Part 3

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As Annabeth works on a system for who's in charge of the infirmary when, we figure that until then, there's nothing stopping one of us sleeping in the spare bed when two of us aren't needed.
We decide on hour long naps, taking it in turn. Kayla switches out for Austin and I stay on for another shift.
Reve offered to take my place, but I didn't want Nico to wake up with two strangers. He was guarded enough.
But as my luck had it, he didn't wake up for that twelve hour shift, or the one after that.
I check on him every hour, building up a standard routine; first I check he's actually touchable and not part of the shadows; then I check his temperature (turn up the heating if he's cold, lower it if he's hot); every fifth hour I alternate between giving him a bit of ambrosia or a sip of nectar; and then I always make sure to leave his curtains shut.
It gets to the third day of him being asleep and me living in the infirmary before he shows any sign of waking up.
Reve shakes me awake after my nap, having taken over duty for Kayla, and practically falls into bed before I've moved. I throw a blanket over him before doing the rounds, ending with Nico.
I place the back of my hand against his forehead and he turns towards me. I pull back a bit, wait and watch.
He mumbles slightly before opening his eyes. He lifts one hand up to block the light from his eyes and looks about, turning to me.
'I...what?' He asks, utterly confused. I can't help but smile slightly at the drowsy look on his face.
'You're in the infirmary. You've been asleep for a while.' I say, 'you remember my name?'
'Will.' He says quickly, 'Yeah. I remember. Can I sit up?'
'Yeah. Hold on.' I help him move the blanket off, and then give him a hand up. His legs hang over the edge of the bed and he wipes his hand against his eyes.
'Gods, that was the best sleep I've ever had.' He says, looking up at me and smiling sincerely, 'how long was I out?'
'Three days.' I say, 'give or take an hour.'
'Three days?!' He exclaims, 'How?!'
'I told you. You were severely sleep deprived.' I say, 'here drink this.'
'Gods what is it now? Is this going to make me fly or something? Is this some truth serum?' He asks, half sarcastic and half genuine.
'This, Nico, is water.' I say. He looks up and laughs a little.
'Oh. Right.' He says, downing the glass, 'Thank you.'
'Course.' I say, 'So no dreams? No memories?'
'Hardly any.' He says, sounding quite excited about it, 'I mean there were a couple moments where I felt like I was back in that box, but I-' He falters, I figure he didn't mean to tell me anything in detail.
'Box?' I ask, trying to sound casual but not wanting to push it.
'None of your business.' He says. He holds the glass so tightly I feel as though he might smash it in his hands.
'Okay.' I say, trying not to feel too rejected. I try to busy myself in the drawers, pretending I'm looking for something.
'The box.' He says, suddenly. He starts speaking, without looking at me and I don't look at him. But he knows I'm listening, 'after Tartarus, the twins took me and put me in a box. It was about, I don't know, this big?' He says. I turn to look at him and he holds his hands out just over a metre apart. I nod and we both continue to not look at each other.
'How long for?' I ask.
'Six days or so.' He says. I falter slightly. I was expecting a couple hours; a day at most. I can't even imagine being kept in that small a space for six whole days.
'Wow.' I say, 'And that's what you think about most? When you sleep normally?' I look up and catch him staring at me in a vaguely angry way. I don't take it personally though - I think that's just his reaction to anyone trying to get anywhere close to personal conversation.
'It's where it starts.' He says. I think he surprises himself by answering further, 'it's like...I start back in the box and then it evolves. But it always ends up back there.'
'So it's like the base point?' I ask, trying to normalise it a bit.
'Yeah.' He says, agreeing pretty quick, 'exactly.'
'Did you go further than the box just now?' I ask, stopping my rifling through the drawer and sitting on the floor instead.
'Not really.' He says. He looks at his hands, 'I mean, some things but they weren' wasn't the bad stuff.'
'It wasn't bad?' I ask, surprised.
'No, I mean, it wasn't good. But compared to other wasn't bad.' He says. His face goes red and he look to the floor. If I didn't know better, I'd say he looked embarrassed.
'Like-' I'm cut off by an Athena girl poking her head through the curtains.
'Hey Will, I'm taking over your shift now.' She says.
'No, it's fine. I can stay on longer. You're off the hook.' I say.
'Gods, I love you!' She says, turning and leaving without further conversation.
'She you girlfriend?' Nico asks, hesitantly. I'm caught off guard. I barely even knew who that girl was.
'No, just some overly affectionate Athena girl.' I say, looking from where the girl left up to Nico, 'besides she's not really my type.'
'No?' He asks. He doesn't meet my eyes. I smile a little.
'No.' I say. I wonder whether to leave it at that. I remember he wasn't born in this era, in his time not everything was as...accepted. But he's being honest with me, so I feel it's only right to reciprocate, 'I'm gay. Not really into girls.'
He looks up, his eyes wide, and I fear I've made a big mistake. I haven't met anyone homophobic at camp yet, or anywhere actually. But I know it's only a matter of time.
It's the only thing I've become self conscious about. There aren't many gay kids at camp and no one really expected it when I came out. Nico looks away and fiddles with his hands. He's obviously uncomfortable.
'Is that a problem?' I ask, unable to stop myself. I stare at him, daring him to say it is. If he's got a problem with me being gay I have no problem with assigning him a new doctor.
'No!' He says quickly, 'no' He repeats, insistent, 'I mean...'
'What?' I ask, defensively.
'Me too. I am. Too.' He says quickly and quietly. And I fall silent. Of all the things he could have said. That was what I was least expecting. He looks up at me quickly, and then down again.
'I...sorry.' I say, 'I'm kind of sensitive about that, I guess. Expect the worst.'
'It's fine.' He says. But I can sense his defences being built high. I can't imagine the internal conflict he must be having with himself. Being raised in a time where being gay was seen as an illness, and being gay yourself.
'Still,' I say, 'sorry for snapping.'
'No. I get it.' He says, 'I do.'
'Will! I need help round here!' Austin calls out from the other side of the infirmary.
'Coming!' I shout back. I hesitate a moment, watching Nico for a little longer, 'I'll talk to you later.'
'Sure.' He says. He doesn't meet my eyes. Just stays incredibly still, an aura of darkness surrounding him. I feel as if we've made one step forward five steps back. But I'm needed elsewhere. So I leave.

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