Chapter 16- A sincere talk

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Chapter 16- A sincere talk

I am rushing to go to my Astronomy class when I accidentally bump the person in front of me.

"I'm sorry. Are you alright?", he said.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it.", I replied as I was trying to organize my books.

"Here let me help you.", he offered.

"No thanks." I replied. The voice sounds familiar. I looked up and see Johyson standing infront of me.

I looked away and blushed. I don't know if I blushed because of embarrasment or just because I see him. Great. My pale skintone shall reveal it all.

Oblivious or he's just a plain idiot, he didn't notice the blush that crept on my cheeks.

I gathered my books quickly and muttered a quick thank you.

"Wait.", he said while grabbing my shoulder.

Seriously, Do Johyson and Alex love to grab any part of the human body?

"Perverts.", I mentally cursed.

"Um.Um. I. I. am wondering if you could join me for lunch." he stuttered.

I look at him and he keep fidgeting his fingers.

"Aw. That's so cute.",I said to my inner self.

"So? Is it a yes or a no?",he asked.

"Uh, Yes.", I shrug

"Great.", he shouted while jumping.

"I'll meet you at the roof top then. I'll bring the food." he continued while grinning.

"Okay.", I said while walking on my way to class.

At the astronomy class, I wasn't paying attention to my teacher. Instead I keep on picturing Johyson on my brain.

As I am imagining Johyson, Alex's image popped out of nowhere.

I remembered my phone and quickly reach for it.

I look at the cellphone strap that Alex gave to me. A present for me.

The bell rings and I dashed away to the rooftop where Johyson is waiting. He is sitting there, waiting for me while gazing at the clouds.

I sit down beside him and he was startled. He look at me then smiled softly.

"You came." he grinned.

"Did you wait long?", I questioned him.

"No. Besides you know I'll always wait for you.", he grins.

"Oh. That's great then.", I said flatly.

"C'mon let's eat. I have your favorite strawberry sandwich.", he offers.

"How did you know?", I asked.

"Well, I always see you order the same thing in the cafeteria.",he said while biting on his sandwich.

"More like stalking.", i murmured as I took a bite.

"At least, call me an admirer.",he joked.

"Alright Mr. Admirer.", I obliged.

We ate our lunch and talk about ourselves. I am never really comfortable with talking to someone but with Johyson, I easily opened up to him. It's like I've known him before.

I shrug of the idea on my mind. It couldn't be possible and if I do know him, I would remember.

He told me that his favorite color is blue like the sky. I told him mine is white.

He smiled and said,"It suits your personality. Pure and simple."

"I thought you're going to disagree. And say that black should be suited to me.", I laughed.

He frowned, "Why would I say that?"

"Because I give off a bad aura or bad luck waves.", I answered seriously.

"No, you don't.", he said while touching my cheek.

"You know if something is bothering you or you need a shoulder to cry or lean on. I'm always here.", he said sincerely.

He leaned his forehead on my forehead and our lips are only inches apart.

Suddenly the bell rings, and indicated that lunch is over.

"I always hate the short lunch break.",he said.

"We can't do anything about it.", I laughed.

"Let's go or we'll be late for Biology.", he said grinning.

He hold my hand and lead me to the stairs. And this time, I didn't complain.

I just smiled.


Chapter 16- Finished

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