Chapter 18-

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Chapter 18-


The day for the field trip.

Alexander is the one who reminded me to wake up early.

"Geez. You sounded like my Grandma.", I said.

"And you are a stubborn brat.", he said during the phone call.

He repeatedly saying that if I wasn't there in the time of flight then he wouldn't go to the trip.

Johyson keep on texting me on how excited he was. We are going to stay in London and explore it. He kept on saying that he'll always capture the memories that's why he bought a new camera.

Carla is really happy, that she finally packed all the things she need. Recounted her pocket money for a hundred times. Make a long list of souvenirs and places to see.

Beth, even though she had been to London before with her father, she is still excited to go with us. Apparently, it's her first time to travel abroad without her family.

And I'm here, yawning due to the lack of sleep. I decided to sleep at the plane when we're flying to london.

After 10 hours, we finally reach London.

Our teachers asked us to be in the hotel after we get our luggage. Carla is really excited that she keep on saying she can't wait to see London and meet hot guys.

"Hot guys?", I laughed.

"Aren't you satisfied with the hot guys at school?", I continued.

"Oh shut up.", she said.

Beth and I laughed at her comment.

After getting our luggage, we hailed a cab and set for the next destination, Barclay Hotel.

After reaching our destination, the teachers gathered us. She told us that we have our respective rooms- a room for three people. And gave a stern warning that boys are not allowed to be in the girls' room.

The boys didn't complain. But of course, they already have a plan in mind.

The teachers also announced that today and tomorrow will be free days. So that means we roam around the streets London.

Someone from the group of boys gave a whoop and a shout. The girls are whispering excitedly. While I just can't wait to taste English tea.

We went to our respective rooms and talk about lucky, I am roommates with Carla and Beth.

"C'mon. Let's go get Johyson and Alexander.", she said excitedly.

"Just a minute", I said while changing my clothes.

I put on my pants, a turtleneck sweatshirt, a scarf and a coat. I tied my hair in a messy bun.

"Is that what you're going to wear?",Carla asked.

"It"s freezing out there.", I spoke as I look at her skirt, boots and blouse.

"What? Besides guys won't be even be cold in this weather when they see me.", she smirked.

"Um. Why don't we just go and see the guys?", Beth recommend.

"Alright." Both Carla and I agreed.

We went to the lobby and ask which room they are. The receptionist is really kind and friendly. She gave us the number and we walk towards the elevator.

"4th floor-it says here at the piece of paper. Room 307." Carla said while crumpling the piece of paper.

Beth knock timidly and Alex opened the door.

"What?", he asked.

"I was just wondering if you and Johyson would want to join us in roaming around London.", I said.

"Of course. But Johyson is still hogging the shower", he smirked.

"Oh and this is Michael, me and Johyson's roommate. Do you mind if he join us?", he asked.

A man in a dark blue shirt and pants wave at us. He has a tall frame and a black haired guy just like Alex.

I look at both Carla and Beth to ask for their approval. Carla just nodded and Beth replied yes shyly. She blushed when Michael turned to her and smiled.

"This is interesting.", I said mentally.

"Great. We'll see you at the lobby after a few minutes.", Alex answered.

At the lobby, a few minutes have passed and I saw the three boys talking while walking towards us.

"God. They're hot. But not exactly my type.", Carla said while giggling.

The three boys smiled at us and we made our way out to the hotel to explore the streets of London.


Chapter 18- Finished

A/N: the hotel named barclay is the name of the hotel R.L Stine used in one of the book series "Goosebumps". I'm a fan of his book and it just so happens that I read one of the book entitled "Night of Terror Tower" and since I haven't been to London or any out of country travelling. I used R.L Stine's book as my reference. Thank you very much.

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