Part 31

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Nico comes at a bad time, as I'm half way through taking off Annabeth's cast. As the amount of injured people have gone down, there's back to being less help around the infirmary. So I'm the only one around at the moment.
'Hey Nico, sorry I'll be a sec.' I say, distracted while focusing on Annabeth's ankle.
'Sorry.' Annabeth says, smiling up at Nico.
'No, it's fine. Anything I can do?' He asks as he fiddles with the sides of the curtains.
'I...yeah, actually. Would you mind topping up the water glasses of everyone? And if anyone's hungry can you bring them some breakfast - there's croissants and cereal in the back.' I say, hesitant to ask him to help so much.
'No problem.' He says, turning and walking away.
'Gods, you have that boy around your finger.' Annabeth says, shaking her head, 'I swear if anyone else asked him to do something he would never be so willing.'
'He likes helping out here.' I say.
'I wonder why.' She replies. I look up at her briefly, smiling but blushing, 'you seem to be getting on really well. I'm happy for you guys.'
'I've had a crush on him for forever so. It's about time.' I say.
'I think you're good for him.' She says, 'but you know that if you mess up you've got about seven demigods to answer to. One of them being me.'
'Trust me, I know. Percy's already had that talk with me. And Piper grilled me for about two hours the other day.' I sigh and smile a little.
It's tiring having so many people doubt me, but it's also incredible to see how many people are so devoted to Nico.
'Right. I can imagine it's getting a little old then.' She says, smiling, looking a little embarrassed, 'but for what it's worth, I'm glad he has you. We all are. We're just all a bit...'
'Paranoid.' I finish for her, 'I get it. I do. You guys went through stuff together. That kind of stuff doesn't go away over night. I like that Nico has you guys.' It's silent for a moment before I crack open the cast, 'alright. You're good to go.'
'I...really?' She looks up at me and I notice she looks a little scared. Apprehensive. I remember again how she got this wound. How it's been with her the whole way through Tartarus, and ever since the battle. She slowly lowers herself to the floor.
'Here, let me help.' I say, taking her arm as she takes her first step. It shouldn't hurt but I can tell she doesn't believe that.
'It feels normal. It doesn't hurt.' She says after she's taken a couple of steps, 'oh my Gods. Thank you. Thank you so much.' She says, moving over to hug me. She clings tight and I hug her back.
'It's no problem.' I say as she pulls away, 'it should be good as new.'
'This is...Thank you.' She says again.
She doesn't hang about afterwards, and as she leaves I see her running towards Percy, jumping into his arms as he swings her rounds and puts her down again. Percy is as happy as she is. He hugs her tightly. They move on, talking about something I can't hear.
'Anything else?' Nico says from behind me, his hands in his pockets.
'No, that's all. Thank you.' I say, walking over to him. He puts one hand around my waist, loosely.
'When's the end of your shift?' He asks.
'A minute.' I reply. He smiles and looks at the door, waiting for it to open. And then Kayla walks in, and Nico practically drags me out the door, shouting his goodbye to my sister.
'Where are we going?' I ask, laughing.
'Canoeing. Percy's in charge of the lake today so I booked us a canoe.' He says, stopping for a moment to turn to me, 'something we're both equally bad at.'
'Yeah, I thought you hated the water.' I say, confused.
'Oh, I definitely do. Percy's dad is definitely not my biggest fan. I only go in the water when Percy's close by. But one of your siblings also happened to mention that you weren't a great swimmer too. So, we're both going to suck.'
'Nicely done.' I say, and he goes back to pulling me towards the docks.
Percy is, as Nico said he would be, by the lake. He helps Annabeth into a canoe as several other campers rush in. Me and Nico grab one quickly and wait for Percy to do his safety speech. It's a popular activity, especially when Percy's in charge - he's a big name in the camp, and he always creates whirlpools and fun activities.
'Alright kids listen up, I'm about to tell you all some super fun and interesting safety notes.' Percy says, standing up on his side of the canoe. He easily gets a quiet hush from the campers.
He lists off instructions and warnings and I only faze out a couple of times. Percy is a natural charismatic guy, so he even manages to make the safety briefing interesting.
'Can we go yet?' Someone shouts from one of the canoes.
'Not until I've recited the entire history of my father, Poseidon. It was a cold and dreary night-' He starts, before Annabeth pushes him in the water.
'Let's go!' She shouts, screaming a little as Percy capsizes the canoe and pulls her into the water.
'Gods, alright, here we go.' I say, taking the paddles and starting up. We make our way slowly but surely, drifting gradually away from the other groups.
'So.' I say, resting the oars down after we've drifted a while away.
'Yeah?' He asks, turning around to face me. He has a vacant look, as if he was tuned out momentarily. He does that a lot.
'How've you been feeling?' I ask, wary not to push him too far.
'Feeling good. Fine. Yeah.' He says.
'I need you to be honest with me. I need to know if you're...if...if you're not happy. If there's something wrong. I want you to be able to talk to me.' I say, blushing even as I speak.
'Will.' He says, carefully, 'You know more about me and what I've...everything I've gone through, more than anyone else. You know I'm never going to be...y'know, normal. I have my moments. But...I...I really am okay. Right now, not always, but I am.' He says, avoiding my eyes for the longest time, then looking up at me.
'Would you tell me?' I ask.
'You're the only one I would tell.' He says, 'but I enjoy being with you. It feels normal. Even though I'm not. You make me feel like I'm okay.'
'And people say we're an odd couple.' I say, inching towards him. We kiss lightly and a wave throws our boat over.
I thrash to the surface and see Nico flailing about.
'Percy!' He shouts angrily at first, as I paddle closer toward him, but then his shout turns more panicked, 'Percy!' He calls again.
'I got you, you're alright!' Percy shouts, giving the thumbs up, 'keep it PG, kids.'
'You alright?' I ask, swimming towards Nico as he flicks the wet hair out of his face.
'Yeah, fine. Percy just has to keep me afloat when I'm off board. Can't swim.'
'Wait, what? You can't swim, like at all?' I ask, surprised.
'Nope, never learnt.' He says, clinging to the canoe and pulling to turn it back over.
'So you rely fully on Percy right now?' I ask, climbing into the canoe and giving Nico a hand in.
'Yeah, I guess. He's offered to give me lessons but I cannot think of anything worse.' He says, 'besides why do I need to learn if he can keep me afloat with his water powers.'
'I guess so. I just didn't expect it.' I say. Nico shrugs. He takes the oars and moves them over, we continue to drift for a bit and I fear Nico's fazed out again. But then he moves over to me quickly and kisses me, clutches my waist tightly.
He pulls away and looks behind me.
'What was that about?' I ask, laughing slightly, 'don't get me wrong, I loved it. But seems a little abrupt.'
'I was waiting for Percy to fall in the water. Took the chance.' He says, smiling slightly.
'Come here.' I say, moving toward him. He's hesitant at first then moves over to me.
'What?' He asks, as I wrap my arms around him.
'Percy says keep it PG, can't tell us off for hugging.' I say as explanation. Nico is rigid for one moment before he relaxes into my arms, head against my shoulder.
We talk briefly for a little while, about capture the flag later, about Percy talking to Chiron about Nico's sleeping arrangements, but Nico quickly turns silent and I see his eyes closed, his breathing light.
He jolts a lot in his sleep, but each time he does I hold him a little tighter and his muscles seem to relax. Even now, nearly two months since the final battle, I still think he's severely sleep deprived. So every chance I see of him falling asleep, I'll never disrupt it.
He sleeps until the end of our session, and once Percy notices that Nico's asleep he makes the water drift us to shore. Nico stirs slightly, but stays asleep.
'You got him?' He asks as I pick Nico up and try to step out of the canoe.
'Think so.' I say. Percy stills the water to make sure I can get our easily, then docks my canoe for me.
'Thanks.' I say, and he nods and smiles.
'You taking him to his cabin?' He asks, wary.
'The infirmary. He doesn't like waking up alone.' I say. Percy smiles sadly, knowingly.
'Alright. I'll see you guys later at the game. Be ready.' He says, moving over to help Annabeth sort the canoes.
'See you then.' I say, watching Percy as his eyes glaze over momentarily. I watch as he goes under water for a moment, shakes his head and gets back to work. I often forget that him, Nico, and Annabeth are the only three people to ever go through Tartarus and live.
I hold Nico a little tighter, once again horrified to think he had to do it alone. I go to the infirmary and place him in his old bed where he often naps now. He doesn't stir, if anything, he looks peaceful.

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