ns p.o.v
'How the fuck did I get dragged into this' I wonder as i get dragged down the stairs by Matilda. I was just trying to take a nap.
(Backstory or what ever lol, also 3rd pOV)

Y/N was laying on her bed, trying to sleep and just ya know have a nice snooze while the house was quiet......

But of course it didn't last long. Because the four lovely girls that you live with got home from some weird ass adventure and you could hear Tamara and tori arguing. Again. It was over something stupid you didn't care about until Tamara broke into your room. Oh and keep in mind the door was locked
"Y/N! We need you to side on this arguement"
"Hnnnnnnn, what if I don't want to?"
"Fine. What's it about anyways-"
"Who's prettier." Tori interrupts you.
Just then Matilda walks in "Its obvious I'm the prettiest"
"No you narc, why would she like you?" Tamara spits back at her. "Guys please-" you said trying to calm everyone down. They the argument got even more heated. Till you were like "Nah fuck this" and got up. Trying to leave the room but ell stopped you.
"GUYS!! We all should have a sleepover!" She yelled. "YAYY we can do eachothers makeup" Matilda yelled happily
"EW NO!" Tori and Tamara said in unison. Wow they could agree on something for once. WHO K N E W!
"Can you guys leave?"

~ Time skip back to the future~
(Also apple translated future to intunes, man idk what to believe anymore)

As Matilda dragged you down the stairs you could see wide variety of snacks on the table, including (f/f) and (f/d). You on the floor, hey it's where you get the best view alright. Matilda sat next to you while Tamara sat behind you. Ell next to Tamara, and tori next to ell. Ell sat in the middle because she knew a fight was going to break out if they sat next to each other. It was your turn to pick a movie, so of course you picked Star Wars, the 6th movie to be exact (it's good don't drag me bitch ). Matilda was cuddling you while Tamara was hugging your shoulders. Ell had left to make more popcorn and to get more cherry cola. (Mmm that's shits good bro) Matilda gave you a little kiss on your check. You smiled at her, Tamara didn't see it. But tori did. Because she has eyes of a hawk.
"Hey don't kiss Y/N Matilda"
"What? It's obvious she loves me best!" This then lead to a huge ass argument between Tamara, ell, Tori and Matilda. Heh, you could get used to a life like this.


Ughhhhh I feel drained from writing this. Also I FINSHED ALL MY FUCKIN SOLS AND IM SO HAPPY LIKE AGUUUUUDJSKSKKSSKKS ok now that this chapter is done, I'll work on something new. Thanks for reading 👁👣👁

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