Part 11

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It's the first time I've been in armour since the battle. It seems to be the case for a lot of people. I take out my sword from where it's been permanently in my room, since the fight.
I hold it in my hands, balance it, get used to the weight again. I see Percy having the same hesitation, holding Riptide in its own form.
'Alright, we get to go in first.' Annabeth shouts to our team, 'everyone know their position?'
A roar of approval comes back.
'Let's go!' She shouts, thrusting her fist in the air. Percy gives her a quick kiss before they run off in opposite directions. I run off on my own, the flag tucked in my pocket.
Once I get to the base point I tie it around the branch of an overhanging tree. I stand guard, my feet in the shallow part of the stream.
Distant cries echo around the forest, but I stay rooted in the same spot. On a team where Annabeth's in charge, it's unlikely that we'll lose. And so it's unlikely that I'll have to do anything.
But I still stay on guard.
Half an hour or so passes with no word. I start to get restless. I constantly check on the flags position, making sure it's still where I left it.
'You didn't come for your injections.' I turn quickly, to see Will standing, a small dagger in his hand. I smile a little as I compare it to my own Stygian sword.
'I was caught up.' I say, wary that we are still in the game, I get into a battle stance, 'How'd you get through?'
'Got some poison flowers, ground them up. Knocked out one of the girls on duty. Don't worry, she'll be fine.' He says, quickly
'Nicely done.' I say.
'So you're on defence?' He asks, stepping closer. I raise my sword higher.
'Sure am.' I say, 'you might know more about modern medicine than me, but this is my territory. Try me.'
'I'm good for now.' He says, stepping closer again. I scan him, up and down. He might be hiding another weapon, I don't know.
'You come alone?' I ask, checking my blind spots. Nothing.
'Would you believe me if I said yes?' He says. Another step.
'Nope.' I say, taking a step towards him. There's a metre between us. I close the distance in an instant, disarm him and twist his arm behind his back. His dagger hits the floor, 'so, tell me, what would happen if I pulled this a little further?' I say, twisting his arm round, tight. He lets out a sharp breathe.
'You'd break my arm.' He says, 'okay. I get it. Sorry. I'll back off.'
'You came alone?' I ask, looking around the forest. It's deathly quiet.
'Yes. Yes. I knew Annabeth would put you in defence after I told her about your condition. I wanted to talk to you, Okay?' He says, pain in his voice. I realise I'm still twisting his arm tightly. I loosen it a bit.
'Talk to me?' I ask, cautious.
'Yes!' He says, 'but I get it. Spur of the moment and all that. You don't like me that way. It's fine.'
The strength goes out of my hands. I turn Will around and look at him for a moment.
And then he's up against the tree and I'm kissing him fiercely. His hands are in my hair and he's driving me crazy again.
My feet are deep in water but I don't care, my hands rest on his waist, fingers sliding underneath his armour.
We're broken apart by the sound of cheering miles away. We both look to where the noise came from, and then back to each other.
'Guess you won.' He says, looking to where my hands still sit against him.
'Guess so.' I say, 'So you want to...go back?'
'Not at all.' He says, tackling me to the floor. I end up half submerged in the stream, soaking wet. I laugh for a moment before Will starts to kiss me again. I don't care how cold I am, how the water is getting into my shoes. All I can think about is Will and his damn freckles.
He pulls back after a while, and gives me a hand to help me sit up. My soaked hair hangs messily around my face. I shake my head in a bad attempt to dry it, and only succeed in getting Will wet too.
'Oh, way to go!' He says, wiping the water from his face.
'You're the one who pushed me into the stream!' I counter.
'Heat of the moment.' He says, smiling.
'Heat of the moment my ass! Dunk your head under the water or I will make you.' I say, not wanting to turn up in front of everyone as the only one drenched.
'I'm not going to dunk my head!' He exclaims.
'Okay, well I warned you.' I say.
'You, what-' I tackle him and lift him up and over my shoulder. He tries to wriggle out but I hold tight, flipping him round and dangling his head, 'no, come on. No, Nico put me down!' He says, laughing and holding onto my leg as I hold him a centimetre above water.
'Three, two.' I dunk him, quickly. He splutters and shakes his head, still laughing.
'Okay, alright. You happy? Can you spin me round now?' He says. I do so, lifting him up and round easily. I know I'm far stronger than I look. I still hold Will just above the ground, his hands on my shoulders.
I slowly lower him to his feet. I look up at him as he brings his hand round and lifts my chin up. He kisses me softly.
'Okay.' I say, my voice weak.
'Okay?' He asks.
'I'll come for the injections.' I say. He smiles and kisses me again.
'Nico!' A voice calls out from deep inside the woods.
'Will!' Another one calls.
We look at each others wide eyed. My mouth goes dry, I start to panic. Will notices.
'Hey, it's alright. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. Just say we didn't hear them celebrating. It's fine.' He says, taking my hand briefly before stepping back, 'we're here!'
Jason appears from the woods, 'where have you guys been? The games over. Athena one.'
'Dammit.' Will says, feigning annoyance.
'Sorry, didn't hear.' I say, picking up my sword and Will's dagger from where I disarmed him.
'Nico, you're soaking. What the hell happened?' Jason asks, looking from me to Will.
'Tripped.' I say, quickly.
'I tripped him.' Will says, smiling.
'You...actually fought him?' Jason asks surprised, 'dude, nice. Even Percy won't go there.' He high fives Will and as Jason goes to walk away, Will winks at me.
'Alright, come on guys, celebrations are a go.' Jason says, leading the way.
Will walks beside me, bumping into me occasionally. Continuously catching my eye. We break apart as we exit the forest, Will catching up with his siblings, and me joining the celebrations.

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