Warning: Panic attacks, lots of time skips, blood, death.
Long chapter. You might want some tissues. I did.
Detention had made reading a lot easier.
Evelyn's prison sentence required her to serve time in detention from 3:30 p.m, when school was out, to 6:30 p.m every weekday, and once on Saturday from noon to 3 p.m for one week. She was a naturally fast reader anyway but sitting alone while the supervisor fell asleep at the desk for three hours lead her to read like a madman. She started and finished the first Supernatural book on the same night, then checked out the next two from the school library. She got about halfway through the second one during detention on Wednesday, then finished it after dinner that night. Evelyn had even started finishing her work in class faster so she could just keep reading. Sometimes she blatantly ignored her work and read in class, acting like she didn't hear her teachers when they told her to pay attention.
It was Friday night and she had just finished a call with Sam and Dean. They were still in Los Angeles, but they lost their lead on Lucifer. They were waiting for him to do something so they could pick up the trail again. Either way, they were having a good time in California, so they figured they would stay for a little bit. They had hung up about 10 minutes ago when Jody came to her bedroom door, rapping her knuckles on the wood and gently pushing it open.
"Hey, Ev." Jody said casually. Evelyn glanced up from her book and mumbled a greeting, then went back to reading. Jody cocked a brow and took a seat at the foot of Evelyn's bed where the latter was leaning against her pillows. "Whatcha reading?" Evelyn lifted her book and showed Jody the cover, holding it in front of her face so she could still read.
"Hook Man?" Jody asked, reading the title of the book. She looked a little closer and saw the two illustrated men on the front cover. "Wait, is that supposed to be Sam and Dean?"
"Yep." Evelyn answered, lowering her book back down onto her lap. She was almost finished with this one, the sixth book of the first installment of the series. Sam and Dean were racing around the church, grabbing all the silver in it because they didn't know what object the ghost was attached to. Sam ran up to the girl who was being haunted, asking if that was everything, then Hook Man came in and Dean saw the girl was wearing a silver cross necklace-
"There are books about them? Those are a thing? You don't think this is a big deal?" Jody asked in surprise, shocked by Evelyn's calmness. Evelyn glanced up at her.
"My friend used to read these." Evelyn admitted. "I knew about them before I met Sam and Dean." Jody opened her mouth to speak but Evelyn cut her off, starting to read again. "And no, it wasn't just some random person writing them, a prophet did. And yes, Sam and Dean know about them, but as far as anyone but me is concerned, this is just fiction."
Of course, Evelyn knew Carver Edlund was Chuck. Afraid of Dean's backlash and Castiel telling the boys what she had found out, she went to Crowley for answers. He told her that a very long time ago, Chuck pretended to be a prophet so he could be on Earth with Sam and Dean. Chuck said the books would later be known as the 'Winchester Gospels'. Evelyn figured it would be easier to tell Jody that Carver Edlund was a prophet instead of God.
Chuck had written the books under the pseudonym so Sam and Dean wouldn't find him, but they did anyway and threatened him. Evelyn could see why. Everything was between these pages. From haunted cars to all the girls Dean hooked up with (which Evelyn skipped through those scenes because she did not want to find out how detailed God's writing really was). She understood why the boys had felt like it was an invasion of privacy, but as she said before; as far as anyone else was concerned, these books were fiction.
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Fanfiction"If one of your weird, monster pals calls me short one more time, I'm going to lose it." "No use denying the truth, kid." "Shut up, Dean." ||SUPERNATURAL DAUGHTER FIC|| ||SEASONS 11, 12, 13, & 14|| ||ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE CREATORS OF SUPERNATU...