Chapitre 32- Date

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Chapitre 32

"You and Johyson are What?!", someone shrieked at the empty classroom.

"Calm down Carla.", Beth said softly.

"No this girl has a lot of explaining to do. "Carla emphasized the word A LOT.

I sighed and looked at both of my friends. Sometimes, I wonder how I can handle it when Carla goes over reacting. Wait. This is the first time she goes like this.

Gazing at Beth, she shrug and still fixed her gaze at Carla who is still in the overacting mode.

I calmed Carla and explained everything to her. From the day when Johyson carried me home and how he proposed. With details.

"I can't believe that you keep important matters like that. But I'm so happy for you. Wait? What about Alex?",she squealed in delight.

"Alex knows everything. I bet Johyson already told him. You should find yours too. I mean Beth already has Michael", I said smiling.

"I already have one. And he's a college student, suuupeeer smart and waaaay hotter than your Johyson.", she said grinning.

"I don't care if your boyfriend is waaaay hotter than mine." I pronunced way like she did.

"Shut up.", she said still grinning.

Beth, beamed and Carla told ne that we seriously need some shopping if I want to look awesome every date. I refused and told them that I'm supposed to meet Johyson after school at my house. He decided that we would watch a movie and have dinner together.

Carla and Beth understood and told me to wear the dress and coat that we bought at England during the last field trip.

Mika is still absent. I am wondering what happen to her and I haven't seen her in Johyson's parents funeral either. I am hoping I could talk to her and patch things up.

I am fidgeting during our Biology class. Johyson keep on glancing at me and he grinned. I smiled at him and Sam keep on looking at us. She must have gotten the message and glance at me while raising her brow.

I ignore her and couldn't be more happy when the school hours is already finished. Johyson catch up to me and said that he couldn't wait for our date.

I rushed home and changed my clothes, I wear a white dress with a frilly skirt and satin black flats. Nancy fixed my hair in a bun with a couple of strands of her falling in my face. She smiled and said that I'm pretty. And even said a good luck before I put on my coat and wait for Johyson.

Johyson came five minutes earlier than the time agreement. He keep on pacing back and forth at the front door. He rings the door bell with a shaky hand. Nancy opened the door and greeted him. Johyson flashed his usual smile and politely asked for me. Nancy called me and I immediately stand up and head towards the door.

Johyson looked at me with his eyes wide. He blushed and is rendered speechless for a moment.

"Um. Johyson?.", I asked waving my hand in front of his face.

"Wha..What?", he asked startled.

Nancy narrowed her eyes to Johyson and gave him an indifferent glare. "Are you sure that he is your date?"

"He is my date Nancy.", I sighed.

"Er. You see, your really beautiful tonight cupcake and I just want to stare at you forever.", Johyson confessed.

I giggled and Nancy smiled. I stand beside Johyson who is wearing a polo shirt, pants and sneakers.

"You look like a perfect couple.", she said.

I blushed at the compliment and notice that Johyson is already holding my hand.

"Shall we go?", he said smiling.

I nodded and Johyson assured Nancy that he'll bring me home safely and before midnight.

Johyson opened his car door and I sit down. He drive to the movie theater and he already reserved two tickets.

The movie is Twilight Breaking Dawn: Part 2. Seriously?

I mean, I love Twilight. I watched all the movies with my cousin but l never prefer romance in my list. Knowing Johyson, I bet he love all romance flicks and maybe it's about time to embrace it.

We entered the cinema and we sitted at the middle row. I scan around and only a few people are watching.

I snuggled close to him and he wrap around his arms in ny body. It is getting colder in the cinema as the film goes halfway. All of a sudden Johyson threw a piece of popcorn on me and I looked at him. I glared him a what look and he kissed my lips softly.

Still wrapping his arm around my shoulder, we watch silently not able to utter a word until the film is finished.

I heard Johyson sniffled. "Is he crying?", I asked myself.

I looked at him and is relive that he is not crying.

The film is finished and we went to the park to take a walk. Johyson led me into a clearing and see a picnic basket, a large teddy bear, candle lights and a mat lying in a grass.

"I wanted to make it special by having a dinner in here.", he said. softly.

It is wonderful. I've never imagine that someone would surprise me for this. It beats all the fancy dinner I've been to.

I hugged Johyson and thanked him for this wonderful dinner.

We sat on the mat and the stars seemed to be twinkling more brighter. We started eating and talked about things. How my life is and how happy he is right now. I noticed the big teddy bear with words written, I love you cupcake.

I smiled sweetly at him as we are about to kiss, fireworks shot in the sky and we both looked at it. I watched in awe. He looked at me and smiled at me. "I really wanted to make it special.", he whispered to me.

"I love you.", he said as he kissed me.

"I love you too.", I embraced him.

Johyson lie on the mat and I also lied on his stomach. He touched my hair and smiled at me. It is the best date. And now I'm sure that I'm really in love with him.

And I'll always will.

No matter what happens.


Chapitre 32

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