Chapter 14-Shopping

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Chapter 14- Shopping

Just as the school hours have finished, I walked towards the department store to buy a new phone.

As I was walking, I see Alexander catching up on me. I turned around but pretend that I didn't notice him.

He smirked and said, "Is that how you acknowledge your protector?"

"You're not my protector.", I replied coldly.

"I shielded you from an attack.", he said still smirking.

"For your information, I didn't ask you to shield me. Your stupid mind and body acted on its own.", I snapped.

"Yeah, right.", he shrug.

"I hate you.", I growled.

"But I like you.", he teased.

"Damn you.", I retorted.

"C'mon. I'll accompany you in wherever you're going.", he said.

"Go to hell." I muttered.

"I'm afraid, I can't do that. Because I won't be able to meet you there angel.", he smirked.

"Must you annoy me everytime you see me?", I said while walking.

"Well, you're different. And yes. You give off an unpredictable aura unlike other girls. Besides most girls can't resists my charm." he said proudly.

"Right. You're an arrogant, cold, bastard. And did I mention you look like an ass?.", I said rolling my eyes.

"And you're a beautiful freak who likes to watch gore and horror movies. I bet you're a sadist. Now we're even.", he smiled

"All right.", I shrug fastening my pace.

"So what are you going to do in the department store? I thought you prefer gloomy places." he asked.

"I'm going to buy a phone. Mind your own business." I replied.

"And must you follow me all the way?", I continued.

"I said I'll accompany you."he answered.

We reach the department store and we immediately went to the hand phone section. I browsed the phones and look at them with interest.

Alexander peeked behind my back and I was startled. He looked interested, I thought.

I choose the white Iphone 4s and give her the credit card. While I am waiting, I look around for any sign of Alexander.

The phone is already in set-up when the saleslady gave it to me. I decided to go home already when Alex grab my hand.

"Where are you going?", he asked.

"Home." I answered.

"I'll treat you to dinner.", he said.

I didn't answer. Instead my stomach grumbled.

He laughed while holding my hand. He drag me and I could feel my face blushing in embarassment.

We ate dinner silently and after that he walked me home.

"I haven't manage to give you this.", he said while giving a small package wrapped in a colorful paper.

I opened it and was in awe. There a beautiful black with silver heart cellphone strap lay on the package.

"For your new phone.", he said softly.

"Thank you." I managed to say.

He put on the strap on my phone and smiled softly.

"He smiled.", I said mentally.

"Um, you're number?" he asked awkwardly.

"Oh." I replied and gave him my number.

"Thanks. Well gotta go. Have class tomorrow. I have a great time.", he smirked.

"Good night Alex." I said

"Good night and sweet dreams.", he smiled.


Chapter 14- End

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