Part 23

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Annabeth takes a while to stabilise. She loses a lot of blood but I manage to tie up her wound with a strip of my T-shirt.
'I'm fine. I'll be fine.' She says, smiling and waving me off as Percy comes back to take her to the infirmary. We're still on the roof and I turn towards Nico.
'Hey.' I say, pushing his hair out of his eyes. His eyes are closed and he's unconscious. I place my fingertips against his neck to check how low his heart rate is, only to find it gone completely, 'Nico.' I say, quietly, not quite comprehending what's going on.
'Will, what's-' Annabeth starts only to fall short when she sees me desperately attempting to start doing CPR on him, 'oh my Gods.'
'Help!' I shout out, looking to my brothers and sisters, 'get something! Help him!' I shout as I continue to hopelessly try to bring him back from death.
'Gods Nico, come on. Come on. Don't do this. Come on.' I say. Tears stream down my cheeks and I look up with blurry eyes as I see Kayla and Rene climbing onto the roof with some equipment.
'Get him clear.' Kayla says, her voice calm. I don't see who she's looking at, but Percy's hand appears on my shoulder. I try to pull away, stay beside Nico. But Percy pulls me back. He's far stronger than me and once he puts in a little effort to restrain me I'm no match.
He watches intently as Kayla and Rene work, and I can hear Annabeth crying from where she still sits. But all I can do is watch helplessly as they try to bring him back. For nearly five minutes.
'Call it.' Kayla says. My body starts to shake. Percy goes limp, leaving me to fall down beside Nico's body. I can't touch him at first, my hands hovering just above.
But then I take my hand in his and lean my forehead into his chest. I completely surrender to sobbing, unable to comprehend the horror I feel.
No one says anything for a long time. And no one approaches me. Everyone stays where they are.
And then I feel a movement in my hand. A slight tension. Nico's fingers move slightly.
'Nico?' I say, my voice hoarse and desperate.
'Will.' He says. He almost sounds worse than me. He coughs slightly and I can hear exclamations from those around me.
I let out a sharp breathe and take his head in my hands, kiss him desperately. He kisses me back. I pull away, rest my forehead against his, still crying. He lets out a small laugh.
'You miss me?' He asks.
'Don't you dare. Don't you dare. Don't do that again? Okay? Don't do that.' I say, my voice still catching.
'Okay.' He says, taking a serious tone, 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It won't happen again.'

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