Chapter 30- Grief

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Chapitre 30- Grief

Johyson drives his car slowly. He is feeling gloomy for no reason at all. As he dropped me off, he's already feeling this sadness. He can't understand why. He set aside his thoughts and think about me sleeping soundly. He smiled as he reached his home. The lights are all lit and expected that his parents are home. He parked his car on the garage and saw Maria opened the door.

Maria is smiling sadly and greeted Johyson a weak "Welcome home". Johyson is puzzled and asked what's wrong. But instead of answering, Maria led him to the living room where his Uncle- the brother of his father is sitting.

"Why are you here Uncle?", Johyson asked. He decided not to show his frown to his Uncle. His uncle and him are not really close. In fact, he hated him for being manipulative but he is older than him, so he always show respect to his uncle.

"I have a sad news to tell you", his uncle said stoically.

Johyson containing his anger to his uncle just asked what is it.

"Your parents died on a plane crash this morning.", he answered flatly not even a leak of emotion is shown. His uncle's face remained passive.

Johyson now enrage gritted his teeth. This is too much for a joke. But seeing his uncle's face, he shook his head.

"Are you kidding uncle? My parents called me before I am going to school and assure me that they will be home this evening.", he quivered fighting back his tears.

"Your parents are dead, Johyson. Do you think I'd waste my time sitting here to joked around you. I have better things to do at the company." he answered in an irritated tone.

"But. But.", he muttered this time his tears fell down on his cheeks uncontrollably.

His uncle stood up and patted his shoulder. "I'll give you time to grieve when we finished discussing important matters about the your inheritance and legal matters first.", his uncle said.

"What the fuck?", he cursed mentally. His parents died. His father died. His uncle's brother. How could he stand there emotionless and put the legal matters first. Tears of sadness is replace by tears of rage.

He wanted to punch his uncle but refrain in doing it. Johyson calmed his self and talked to his uncle with full of hatred in his voice.

"Can't it wait?"

"No.", a short reply of his uncle. His uncle seems unfazed from the contorted angry face of Johyson.

His uncle motioned him to the study room of his father and saw a lawyer waiting there.

"Mr. Johyson Matthews, Sir Kent Matthews." the lawyer greeted as he shook their hands.

They settled down and talked important things-his inheritance. Apparently his parents has already written their will and testament before the accident, leaving all their assets to Johyson. There is also a note that until he is 18 and responsible enough to handle money issues will his parents are willing to pass the fortune and the business to him. At least his futured is secure. Johyson's parents never wrote who would be his guardian if they die.

Kent Matthews volunteered to act as his guardian for the meantime. That bastard really knows the best for himself.

Johyson talked to his uncle that he can perfectly handle his self. But his uncle insisted that he can't even live independently. He also volunteered to oversee the business Johyson's parents left for Johyson.

After the arrangements have been prepared. Kent Matthews decided to make preparations for the two day funeral.

Johyson climbed the stairs heavy hearted. He reach his bedroom and fall flatly on his bed. Tears again flowed into his eyes. He remembered his Mom and Dad. Sure they were busy with their family business but they still fins their time to be with him. He is never deprived from love. His parents showered him with an infinite love and he didn't know what he would do without them. Johyson remembered someone and decided to give it a shot if she is still awake.

Dialing the number, the other line rings. He waited for the phone to be picked up.

"Hello Alice.", he said.

"Hello.", I answered groggily. I have awaken from my sleep.

"Heh-heh. It's nice to hear your voice.", he said while laughing a little.

I noticed that his voice is shaking just like when someone is crying. This time fully awake, I asked him what happened.

"My parents died in a plane crash and I don't know what to do. My uncle is a greedy bastard. I bet he wanted to steal the business that my mother and father who worked hard to make it successful.", he said finally breaking into tears.

I'm shocked and hold my phone shaking. How can this happen to Johyson? His parents are precious to him. His parents.

Tears blurred my vision. Even I haven't met his parents, I felt like their really nice people. Kind and loving to their son. I cried silently.

"Cupcake, are you okay?", he asked.

"Y.Yes. I'm fine. It's just that I. I.", I said in a whisper.

"Aw cupcake. Stop crying. You'll have an headache for sure. But I'm glad that you're here. I love you ", he said softly.

"I love you too.", I answered still sobbing. Why am I always the weak one. Johyson should be the one who is crying not me. I should be the one comforting him.

"Can I come in there?", he asked. "I wanted to stay in there for the meantime."

"Of course.", I answered.

"I'll be there ten minutes tops."

"Be careful.", I said.

I changed my clothes. I opted to wear pajama and spaghetti tank top for sleepwear. I waited for Johyson to ring the doorbell. After a few minutes, I saw him parked his car in the driveway. I opened the door and hugged him as soon as I saw the sight of him. He smiled his usual smile. It feels comfortable to be with him by my side.

We went inside and sat on the couch. I opened the television and sit beside him. He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled comfortably in his chest. I felt his chest heaving and I felt his warm tears falling into my hair.

"It's okay. Just cry and let it all out.", I assured him.

"They're gone just like that. I don't know. It's not fair. I.", he said while crying.

"Life isn't fair. I know how you are feeling right now but I don't know how to comfort you.", I said soothingly as I stare in his eyes.

"You don't have to cupcake. You being by my side is already enough.",he said. He kissed me and I snuggled comfortably.

We sit there frozen in an hour. He is about to tell me that he'll go home but I stopped him.

"Stay here.", I said in a whisper.

"But I.", he hesitated.

"Just stay here.", I coaxed.

He grinned. "You really can't resist me."

"Too bad. I can.", I teased while jabbing his shoulder.

"Aw cupacake. That hurts cupcake.", he whined while smiling.

"Hush. Just sleep.", I said.

I sleep on his chest and Johyson caressed my hair while leaning on the couch. He smiled and said, "I'll protect and never leave you. I love you."

I mumbled an I love you too to him and he just grinned.


A wonderful feeling but at the same time it will inflict you pain that can't be healed easily.

But I'm willing to take a risk for him.

For Johyson.


Chapitre 30

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