Chapitre 36- Beach

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Chapitre 36- Beach


A perfect day to rest.

"Alice, you haven't forgotten that we need to go to the beach resort right?", Carla shrieked as I answered my phone.

I covered my ears to prevent further damage. I winced. "It's freezing out there Carla. Besides it's autumn. Who in there right mind will go to the beach resort right now."

"Ooh. You've forgotten about my family's business darling. A special resort that is located in an island at the Pacific ocean. And its you're chance to show off. I invited Johyson. Just JOHYSON.", she emphasized.

I sat up and frowned. "Why in the world would you invite him?"

"To talk to him and ask him why?", she replied.

"There is nothing to talk about. He already told me the reason and I don't want him to wipe it into my face that he just played with me. Besides I don't even have a bathing suit.", I reasoned out obviously a hint of not wanting to join them in the beach.

"It wouldn't hurt to try. Besides I think he never did that on purpose and no worries darling. I bought an extra pair in case you don't have one.", she answered.

"Ugh. I hate you.", I complained.

"The feeling is mutual. Get dressed and Michael will pick you up after 10 mins tops.", she chirped.

Carla hung up the call and I stared blankly at the empty space. I remembered what happened yesterday in the cafeteria. Johyson actually congratulated me and Alex. I frowned and closed my eyes that are already forming tears. I sighed and focused on the edge of my bed where my dresses are neatly packed for an overnight stay at the beach. I never forgot that we are going to the beach today. I just don't feel like it. I glance at the small mirror beside my alarm clock and take a peek at may reflection. My emerald eyes look dull and so is my light brown hair. I noticed that my hair is longer than the last time, way past my shoulders. Grabbing scissors, I had the urge to cut it again but decided against it.

I sighed for the second time. Sometimes, I just wish that time will stop and let me sleep without any worries. It's not fair that I always put the blame on myself when I do something wrong but at when I do, I feel at ease.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud honking outside our house. Afterwards, Nancy came into my room to see me if I am ready. And here I am in my sleepwear, startled by the loud sound.

Nancy told me to get dress as fast as I can. I trudgingly wear a floral dress that is up to my knees plus flip flops. Normally, I don't wear this things but we're going to the beach plus I don't want Carla to annoy and reprimand me in wearing my old outfit.

Michael waited patiently at the door and I apologized for making him wait. He just shrugged and smiled. The silence is pleasing as we made our way to the airport. Before I knew it, I fell asleep at the car.

We arrived at the airport and I saw Carla, Beth, Alex and Johyson waiting for us. My heart is pounding when I caught a sight of Johyson. Somehow, I don't want to see his face, not this time. I still vividly remember the incident. Shaking my head, I smiled softly and wave at the others completely ignoring Johyson.

We are aboard at the plane and I decided to take a nap. Seriously, I always sleep when I have a free time. Maybe I'll just sleep forever like the Sleeping Beauty. Scratch that, Sleeping Ugly would be the perfect name for me.

Carla shook my shoulders to wake me up. I groaned and still half-asleep, I opened my eyes and looked at the scenery at my window. My eyes widen and gaze at the sparkling beach. Damn rich people. Really know how to show-off.

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