A/N: Very Important Info! PLEASE READ

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Hi, everyone! Pey here. If you haven't noticed, you might have been getting some updates from this story from very early chapters. This is because I went back through the entire story and fixed some grammatical errors. I have also changed some of the plot because the direction I want this story to go didn't match up with how I wrote it 3 years ago (crazy how time flies, huh?). 

BUT FEAR NOT! Everything you need to know that has changed is below: 

-Sam and Dean come to El Reno in late February.

-Evelyn swears a little bit more. She doesn't have a filthy mouth, but it's still a bit of a shock to everyone when she does. She doesn't say anything more than ass, hell, or damn (the basics).

-Evelyn, Blaine, and Finn were in art together, not theatre.

-Evelyn stole the French textbook from the library then felt bad and took it back, acted like she found it on the shelves, and checked it out properly.

-Dean isn't as affectionate with Evelyn until she gets more comfortable with him and Sam because he doesn't want to scare her off (they get a little more touchy when Amara starts to play a bigger role).

-When Dean was explaining to Evelyn about how he and Sam were vessels for Michael and Lucifer, he never mentioned Adam. He said 'another guy' instead because he didn't want to scare her into thinking that if she continued to stay with them she would die.

-Dean realized after helping Evelyn study the protection symbols on her flashcards that he missed having a kid around after Lisa and Ben.

-Sam and Dean taught Evelyn their code words after the whole ordeal with Lucifer possessing Cas. They taught her on the way to Ohio for the werewolf hunt. They realized she needed to know in case anything ever happened and they got separated or she was on her own.

-Dean and Bobby call Evelyn 'Shakespeare' because of her love for reading and writing.

-Lucifer now calls Evelyn 'little runner' instead of 'little one' because he thinks she'll never be more than Sam and Dean's errand boy (also it's ironic because she runs cross country)

-Evelyn got a concussion once doing pole vault for cross country where she made it over the bar but missed the mat and fell on her head on the concrete. Whenever she hits her head when she's with Sam and Dean she gets scared because having a concussion was awful for her. She was throwing up nonstop and had to lay in bed for days in the dark and quiet because her head hurt so bad.

-Evelyn uses texture as a way to ground herself when she's nervous or afraid. This is why she has tendencies to clutch a gun tightly, hold sam/dean's sleeve jacket, run her thumb over fabric, etc.

-During the werewolf hunt, Evelyn was still scared, but not crying like before. She works better under pressure if she gets in the right headspace in time. However, the element that she's still a teenage girl hunting monsters is there, so she does slip up sometimes.

-After Sam was shot and they started walking to get back to the Impala, Dean told Evelyn that sam getting shot wasn't her fault because she kept blaming herself when she was helping fix his wound.

-Evelyn called Corbin a jackass when he proposed that they leave Sam behind after he was shot.

-When Dean was going to kill himself to make Billie take him and bring Sam back, Dean couldn't look at Evelyn because she was crying and it was making it harder for him to go through with it.

-After Evelyn got stitched up from Corbin and was laying in the hospital, she was upset because Dean hadn't realized he had to stop sacrificing himself in order to stay in her life and be her dad. But she kept it to herself.

-When they all got back from Ohio, Sam and Dean dug through a bunch of their old clothes and gave them to Evelyn.

-Sam and Dean taught Evelyn how to clean a wound using whiskey.

-Chuck touched Evelyn and healed her shoulder that was injured from the werewolf completely, leaving just a few tiny scars that were in the shape of fingernails.

-Evelyn isn't as shy with Rowena in the warehouse. She doesn't speak much but she no longer sheds behind Sam or Dean. She realized if she was going to be a hunter she had to be a little tougher. 

-Evelyn thought Dean couldn't fight Amara because he was in love with her, not knowing Amara created a bond between them that FORCED Dean to be in love with her.

-However, Evelyn does learn about the bond between Dean and Amara after she enters the warehouse and everything made a lot more sense to her.

-Evelyn was afraid of Castiel after Lucifer left his body because every time she looked at him she just kept getting flashbacks of Lucifer shoving her to the floor and almost killing Sam.

-Evelyn looks like her mother when she's thinking and looks like Dean when she's mad.

-Billie still calls Evelyn 'little dub' because she's a Winchester and a shorter term for the letter W is dub (just in case you didn't get it).

-Evelyn is a big believer in 'if you speak it into existence it will come true' and she had to keep telling herself that Lucifer wasn't possessing Cas anymore so she would believe it.

-Dean told Evelyn to always think of him when Lynyrd Skynyrd comes on when he said he was giving her his cassette tapes.

-Evelyn got upset because she realized that no one in the world knew that Dean was going to die to defeat Amara and save them.

-When Dean and Mary came back to the bunker, Evelyn thought when she heard Dean's voice that it was a trick from the British Men of Letters. She got ready to shoot Dean, then realized it was actually him.

-When the British woman crashed into the Impala to fight Dean, Cas, and Evelyn, she crashed into the backseat on the driver's side, so Evelyn took most of the impact. The crash was more of a bump, but it still shattered Evelyn's window and she hit her head on the back of Dean's seat pretty hard. She had the smallest of small concussions after (Castiel confirmed it) and she started freaking out so Cas healed her before she went back home to her mom. 

-Dean was angrier that the British woman had hurt Evelyn that he was about Baby having some dents and a broken window.

-Evelyn slugged Castiel when they were at the farmhouse about to get Sam from Toni because he waved her off and she refuses to be belittled.

-When Mick told Evelyn that he saw how Miss Watts' brass knuckles were gone, she got pissed and decided she wanted to keep them and she would fight Mick for them if she needed to.

-Evelyn hates crying in front of Sam and Dean because she feels like she has to keep up a tough guy act for them.

-When Evelyn was having her breakdown outside in Chapter 29, she just kept crying and Sam didn't hug her. He didn't know if it would make her feel better or worse. She ended up leaning on him with her arms looped around one of his and her head on his shoulder.

-When Evelyn was in the hospital and her and Cas got into the argument of why she called him by his full name, he hadn't meant to ask why but since he did he was going to roll with it so Evelyn wouldn't keep asking questions about Lottie (because she was dead and the boys didn't know how to tell Evelyn).

-Dean didn't tell Evelyn that Lottie was killed by a hellhound. He lied and said they didn't know because he didn't want to hurt her anymore. He did tell her that him and Sam believed the British Men of Letters were responsible for her kidnapping.

And that's everything you need to know! I understand it's very sudden and super strange of me to go and change stuff after I've been writing this story for 3 years, but I originally started this book with no idea of where it was going or how it would end. What I have planned didn't match up with what was already written, so I decided to revise and change a few things. 

Thank you so much for sticking through with me!


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