Part 37

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I wake up in a sweat in the early morning. Only an hour of sleep. Will has to sleep in his cabin tonight. Percy told me Chiron would allow Will in my cabin on nights I believed would be especially hard, but should no means abuse this power. He also said once Will and I turned 18, like Annabeth and Percy, we were allowed to share the cabin as much as we wanted.
So for tonight I woke screaming. And I didn't go back to sleep after that. I just sat fiddling with the jewels that Hazel had bought into the cabin by accident.
A knock comes on my door early morning, earlier than I'd expect anyone else to be awake.
'Hi, uh, Nico.' The head Hephaestus Kid says awkwardly outside my door, 'I hope I didn't wake you.'
'You didn't. Did you want something?' I say. I wait for him to continue. I'm still not good with strangers.
'Right. Um, yeah. Chiron wants everyone. I mean, head councillors. You're Hades, so...' He trails off and stands expectedly. I can see his eyes drifting into my room, curious to see the Hades cabin. I close the door quickly.
'Alright.' I say, and he hovers. Before he has time to suggest walking there together, I shadow travel to the meeting room.
'Gods! Nico!' Percy says, jumping as I appear next to him.
'I hate that.' The Ares girl says. I never learnt her name, but I see Will sitting next to her; they seem friendly.
'Nico, honestly?' Will says, pulling me to sit next to him, 'you couldn't have just walked?'
'No.' I say, stubborn.
'Why not?'
'The Hephaestus Kid was there.'
'I don't know his name.' I say, trying to end the conversation. We're talking in hushed tones but everyone can hear us.
'He's nice though.'
'What d'you mean exactly?'
'He's...' I trail off, but Will prompts me.
'He's what?'
'He's...chatty.' I say. Percy laughs slightly, I can see Annabeth smiling too. Will just rolls his eyes.
'You can't muster up a little conversation?' Will asks, his voice still taunting but in a nicer way.
'Not at five in the morning I can't.' I say. He doesn't instantly reply, aware that my response is fairly valid.
'Yeah, does anyone know why we're here?' Percy asks, looking at everyone.
'Jamie just told me to come.' Will says, 'said Chiron would be here.'
'Sounds about right. Can't have anything too straight forward around here. Always need a little mystery.' Percy says sarcastically. Annabeth actually nods a little, agreeing with Percy's outburst. I guess they've both been through enough to earn the right to be frustrated with it all.
'Sorry about the mystery.' Chiron says, walking growth the door behind Percy.
'Oh, hey, didn't realise you were...did you hear all that?' Percy asks, withdrawing slightly. His cheeks go red.
'Only the bad stuff.' He replies, but smiles, 'it's alright, you, of everyone, have the right to be bored by this all.' Percy stays silent, 'I suppose you're wondering why I gathered you here.'
Jamie bursts though the doors and meekly moves to the corner. I avoid his eyes.
'There's been another disappearance.' Chiron says. I freeze. I can feel Will tense up beside me.
'Who?' He asks quickly.
'Tana.' Chiron says, 'From the Athena cabin.'
'Oh my Gods.' Annabeth says, and Percy quickly moves to comfort her, 'Oh Gods, I should have been there.'
'Annabeth, dear, this is not your fault. They left in the middle of the night, none of your siblings saw them leave. Gabriel happened to wake and see their bed empty. The harpies have found no sign of them in the camp grounds. We can only assume the same has happened to them as with Kayla.'
'Are you...' Annabeth says suddenly, turning to me. All eyes are on me and I freeze up a little, not liking the attention.
'I can check.' I say after a second. I look to Will and he nods, placing his hand gently on my arm. I close my eyes and seek Tana out. 'I can't see her-, I mean them, I...sorry.' I say.
Tana came out as non-binary a couple of weeks ago and, despite being gay myself, I still have a little trouble remembering the correct terms. I don't usually mess up often, and when I do most people excuse me as I apologise quickly and have the excuse of being born in the 1920's, when none of this was a thing.
'They're not dead.' I say, my cheeks red and wanting the conversation to move on. Will smiles at me but I just stare st the floor.
'Thank the Gods.' She says, letting out a sigh, 'we have to look for them.' She says suddenly, standing up in her chair.
'Annabeth, we have looked. And we haven't found them. The best we can do is to try to figure out what is taking them, and how to stop it.' He looks to Will, 'we also have the question of Apollo and his absence. Whether the two things are related, I do not know. But Apollo's disappearance is preventing us from establishing a quest.'
'We'll go on a quest anyway.' Annabeth says, 'it's fine, it'll work.'
'Annabeth.' Percy says lightly. But we can all hear the exhaustion in his voice. She looks to him and sits down, they have a silent conversation, 'we can't help in this.' He says finally, Annabeth agreeing with him, 'we''s too soon. And we have commitments. We can't do another quest.'
'And I do not expect you too.' Chiron says kindly, 'all of us in this room, in this camp, are aware of the sacrifice you have made for us. You have done more than enough already. You will leave tomorrow as planned, and we will keep you updated. I only bought you in here as I believed you had a right to know what was going on.'
'Thank you.' Annabeth says, sincerely. Percy continues to hold her. The relief is evident in both of their faces.
'Nico, you too, clearly, were very involved in the events of the last year. You have done more than your share of the dirty work. The same courtesy goes to you, if you want it.' He says. I stay quiet, suddenly aware everyone's eyes are on me. I look to the floor and Will gently takes my hand.
'But for those remaining, I trust you to help me enforce the new rules to help prevent any further disappearances. No one goes out alone, and no one goes out past nine thirty. No one is to approach the woods, or the areas surrounding the woods without my approval.' He says, taking a serious tone. We all listen without hesitation.
'We will do all we can to find Kayla and Tana.' He continues, 'But until then, we must focus on keeping everyone else safe.' He says, 'and I will think about the possibility of approving a quest with no prophecy. But I can give no promises.'
It's clear he is finished, and we all rise, talking amongst ourselves. Will takes my hand and holds it tightly. I can tell he is scared.
'I just wish I knew why he wasn't replying.' Will says, frustrated, as we walk out the big house.
'Your dad?'
'Yeah.' He says, 'he's normally one of the more vocal Gods. Reve and Michael would swear at least once a week he'd inspire a new song they'd written. They haven't said that for months now.'
'He'll appear.' I say, trying to comfort him but not sure how.
'Yeah. Yeah, I know.' He says, but he doesn't sound convinced.
We walk hand in hand round to the dock, not wanting to have to face the other campers just yet. Will has the responsibility to tell his siblings too. In that way I'm lucky that I'm alone in my cabin.
He wraps his arms around me and we stand there, looking out across the lake.
We only move once we hear the shouts and calls that show us everyone is awake. Will kisses me quickly without a word and runs off to his siblings, wanting to get the news over and done with.
I jog over to walk beside Percy, dimly award of the rule saying no one goes anywhere alone. And once again, like nothing has happened, we sit at the Poseidon table together. The only difference being Jason is no longer with us - having left the day before with Piper to camp Jupiter.

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