Chapter 15- Conversation

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Chapter 15- Conversation


I probably don't want to wake up from my slumber, my phone rings.

"Who the heck is calling me early in the morning?", I snapped.

"Whoever it is, He/ She is going to pay big time for ruining my sleep." I murmered.

I answered the phone.

"Hello.", I answered in a grumpily.

"You sounded like an old man. Its me Alex.",he said.

"Thanks for complimenting me. And LEAVE me alone. ", I said angrily.

"Sorry. You'll be late for class. Seriously don't you have an alarm clock or something to remind you angel."

"What? What time is it?", I shouted.

"My eardrums. Calm down angel. Its 7:30."


"Alright angel. See you at school."

He hang-up.

Quickly, I showered, dried myself and put on my clothes. Not even bothering to clip my hair into a bun, I hurriedly went to my room to grab my bag.

"I'm late. I'm late.", I chanted.

I grabbed my keys and locked the door. I hasten my pace and soon I reach the hallway.

"Uh. No one is here yet", I said mentally.

And that's when I realize.

I slapped my forehead, "Of course. We don't have a first period today. The teachers will attend a meeting."

"Damn you Alex. I swear I'll kill you when I see you.", I cursed angrily.

I went to the the room for Calculus and there I saw Alex. He is grinning.

Oh how would I love to rip his face and feed it to a bunch of hungry wolves.

I ignored him as I am making my way to my seat.

He walks toward my seat and I look at him with a scowl on my face.

He smirked and greeted me," Good morning angel."

"The hell with good morning", I snapped.

"Well, you're in a bad mood today.", he smirked.

"Of course, I am. You woke me up and made me rush to school only to remember that we have no first period class.", I retorted.

"What is going on with that mind of yours?", I continued.

"Can't help it. I want to see you early and spend the first period with you.", he smiled.

"Yeah right. I'm going to sleep.",I scowled.

"No don't." he said.

"What?", I snapped.

"You can't sleep angel. I want to talk to you."

"Fine.",I sighed in defeat.

We have a random conversation until the bell rings for the second period.

He looked at my phone and smiled when he sees the cellphone strap. He said goodbye and I waved at him still clutching my phone.

I didn't notice that Johyson is on the other side, looking at both Alex and me.

With a jealous scowl in his face.


Chapter 15-End

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