Chapter 1 (Edited)

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"Hey babe!"

I grinned when I heard that familiar voice tickle my ears. I spun on my heels to come face to face to a tall, broad shouldered, dark haired but white in color male towering over me with dimples popping out from his perfectly etched cheeks and sparkling white teeth that flashed momentarily when he put on his loop sided grin. He had his book bag casually slugged on his left shoulder letting his body angle to one side and his right hand in twined itself with mine and I could feel the chills run through my body. His long soft fingers curled itself around my short delicate ones. I gripped my books harder with my other free hand, afraid that this overwhelming feeling that tickled down my spine and caused little butterflies to squirm in my belly would cause me to drop my books that at the moment my numb fingers were holding onto any moment. I'm a 16 year old, with just as many problems as everyone else because what sixteen year old doesn't have problems, we are after all major drama queens and kings, but he is one of the only thing I don't have to worry about, one of the things that is utterly problem free. I'm happy with him, genuinely happy and I like to think that I do the same for him and it's not that I'm the kind of person that revolves my whole world around the idea of love I mean I do have other things that keep completely sane such as my writing and my books, you know the usual stuff, but I'm also a sixteen year old and because he makes me so happy by just existing he is my everything in a sense. My name is Karita, it's Latin and it means hope, hope for what I do not know and I'm still trying to figure that one out, one of the world's biggest mysteries, but when I figure it out, I'll definitely let you know. Also this "him" that is currently making my head feel all woozy and making heat rise up the back of my neck is my lovely boyfriend, Xavier, a sexy Mexican name for a tall flawless looking white rich boy, ironic I know but what can I say: the world loves its irony. We have been together for a year and a half now, the longest relationship that has ever lasted for me which is, I have to say an incredible achievement. What can I say? He just seemed to stick around and not let go.

"Xav, there is this new movie...."

"You wanna go out right?"


"It better not be a chick flick"

"It isn't...... I promise."

"Right. That's what they all say before cutting their victims open."

"That is but we're going for a movie."

"That was just an analogy babe." Xavier groaned

"And that was just sarcasm genius." I stuck out my tongue

He chuckled at my faked innocence and pecked my cheeks which turned bright red after his soft red lips brushed against my pale tender cheeks. I took that as a yes and was overcome with happiness and could feel my inner self dancing in complete glee and joy. The bell rang and it signaled us to split. Since he was a senior, and I a junior we don't have any classes together, and we also have chosen different majors so it led to us being in completely different classes, which in other words meant not a single God damned class with him. It is agonising and dreadful but it is life so I deal with it and besides I do have my other companions ,who in my world are mere peasants and I a queen, but I guess I can do with them for now. I seriously wish life revolved around my world then I would be with Xavier all the time, and I know I sound extremely needy but hey its my right as a dramatic teenager. Since school was already uneventful I proceeded this ridiculous chain of uneventful series, and headed to class which if you can't already tell, is uneventful. I seated myself next to a good friend of mine and waited for him to take note oh my Godly presence. He looked up at me and smirked, and I replied with a questioning look.

"Your lipstick, it's all smudged." He stated.

"Must have messed it up while having lunch." I grinned

"I wonder what your lunch was since its just third period and lunch is you know AFTER

third period."

"Oh, screw you, trying to be all funny Derek."

"I know. It's a gift. A natural full out gift, I'm amazing"

I shook my head in disagreement. How I put up with him, it's a mystery not even the great Sherlock Holmes could figure out or maybe he could.

"Psst. Kar. What was the homework?" He nudged me with his elbow

"Page..." My eyes narrowed at him, "You didn't do it, did you?"

"You see about that, there is this new online game, I was um play- no testing it out, yeah testing it out and like they required my professional criticism and that takes time and dedication, which I had to sacrifice my homework doing time."

"Is that so?" my right eyebrow quirked.

"Yes, it was a very difficult and time consuming task and it gave me such a headache and I worry for my health as I already used so much brain power to provide my professional insight so I had to call it a night."

"So consuming, that you had to bullshit the fact that you got caught up in your stupid game and you didn't get your work done and you making your game such an importance is quite amusing."

"Yeah, that's about it. See you're the genius and as a genius it is your responsibility to help the world by sharing your knowledge and helping out out." He grinned at me.

"Here's the goddamned homework."

He smiled devilishly, flashing his sharp canine crystal white teeth the one that you only saw on actors in movies. Derek can be an asshole, a 'funny' asshole but here's the thing he can afford to be an asshole. He is, although incredibly lazy is actually quite the mastermind with his grades being way above average and accomplishments beyond normal people, owned three successful businesses by the time he graduated from middle schools and then become a billionaire by the time he was a freshman, then finally he decided to invest in land and real estate and build a hotel leading to more money coming in, this was just his sophomore year. A genius, a smart mouth and the looker, he is tall with ruffled blonde hair, fit due to his love and participation in excessive sports and working out. His eyes are husky eccentric blue, in short if you're looking for your classic definition of perfection, I'm looking right at him. Oh and here's the thing he is a total ladies man so you can definitely be sure that he will sweep you off your feet any moment. Yet when he is in a relationship he is a softy and a romantic at heart, yes total commitment. He also just so happens to be my best friend, because under all that nonsense, he is just plain weird, and we get along well and he doesn't cross my boundaries so we're cool and hello, weird is like the total new coolio and we do have our intellectual moments and he has always got my back so I trust him. Also he is one of the only guys that gets along with Xavier which is surprising since they are almost entirely opposite, but you know what they say, opposites attract and thank God they're both into girls otherwise I'd lose both my best men to each other, wouldn't that make a great sitcom. The teacher walked in class, her heels banging against the marbled floor. She placed her belongings on her desks, then slams both her hands to awaken my fellow students.

"Up you lousy good for nothing maggots."

I rolled my eyes at her overrated speech. This teacher may sound incredibly rude and harsh but in reality she is just extremely hyper and really fun, her class was the only class I actually studied for and it was just this hard act she put on for the sophomores since this was a mixed class.

"Karita~ How are you?"

"Ms.Brooke I'm fine~" I sung

She smiled at me and I did the same. Spread the joy people, I am all about unicorns, rainbows, and cupcakes because who isn't. I turned to my side and Derek was fast asleep, that game really did him in eh? I turned to my right, and I saw Angel taking pictures of her self, Samantha had her hand slowly caressing Jacks inner thighs, the usual shenanigans. Days seemed to pass by and by and it was the same thing over and over again, not exactly deja vu but sort of like a never ending routine, it was a lifestyle. The boredom and lack of reasons repeated themselves and I let my brain take it all in over and over again. The bell rang once more signaling the end of yet another class of yet another day. It was time to go and look for Xavi my little baby once more and then go get some lunch, the actual lunch not the one that I referred to earlier in my discussion with Derek.

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