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Here it goes 💜
I hope you guys like it :))

P.S. Borahae 💜


“Jeon I didn’t mean to”

“But you fucking did it!”

“I really didn’t mean to baby. I closed my eyes for five minutes that’s it”

“Which became five fucking hours! Fuck off you asshole!”

“Baby listen”


“FUCKING LISTEN TO ME! WILL YOU?” Tae snapped and Jungkook shut his mouth.

Jungkook and Taehyung were in their shared apartment in Seoul, which was big enough for the two to live in comfortably. It was a gift from Tae’s parents on their second year anniversary and the couple moved in a few months later.

After the training period in Trusfrated was completed, Jungkook was posted to Seoul branch and Taehyung to Daegu branch. They tried everything in their power to switch Taehyung to the Seoul branch but it didn’t quite happen. About Jimin, that lucky fucker got posted to Busan branch and couldn’t be any happier about it.

Jungkook and Taehyung really made their long-distance relationship work. They did. Tae rented a small condo for himself in Daegu and as for Jungkook, he lived with Tae’s parents. They did everything possible to keep the fire in their relationship alive. Frequent calls, random texts and selfies, late night video chat where they practically fucked themselves while hearing the other’s moans, frequent visits where if Tae would go to Seoul one weekend then Jungkook would go to Daegu the following week.

They made it work for more than 22 months. But later on, everything was getting difficult. Things were getting more pressurizing and it was affecting Taehyung especially. His workload was way too much and he couldn’t even connect to Jungkook. Their calls became once a week and texts became nil. You can imagine about the visits and the dirty deeds. He was slowly falling into the pit of depression. He reached a point where he couldn’t do it anymore. He called Jungkook in the middle of the night and cried his eyes out about not being able to do it anymore. Not being able to cope up with his work pressure. Jungkook being the ideal boyfriend did what anyone would do. He asked Tae to quit. He asked to quit his work and come back home. He soothed the broken boy over and told him it’s okay to quit.

Afterall quitting doesn’t mean giving up but a beginning to something new.

Taehyung agreed. He wanted peace in life, he wanted Jungkook in life, in his arms. This decision seemed right and he did it. He handed the resignation letter and took the very next train to Seoul.
His parents were understanding and accepted Tae’s decision. Their son’s mental stability and peace was all it mattered and nothing else. He spent his first month being unemployed as time to fix himself and regain his lost self.

Jungkook was highly supportive and was always alongside Tae and just him being on Taehyung’s side made him heal faster.

After regaining all his confidence and clearing his mind, Taehyung realized that he didn’t belong to the IT field at all. 12 hours of sitting in front of a PC and working like a dog was definitely not what he wanted to do in his life and was pretty clear about his decision. After much of thinking and research where Jungkook was always of help, Taehyung realized that the last thing he did with absolute enjoyment and love was to perform that skit with Soyeon 2 years ago. He thought that maybe he could be an actor. He definitely had the looks and had a passion for acting. He decided to give it a shot and both his parents and boyfriend were supportive of it.

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