Chapter 26

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I followed the Nut family on Lilac. I didn't like how Gruffnut had tried to make Tuff look bad when he first arrived and then he was telling Tuffnut that he didn't have to prove anything. The twins' cousin was getting even more suspicious by the minute. 

"So, what do you think?" Tuffnut called over the rushing wind. 

"Incredible! And I gotta say, flying doesn't seem that hard. Basically, you just lean one way or the other." Gruffnut called back. 

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." 

"Oh, Tuffnut." I tsked, flying up beside Barf and Belch. "It's a lot more than that. You need the dragons' trust if you want to fly with them." 

"Exactly, Melia. I mean, it's not like anybody can do this." Ruffnut tipped Belch's head to the side, making the dragon dive down. 

"No. Oh, dear. Oh!" 

"Whoo!" Barf and Belch growled in joy while Tuffnut laughed. I cracked a smile, nudging Lilac's side with my heel. She roared in laughter, diving after Zippleback. Both dragon dove before quickly pulling up, sending salt water mist into our faces. 

"Take it easy, Ruff." Tuff called. 

"What do you mean 'take it easy'? An adventurer like cousin Gruffnut, come on, this is tame!" Ruff called back, making their shared dragon go a little faster. 

"You think you can keep up with them, Lilac?" I asked, patting her head. 

"Do Scauldrons breathe underwater?" she answered jokingly before zooming after Barf and Belch. We raced through the trees after Barf and Belch, Gruffnut's cries of distress filling my ears. I laughed, pressing myself closer to Lilac as she sped past the Zippleback, doing a loop in the sky before landing near the arena. I patted Lilac's head as I dismounted, glancing over at where Barf and Belch landed, Gruffnut stunned into silence. Ruff and Tuff dismounted, Tuff glaring at Ruff while Ruff just laughed at Gruffnut's misfortune. I looked down at Lilac petting her earfins when suddenly, both Barf and Belch and Lilac started to growl in anger. "Melia, Gruff is taking B and B!" Lilac growled. I glanced over at Barf and Belch to see Gruffnut leading the Zippleback away. 

"Hey, Tuff and Ruff. Thanks for the dragon." Tuffnut and Ruffnut looked back in confusion as Gruff laughed. 

"Barf! Belch! Emergency landing!" I called out, my hands cupped around my mouth. 

"Right!" Barf and Belch growled, slamming down in to the ground just second after taking off. Gruff was launched off the Zippleback, groaning in pain. I ran like a Speed Stinger over to Barf and Belch, making sure they were okay while Ruff and Tuff confronted Gruffnut. 

"What was that? Did you just try to steal our dragon?" Ruffnut asked, smirking. 

"Don't be ridiculous." 

"You said, 'Thanks for the dragon' and then, took off." Ruffnut protested. I turned away from Barf and Belch, glaring at Gruff as the Zippleback growled behind me, their heads on either side of me. 

"I agree with, Ruff. Boys?" 

"It sure..." "...felt like it" Barf and Belch growled. 

"I was making a joke." 

"Yeah, Ruff, Melia, can't you tell when it's a joke?" Tuff agreed, chuckling. Myself, Barf and Belch, and Lilac joined Ruff in glaring at Gruffnut. "Gruff, speaking of jokes, we're always looking for fresh material on our morning show." 

"That sounds magnificent." Gruffnut agreed, walking off with Tuffnut. Lilac , Barf, and Belch growled at Gruffnut. I placed my hand on Lilac's head, smoothing her earfins down. 

"Huh. Let's keep an eye on cousin Gruffnut." Ruffnut remarked. 

"Yes." Barf and Belch growled. 

"I agree." I stated, crossing my arms over my chest. I didn't trust Gruffnut and I could tell neither did Ruffnut. It was only a matter of time before he slipped up, and Ruffnut and I would be ready.

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