Part 6

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It feels good to have something to focus on. I have books scattered on my bed and start writing the ceremony for Olivia.
It turns out that most of the bits in English can also be done in Italian - there's no law against it. So it ends up being an hour or so speech combined of Italian, Greek and English.
I call Will over every ten minutes or so, asking questions about Olivia. Her feelings on death, other religions. Middle names. I feel as though I'm getting on his nerves, but he doesn't seem to mind.
Will makes his rounds, telling his siblings of the ceremony later, and asking them to invite anyone Olivia was close to.
When the time comes, Will helps me up and out of bed. I didn't realise how weak I was.
'Here.' He says, taking my hand and placing it around his shoulders. He wraps one arm around my waist. My instinct is to complain. But I don't think I mind it.
He walks me to the edge of the forest, where the Apollo cabin and a couple of others sit facing the sea. Will walks me to the front and makes sure I'm okay before leaving to sit down with the others.
'Does someone have the ashes?' I ask, glancing up at the crowd. Two people have already started crying.
'Here.' One boy says, handing over a small box. I take it gently and thank him.
I close my eyes and begin.
'Father, oversee me in this next hour, and those of the next few days. These people have died heroically, and deserve your attention. Bless them and keep them on their journey to yours. They have finished up here, help them begin again.'
I open the box and begin the Greek section. I alternate to Italian seamlessly, able to speak more eloquently while using a language I know well.
The time flies by. I finish by looking to the crowd gathered around me.
'Olivia has passed on. My father will see to her. I will let you know whether she chooses rebirth or not. She died a hero, so she will have the option.' I say. 'Her ashes are yours to scatter, but she is safe now.'
I look to Will and I see tears streaming down his cheeks, but he smiles at me. He stands and takes the box, closes it. He hugs me tightly and quickly.
'Thank you.' He says, 'I'll help you back.'
He puts his arm back around my waist, even though I feel able to walk. I don't object. Will stops to briefly address his siblings.
'I'll talk to you all at dinner later. We'll figure out when to scatter the ashes. But for now, I have to go back to the infirmary. I'll talk to you all later.' He says. There are a collection of goodbyes. Some Thank you's directed at me. I nod, the exhaustion catching up with me.
Will and I walk back alone. He stays silent most of the journey.
'The Italian.' He says, 'you prefer it to English?'
'It was my mother's language.' I explain, 'I know it better. Plus, it's what brings me closer to Bianca. I find it easier that way.'
'I didn't understand much of it, but it...sounded really beautiful.' He says.
'Thank you.' I say.
'Okay.' He says, focusing as we come closer to the infirmary, 'so I'll get you some ambrosia but...hey, you okay?'
My legs start to give way and I grab onto Will as I fall to the floor. He holds me up, but I have no control of my body.
'Sorry.' I say, distracted and groggy.
'Hey, hey. Look at me. You're okay.' He says, 'Just tired. You're okay.'
'I'm fine.' I say, and fall completely. Will picks me up embarrassingly easily. He holds me over his shoulders and I black out - unable to put off sleep.

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