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OMG 31 reads already! I'm very happy. Thank you so much guys. Here's another one. I hope y'all like it.
P.S. Borahae💜


Taehyung was woken up by Jimin shaking him roughly and screaming.

“Tae wake up OMG we are going to be late”. Taehyung’s eyes immediately shot open as he jumped off the bed, only to see Jimin sitting on the floor, laughing.

“What the fuck?” he said as he checked his phone and it was only 7. He shot daggers at Jimin, who was still laughing.

“Oh my god Tae, you had to see yourself! This was the funniest thing ever” he said between his giggles. Taehyung huffed as he got off his bed to get ready for the session.

“Sorry TaeTae, hyung will treat you breakfast today”, cooed Jimin as he could clearly see Taehyung sulking. A grin spread across Taehyung’s face upon hearing it and he instantly turned around saying “Thanks shorty”, earning a glare from Jimin, who instantly yelled a “yaahhhh” and started chasing Taehyung, who was quick enough to lock himself in the washroom.

They finished their chores and headed to the cafeteria, where both settled for Hotteoks. They chatted randomly as they ate their breakfast. They became so close in just one day, if any third person sees them, they’d definitely think that these two have been friends for a while.

Unfortunately, in their first session, Tae and Jimin were not in the same class. They bid adieu, as they headed to their classes. Tae’s first session was JAVA (a/n: it’s a shitty programming language). He silently entered the class and sat in the last desk, beside the window. There was a 10 good minutes before the session started, therefore he plugged in his earplugs, playing BTS and was looking outside the window.

Soon the session begun and the seat beside Tae was still vacant. As the trainer was introducing himself and giving the guidelines for the session, a guy suddenly interrupted saying “Excuse me sir” as he stood at the entrance. His hair was slightly dishelved and his chest was rising up and down, as he was breathing heavily. The trainer gave him a look, but let him in nevertheless.

The boy took the seat beside Taehyung, sitting with a thud. The trainer continued as the boy was still breathing heavily.

“Water?” the boy asked Taehyung,

“Sorry? Ah yeah” he replied, handing over the bottle to him.

The boy chugged down the water and Taehyung couldn’t help but stare at the other’s Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. He gave back the bottle with a smile and a small Thanks and Taehyung smiled back. The session ended and as Taehyung was leaving for the next one, the boy beside him spoke up.

“Umm Hi I am Jeon Jungkook and I am from Ilsan, nice to meet you”

Taehyung looked up to see the boy’s hesitant smile.

“Hi I’m Kim Taehyung from Seoul, nice to meet you too” Taehyung smiled, showing off his boxy grin. The said boy smiled back rather widely, showing off his bunny tooth and Taehyung melted. Like literally melted.

Huh? Did I really think that Jimin’s smile was the cutest? Scratch that! This bunny boy has the cutest smile ever.

“… next class?”

“huh what?” Taehyung replied dumbly. Yes. He was spaced out seeing Jungkook’s smile. Jungkook started laughing again,

“I asked which your next class was?”

“Oh it’s C#” (a/n: yet another shitty programming language) he replied.

The sadness in the other’s face was evident as he replied with “Ah I have machine learning” (a/n: Don’t bother about the subjects I’d be mentioning from now on. All are shitty)

“Ah ok Jungkook, see you around” Taehyung said as he headed to the next session.

Luckily, the next session was with Jimin and they both sat together. They got bored within 5 minutes of the class and Taehyung initiated the conversation.

“How was your first session?” he asked and Jimin made gagging faces and Tae had a tough time in controlling his laughter. Jimin reverted the same question.

“It was ok, good actually. A bunny boy with a very cute smile sat beside me. We didn’t talk much but it was ok I guess”.

“Oho our Taehyungie is already having a crush” Jimin cooed, for which he replied a “Shut up Jimin”.

Two more sessions passed and it was soon the lunch time and Tae and Jimin headed to the cafeteria and ordered some Kimchi fried rice and settled on a table. Jungkook who also entered the café, smiled as soon as he spotted Taehyung, which soon was replaced by a frown once he noticed that he already had a company.

You see, Jungkook is a very introverted person. He finds it difficult and awkward to get along with the people and was definitely not the one to initiate a conversation with a stranger. After his encounter with Taehyung, he himself wondered that how did he manage to initiate one.

Jungkook soon shrugged it off and grabbed some pancakes and a carton of banana milk and settled on a table and started munching his food. Taehyung’s eyes were wandering randomly and it landed on the bunny boy. He knitted his eyebrows wondering why he was sitting alone.

“Jiminie you see him?” Tae pointed towards Jungkook and Jimin nodded.

“He’s the bunny boy I was talking about. He’s sitting alone. Don’t you think we should call him over?” asked Tae and Jimin nodded with a sly grin to which Taehyung glared back with a stop it look. Taehyung soon went to Jungkook’s table and towered over him, catching his attention.

“Uh Hi Taehyung?” Jungkook murmured as Tae was looking at him.

“Jungkook are you waiting for someone?” he asked in his deep voice, to which Jungkook mouthed a small no, clearly embarrassed of being a loner.

Taehyung smiled warmly and said “Come on, join me. I have a friend with me and he definitely doesn’t bite” and grinned at the last statement.

“Uh no no it’s ok, you don’t have to do this. I am completely fine” Jungkook replied.

“You either come or I drag you. You decide” Tae said as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Jungkook.

“Fine” he said as he sighed and got up from his seat, making Taehyung grin like an idiot.

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