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The last one :')

P.S. Borahae 💜


The couple received Jimin and Ashley with warm hugs as they arrived to Seoul.

“Boyfriends Oof” Jimin teased and the two rolled their eyes.

“I always knew you would make a perfect two” Ash said while pinching their cheeks.

“Ow Thanks Ash” Tae smiled while rubbing his cheeks

“Yeah thanks Ash” Jungkook chirped in.

“Congratulations guys. I’m honestly so happy for you two” Jimin said while hugging the two and they thanked him genuinely.

“Are you two tired?” Tae questioned.

“Not really. Why?” Ashley asked back.

“Good. Because we’re going to the New Year's party downtown. Come on let’s shake some booty” Tae said while nudging Jimin who rolled his eyes.

“Let’s get it started bitches” Ashley declared as she flipped her hair and walked ahead while the trio followed, chuckling.

They soon headed home and the couple was welcomed by Tae’s parents warmly. They soon were guided to the guest room, where they were given like one hour to get ready, before leaving to the party.

Soon the four were all set and Joon picked them up in a huge Limo that they rented for the evening.

“Congratulations guys” everyone screamed once the hot pair entered the car.

“Thanks guys” they answered shyly as they settled in.

Jimin greeted them and introduced his girlfriend to them and all of them bonded pretty quickly. Sana, Jihyo and Ashley especially became gossip girls who spoke random shit while guys were laughing at some lame puns Jin was cracking.

They reached the destination after an hour long drive and then entered in together, the couples hand in hand while the singles checking out the people around them.

It was indeed very lit, very huge dance floor, a famous DJ playing groovy music which tempted people to get on the dance floor, a long bar with varieties of alcohol, decent amount of people found everywhere, all dressed in either tight revealing clothes for women and a little more than casual for men. People holding chic glasses or mugs in hand while conversing casually, while a few grinding shamelessly on the dance floor and the rest stuck in corners, eating each other’s faces. It was just another party, but gave off a good vibe.

The 9 of them settled in a large couch and soon were served with alcohol. They were chatting and fooling around and catching up with stuffs. Yeah just like any other bunch of friends. It was already 11 pm and New Year was an hour away. Taehyung softly held Jungkook’s hand and intertwined their fingers together.

“Hmm?” Jungkook hummed as a question.

“Nothing. I still can’t believe I have an ethereal boyfriend like you” Taehyung said and Jungkook blushed to a deep shade of red. Yeah right, Koomato.

“Learn something from him Joon. They started dating yesterday and are so expressive and look at you” Jin whined while smacking his arm and Joon was busy escaping it.

“I love you princess” Namjoon declared and Jin sat back quietly while blushing furiously.

“Awww” everyone cooed.

“Jungkook doesn’t let me call him princess. The last time I called him, he threatened me to bend me over and fuck me hard” Taehyung complained and all of them erupted in maniacal laughter.

“Serves right” Jungkook said back and rolled his eyes.

“Hey Hobi, looking gorgeous today” a voice came in and everyone turned around.

There stood a guy with almost same height as Jimin, chubby cheeks with chocolate brown locks. He was dressed in a black tee with a check jacket, a pair of tightly fit ripped jeans and timberlands. He was holding a glass of whiskey and smiling at Hobi.

“T-thanks” Hobi replied as a shade of pink crept up his cheeks.

“Will you dance with me?” he asked as he held his hand out.

Hobi was hesitant.

“Go Hobi” Sana cheered and then everyone cheered. Hobi reluctantly gave his hand to the short boy, who kissed it and took him to the dance floor.

“Who is he?” Tae asked curiously.

“He’s Yoongi. He works in the same production company as Hobi, but he’s a lyricist and a composer. Remember I told you once that a guy burped on Hobi’s face?” Sana asked and Tae nodded.

“It’s him. He soon took interest in Hobi and was always goofing around him while throwing flirty compliments, Hobi always ignored. One day he didn’t show up and Hobi got restless and went to his cabin and was slowly peeping in, but was caught red handed. Since then, he’s been a little awkward around him but I’m positive that both like each other” she happily said and everyone who freshly received this information smiled too.

“I’m so happy for him” Jimin said and everyone agreed and clinked their glasses while cheering.

Soon ‘7 rings’ by Ariana started playing and everyone headed to the dance floor with a loud cheer.

Tae and Kook were freely dancing with each other while occasionally grinding on one another while giggling like idiots when they pushed or stamped each other because of their crazy dancing.

The track changed to ‘Strawberries and Cigarettes’ by Troye Sivan and the lights dimmed. Everyone had their hands around their partner’s waist and shoulders, while the singles walked away. They were softly swaying to the melody and the magical voice of Troye.

Taehyung and Jungkook were smiling at each other, while their eyes hooked as they softly swayed to the music. They were lost in each other’s eyes, each other’s touch, each other’s embrace and they’ve never felt more found, more loved.



“I love you. I love you so much, more than anything in this world. Being with you, holding you, kissing you everything seems magical and I’m trapped under your spell. Please never let go of me Tae, I don’t think I can survive anymore without you. I love you so much” he said in a fragile tone.

Taehyung immediately cupped his cheeks and leaned in for a kiss. It was a pure kiss which showcased all the untold, unframed raw emotions. It was a long one where their lips moved in sync and heart thumped in sync as well. They were one soul who can never be separated.

“I love you so much Bun. I cannot imagine living my life without you. Heck, I cannot even think about spending a moment without you. It is you who have trapped me under your spell. Your smile lights up my day. The line 'When you smile, the whole world stops and stares' is literally written for you bun. I have never felt these many emotions before and I’ve never felt so special and gifted before. You’re mere presence by my side multiplies my happiness to infinite times and miseries to nil. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I’ll fight every single power to keep you with me forever, until death tears us apart” Taehyung spilt his heart out and Jungkook eyes were sweating.

Jungkook once again latched their lips and they shared another tender kiss with full of feelings for each other.

“Ten! Nine!” the crowd started off with the New Year countdown and the couple smiled. They counted along, “Three! Two! One!”

“Happy New Year” everyone cheered as party poppers bursted inside while the fireworks were blasted outside.

“Happy New Year BunBun” Tae said while softly rubbing the younger’s cheeks with his thumb.

“Happy New year Boyfriend” he replied with a warm smile and kissed the elder once again.

This kiss was a promise that no matter what happens, however bumpy their relationship gets, however trusfrating it becomes, they’ll always stick to each other and never let go of each other’s hands, never give up on their love. Because at the end of the day, they were each other’s home, each other’s happy place.



So that's it guys. It's done :)
Thank  you all for supporting this fic. Honestly, when I first started writing it, I had a thought that I'd be happy even if this fic gets a 100 reads. But I've really come so far and this is so overwhelming.
Thank y'all for making this one successful 💜 y'all are very special to me💜
I purple you 💜

A big big thank you to Nikooktha 💜
Thank you so much hoe 💜
She's been always there for me since day 1. Since the day I even thought about writing this fic. She had been so so encouraging and always helped me throughout. This would have been impossible without her💜
Thank you so much bitch💜
I love you so fricking much 💜💜💜💜


Look forward to the epilogue y'all 😉

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