Part 17

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I kneel on the floor, hands on the floor, unable to hold onto Nico.
He's motionless. If I didn't know better, I'd think he looked dead. I turn to the other people in the room, unsure of what to do.
'Get help.' I say, my voice catching, 'get someone!'
The ones that can, leave the building, on the search for someone who can help. And then it hits me - I should be the one to help. This is my job, it's what I do. But there's nothing I can do.
I keep trying to touch him, pull him up, but my hands go straight through. I can't even move him to the bed.
'Nico.' I say, 'Nico, wake up.'
Normally he curls up when he sleeps, knees to his chest. But he lies outstretched, no sign of life. I can sense a faint heartbeat but not much more.
The door slams open and Annabeth runs in, Percy close behind her.
'What happened?' She asks, clearly worried but staying professional.
'He shadow travelled, I thought he was okay, but he...I don't...I can't move him.' I say. She looks up at me, realising how panicked I've become.
'First rule of the Apollo cabin.' Kayla says as she runs in with Austin, 'don't operate on someone you're close to.'
'I'm fine. I'm fine.' I say quickly, refusing to leave Nico's side, 'I'm not going.'
'Will, we got this. He'll be okay. Trust us.' Austin says, standing between me and Nico.
I stand, not wanting to walk away. Percy puts his hand on my shoulder, moves me away.
'Come on, Will. They'll sort it out.' He says, 'the best thing you can do for him is leave.'
I prepare to fight with him, to stand my ground. But then I see how he looks at Nico, the same fear I feel. He cares about Nico. But he swallows his fear and leads me out of the building.
The cold air hits me hard. I don't know what to do. In times of crisis I always have a position; I am the medic. I fix people. I help them. But there's nothing I can do for Nico.
'Come on.' Percy says, 'we should tell Chiron.'
'I...I can't leave here, I've got to wait.' I say. It was one thing leaving Nico's side but it's another to leave completely. I want to be here if he wakes. When he wakes.
'Dude, he'll be okay. He always is.' Percy says. I can tell he is trying to convince himself.
'It's my fault. whatever happens to him...that's on me.' I say, 'just, please. I'm just going to wait.'
He hovers, uncertain whether to leave me or not. I sit on the steps.
'I'll come back after I tell Chiron. Stay here, okay?' He says. I can tell he's overwhelmed, but he's holding it together for Nico's sake.
'Sure.' I say, and he runs off.
I sit on the steps, my leg jogging up and down as I wait for anything. I clutch my hands together.
'Dad.' I say, my voice catching. I start again, 'Apollo. I don't know where you are. I don't know what happened to you. But I need you. I need you, now. If you can help him, please. Please help Nico.'
I wipe my eyes as I realise I've started to cry. But when I pull my hands away the world has changed slightly. Nothing too obvious, just a darker twinge to the sky; everything moving in a slightly slower motion.
'I see you've taken a liking to my boy.' A voice comes from behind me. I jump, turning in surprise. A man stands, tall; pale skin and a dark, suave suit.
He blinks once and then stares intently. His eyes are the same as Nico's.
'I...' I fall silent, unable to speak.
'Nico and I don't share much, but we do share the same philosophy about death. When it is your time to go, you go.' He walks down the steps to the grass so that we're not eye level, 'do you share that belief, Will?'
' There's never a time to go. Death isn''s not set.' I say. Hades stares at me; his eyes are wide, nowhere near the same concern that Nico's hold. I do my best to stare back.
'It was Nico's time, a long time ago.' Hades says. He checks his watch, as if he has countless appointments to go to.
'You want your son to die?' I ask, horrified, 'your only son? After everything he's done for you?'
'For me?' He asks, laughing slightly, 'my boy, Nico owes me far more than I owe him.'
'You wouldn't be here without him.' I say, anger seeping into my voice.
'And he would have been dead seventy years ago without me.' He replies, sickeningly calm, 'But you mistake me; I do not wish Nico to die. Far from it. But you must have noticed it - he does not belong here. He is caught between the living and the dead, and that is not somewhere one wants to find themselves.'
'Then leave him here.' I say, desperate, 'he's barely sixteen. He deserves a life.'
'You think you know my son better than me?' He asks. It's unsettling how calmly he speaks, how casual he makes this conversation.
'I know he deserves better than this.' I say. I surprise myself by how calm I am, how confident.
'There is nothing you can do. Though I commend you for your efforts - I expected Nico in my kingdom a long time ago. Something has been keeping him in this world, and I fear that thing is you.' He says. He inspects me.
'Don't tell me there's nothing I can do. I know the stories. I know all the myths. There's always something. Orpheus has his chance to rescue Eurydice. Persephone made a deal with you. There's always something.' I say.
'Yes, but they have something to offer. What do you have to offer?' He asks, smiling slightly. He is enjoying this.
'I...' I fall short. I have nothing, 'what do you want?' I ask, 'just tell me.'
'I'll give you a month. What happens will happen. Either Nico will stay here, with you; perhaps he will be happy, or perhaps he will live out the rest of his life in constant doubt. Or he will join me. I advise you to use this time to say your goodbyes.' He says, looking to the sky.
'A month?' I ask.
'A month. Oh, and don't mention this to Nico - for your sake. I fear he doesn't respond well to inevitable decisions.' He says. He shrugs his shoulders and rolls his neck - as though desperate to leave me behind.
'Don't you want him to be happy?' I ask, taking one last shot at sympathy. He must care for Nico on some level.
'Desperately.' He says. And I hear the pain in his voice, 'but my children rarely live good lives. And they rarely live long lives. It is what it is. I take no pleasure in this.'
I stand, silent. I can think of nothing else to say.
'You're far more self aware than your father. Perhaps I should have taken more interest in where my brother threw him. Alas, he usually finds his way out of the mess he ends up in. He's resourceful like that.' He smiles at me as if he hadn't just given me a whole new round of questions, and clicks his fingers.
I fall forward, suddenly getting light headed. When I look up, the world is back to normal. The sky is back to its usual blue.
I cling to the railings as Austin runs out of the infirmary.
'He's awake. He's up.' He says, taking my hand and pulling me into the building.

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