Part 9

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Nico and I don't talk. Neither of us know what to say.  I come to a stop beside the Apollo table and turn to Nico.
'You want you want to sit on this table?' I ask. However awkward it is now, I will him to say yes.
'No, it's fine. Jason, Percy and I sit together usually. Being alone in our cabins and all.' He won't meet my eyes. I notice the grass around him start to wilt.
'Right.' I say, 'I'll see you after? For more injections. And all.'
'Yeah. Yes. Sure.' He says. He looks around, aware of how busy it's getting. 'I'll see you.' He says and turns away, walking to where Jason and Percy sit in avid conversation.
I stand there for a moment, unsure what to do. I only sit down when Kayla grabs me by the wrist and pulls me down to sit beside her.
'What was that?' She asks, glancing from me to Nico. She leans in close, keeping the conversation between us.
'What was, what was what?' I ask, flustered.
'You and Nico! What is going on between you two?' She asks, smiling widely.
'I may not be an Aphrodite girl, but you have been pining over that boy for days.' She says, 'you like him!'
'I do not. I don't. No.' I say. I think about the kiss. I pushed him too far. He told me himself - this is all new to him.
'Is he gay?' She asks, linking her arm through mine and joining me in staring at Nico. He faces away from me, talking to Jason. I can't help but notice how defined Jason is; he could be a Greek God for all I knew.
'None of your business.' I say, looking to her and smiling slightly.
'Oh come on! I have been caught in that infirmary all day I need some gossip.' She says, pleading. I shake my head and start eating my breakfast. She pesters me consistently but I ignore her.
'Good morning campers,' Chiron says, standing up in front of everyone, 'Capture the Flag will ensue at seven sharp. The two cabins in charge for this game will be - drumroll please!'
A round of drumming steadily builds. We all stomp our feet and bang our hands against the table until Chiron signals for us to stop.
'Athena and Hephaestus!' Chiron calls up, 'Annabeth and Phoebe, on your feet.'
Annabeth's brothers give her a hand up so that she's standing on the table, Phoebe gets up too.
'Annabeth, heads or tails?' Chiron asks, throwing a coin in the air.
'Heads.' She calls.
'Heads it is. Annabeth gets first pick.' Chiron says. The Athena cabin celebrate.
'Alright Seaweed brain, you in?' She calls pointing to Percy.
'Damn straight.' He nods, raising his blue soda into the air.
'We want Jason!' Phoebe says quickly.
'Nico you playing?' Annabeth asks. Nico shrugs, but Jason and Percy egg him on until he reluctantly agrees.
'Ares!' Phoebe says, to cheers.
'We want Aphrodite.' Annabeth says. Piper gives her the thumbs up. I see what she's doing, splitting Jason and Piper up.
'Apollo!' Phoebe calls out. My siblings and I call out, cheering. I look over to Nico and catch him briefly looking at me before turning away. This means we're not on the same team.
The divisions keep going until all the cabins are claimed. The Hypnos cabin are last to be picked. Half of them are asleep.
'And so it's decided!' Chiron calls, 'Athena's team blue, Hephaestus' teams red. Discuss your tactics, find strategies. And good luck!'

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