Part 12

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I don't see Nico before I return to my cabin. I imagine he's sitting in that dark cabin doing anything but sleeping. But there's nothing I can do for him right now.
So I sleep. Having spent so long in the infirmary the last few days, I had developed a sporadic sort of sleeping pattern. I would wake up every hour or so with a mound of energy, and fall asleep after about half an hour.
The Apollo cabin is renowned for always being the first ones awake. The multiple windows, and no curtains, mean most of us wake as soon as the sun rises.
However, I have to be shaken awake today. I'm dazed and tired, all my sleepless nights having finally caught up with me.
'Dude, what is up with your hair?' Reve says, laughing as he leaves the cabin.
'What?' I ask, not fully awake yet.
'Come on, Will. Breakfast starts in five minutes. If we want the good chores we've got to get there quick.' Kayla says, pulling my duvet off.
'Shit.' I say, starting to panic, 'why didn't you wake me sooner?'
'We tried.' She said, 'you were in some deep sleep.'
'Gods, hold on.' I say, pulling on a top and putting some shoes on.
'Okay let's go.' She says, taking my hand and dragging me out. We're the last ones out the cabin and we rush off down to the dining area. To find that we are still here long before anyone else.
'Are you joking?' I say, 'I didn't have to rush?'
'Yeah, you could have brushed your hair at least.' Austin says, suppressing a smile. I roll my eyes as I sit at the head of the table. The food appears and we all start to take what we want.
One by one, throughout the meal, we go to the alter to dedicate a piece of our meal to our dad.
I go once Kayla sits down. She's quiet. We're all aware of our dad's disappearance and it's effecting us all.
'Hi dad. If you're there. Please, let us know. Take this offering. Be safe.' I hesitate a moment, and turn back to the alter, 'Artemis, if you can, please help him. Please let us know that he's okay. Take this offering.' I push the rest of my food into the fire. I put my plate back on the table and walk off, ignoring all of my siblings as they call out for me.
I'm leaving as all the other campers begin to arrive. I find myself back at the infirmary. The numbers have gone down by a lot. There are only seven beds full now. I tell the two boys on duty to take a break, I can handle it.
Most of the patients don't need attention, and are just here because it's the easiest place to be, should they need attention.
I spend most of my time running errands. Preparing the daily medication rota, figuring out what needs to go to who.
I'm so caught up in the mundane formalities that I don't notice Nico until his shadow blocks my light.
'Hey.' He says, hands in his pocket, his hair disheveled.
'Nico, hey.' I say, standing up and closing my notepad. He hands me a croissant.
'Kayla said you didn't eat much.' He says. He doesn't meet my eyes as he hands it to me. I smile, taking it.
'Thank you.' I say, splitting off a bit and eating it as I lead Nico to the bed at the back, 'so you were asking about me?'
'I...yeah.' He says, 'you weren't in here overnight so...'
'You came in here last night?' I ask, turning to him, suddenly concerned, 'Are you okay?'
'Fine.' He says, quickly, sitting on the edge of the bed, 'I just...didn't sleep too well.'
'Memories?' I ask, taking the first needle and going up to Nico. I take his hand in mine and turn it over, trace his wrist for the vein.
'Pretty much.' He says. He winces as I press the needle in, once again clinging to my shoulder with his other hand, 'I hate this. I hate it. Gods.'
'Who knew.' I say, 'The lord of darkness can be bought down by needles.'
'I am not the lord of darkness.' He says. He rubs his arm as I finish up and look for the second one.
'Uhuh, sure.' I say, finding the other and repeating the process again.
'Well what about you?' He says, watching me as I look for his vein.
'What about me?' I ask, half distracted.
'You're this...ball of sunshine. I don't think I've ever seen you in a bad mood.' He says, clutching my shoulder.
'Give it time.' I say. His eyes flicker up at me, curious. I shut the curtains surrounding the bed, 'okay, take your top off.'
'I, uh, what?' He asks, suddenly becoming incredibly flustered. I smile, and cross my arms.
'I need to look at the stab wound.' I say in explanation, 'Could be infected.'
'Oh.' He says, relaxing a little. He pulls off his black top to show a surprisingly chiselled stomach, but that's not what I focus on. Scars upon scars cross his skin, some still raw, some years old. His tanned skin contrasts greatly with the white marks scattered across his body.
He catches me staring and looks down, embarrassed. He turns away from me, to show his back. There are even more on his back.
I sit on the bed, and trace my fingers against them all, unable to think of anything to say. Of all the people I've treated, Nico has by far the most wounds of all.
'Most of them are from Tartarus.' He says, quietly, 'a couple vampires,' He says, pointing to slash marks against his ribs, 'a load from the bay of glass I was dragged through.' He says, gesturing to a collection of small, jagged scars on his right side. 'And you see those three along my back?'
'Yeah.' I say, almost a whisper. I trace my thumb across the central scar.
'That was from when I was ten.' He says, his voice catching, 'the whip they used had three bits at the end. I was caught holding hands with a boy. I don't know what happened to him.'
'Nico.' I say, unable to understand the things he's been through. My hand moves from his shoulder down to his hand. I grip it tightly and he holds it back. He leans his head into my arm and I can see tears collecting in his eyes. But he doesn't cry.
'I may take me longer. To get used to certain things.' He says, 'that's all.'
'I understand.' I say. He lets go of my hand and I bring it back. Start work on the fresh wound. One that'll be lost amongst a back full of scars in a couple months time.
I clean the wound before wrapping a bandage around his waist. He pulls his top back over his head and moves his legs back over the edge of the bed. I still sit beside him.
'I like you.' I say, simple and sincere, 'I do. But I understand. If you need time, or space. I understand. Just tell me.'
He looks up at me and he's never looked more gorgeous. The light catches his olive skin perfectly, his dark hair messily strewn about. His dark eyes stare intently, long dark eyelashes fluttering. We could not look more different.
'Thank you.' He says. I move my hand up and push his hair out of his eyes, unable to stop myself. He looks at me, 'I like you too.'

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