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1K WTF? Thank you so much guys I Love Y'all 💜💜💜💜💜💜

P.S. Borahae 💜


You could say that things were going beyond fine for Jungkook. After the conversation they had the other day, Taehyung has been more and more open on talking about relationships and stuff. Taehyung once even spoke about sharing the same apartment once they get posted after the training. He himself told Jimin about them. Jimin although pretended to be was shocked, his poor acting skills didn’t help. Tae is no more afraid of PDA and proudly holds the other’s hands while walking in the corridors and even grabs him by his waist and kisses him real hard if he finds anyone checking out his baby. Just Taehyung’s wild way to let everyone know that Jungkook was his and his only.

Their relationship still didn’t get labeled but its okay. It really is. Seeing Taehyung slowly accepting all these stuffs were so heart-warming to Jungkook and he was fine being label less. Although a part of him wants Taehyung to plan a cliché date and ask Jungkook out to be his boyfriend, Jungkook was happy knowing that it would come in at the right time when Taehyung was completely ready for it.

As for the stalker who wanted to sleep with Taehyung, she was still behind him. They learnt that her name was Shoha, but was called Sho. The other day when she spotted a hickey on Taehyung’s neck, she stopped his tracks and started questioning him.

“Didn’t you say that you were not a man whore? That dirty mark on your neck says otherwise fag.”

Before Taehyung could respond, Jungkook entered the scene and went ahead and held the other’s hand.

“Listen here Hoe-” “It’s Sho” she yelled, making the spectators laugh.

“No difference. Anyway, Tae isn’t a man-whore but he is my whore! Problem? And Fag? Really? Are you living in stone age or something?” he snapped.

She had literally nothing to tell. She was opening and closing her mouth like a fish and it was comical.

“Go get a life” Taehyung said and both left the scene, leaving the girl who was embarrassed.


It was currently lunch and as the trio were hogging, Jungkook spoke up.

“My roommate Daniel is not coming back tonight and I’ll be all alone. Tae please stay at my dorms tonight” he asked with an adorable pout.

Seriously who can say no to that pout?

“Aigoo. Sure Kookie I’ll come. Let’s cuddle all night” Tae said as he was squishing Jungkook’s lower lip.

“Just cuddling. Sure” Jimin said as he was sipping his tea (a/n: lmao)

Taehyung rolled his eyes while Jungkook was blushing.

In reality, Daniel himself didn’t decide not to come back, it was Kook who requested the other not to. Daniel initially didn’t agree but Jungkook promised him to buy him one month subscription to PornHub and the latter agreed immediately.

Yes. Jungkook wanted to do it with Taehyung. He wanted Taehyung to make love to him. For him, this is another way of telling how much he trusts the older. Yes Jungkook isn’t a virgin. But this is the first time he was going to make love and not going to have meaningless sex. He has dated people before, but none of them were even half as meaningful as the bond he shares with Taehyung. This bond was divine to him and he’d do anything in his power to retain it.

Taehyung said that he’d get his supplies and arrive at Jungkook’s dorm at 7 in the evening. It was currently 6:50 and Jungkook had lighted some scented candles and turned off the lights. This gave the room a unique combination of romantic vibe as well as sensuality. He undressed himself as he was wearing just one of his black boxers. He was lying on the bed with a chocolate bar, which was already melting and was smeared all over his fingers and lips, as some even fell on his neck and chest.

Taehyung came a few seconds after 7. He carried all his supplies along with some snacks in a small bag and wore some sleep clothes and made his way to the younger’s dorm. He knocked the door twice, no answer.

It’s just Kookie anyway he thought and barged in.

“Kookie I bought your favourite potato ch-” he couldn’t complete his sentence as he looked up and saw a sultry Jungkook, in low candle lights, with just his boxers, chocolate smeared over all of his lips and neck. He was licking the melted chocolate from his fingers oh so seductively and the sight was illegal.

Jungkook looked so so sexy right now. Taehyung could feel himself getting hard in his pants.

“Oh my god Jungkook what the fuck?” Taehyung asked in disbelief. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Jungkook just shrugged as he was smearing his chocolaty hands all over his abs as his another hand made its way to his bulge. He was slowly playing with it. He softly moaned and that was Taehyung’s threshold.

He dropped everything he had and jumped on top of Jungkook as he was looking at him with lustful eyes. Jungkook made an eye contact with Taehyung and softly licked the remaining chocolate in his hands. Taehyung immediately held the other’s hands and pinned it on the top and smashed their lips together. Their lips moved softly against each other as Taehyung tasted all the chocolate in the other’s lips. He slowly broke the kiss, looked Jungkook deep in the eyes and licked all the chocolate smeared on his face oh so slowly. The warm wetty sensation of Taehyung’s tongue on Jungkook’s face made him moan. Taehyung smirked as he once again captured the other’s lips. He was swiping his tongue on Jungkook’s mouth but was being all bratty and wouldn’t let him in. Taehyung pushed his already hard dick on Jungkook’s hips, yearning a moan from the latter. He used the opportunity as he slid his tongue inside his mouth. The mixture of chocolate and Jungkook’s saliva was such an addictive flavour and Taehyung had no plans of stopping.

Soon their lungs started to burn and they had to let go of each other’s lips. Taehyung sat up and the sight of a heavily breathing, rosy cheeked, messy haired Kook was so seductive. Taehyung believed that Jungkook was personally handcrafted to perfection by the almighty himself.

He soon started kissing and licking his neck as he was licking off the chocolate as well as leaving pretty hickeys. He slightly nibbled the spots making Jungkook moan his name mixed with profanities.

Taehyung took a fair amount of time in licking all the chocolate off his body and sucking hickeys everywhere. He was occasionally sucking the other’s nipples as well while massaging the other one while sucking onto one. He made no compromises in pleasuring the boy beneath him who deserved the world.

As he was kissing Jungkook’s tummy, he experimentally slid his tongue inside the other’s belly button. Jungkook shivered and moaned loudly

“AAaahhh T-taaeeee~”

Taehyung was satisfied with the reaction and was continuously thrusting his tongue in and out of the pretty hole while his hands were caressing his inner thighs. Jungkook couldn’t take it anymore. He made his way to remove his boxers. Taehyung looked at the impatient boy and stopped his hands. He looked up at him.

“Jungkook are you sure you want this?” he asked while making a strong eye contact, concern evident in his voice.

“Y-yes yes Tae. I totally want it. I want you to make love to me. I want you to wreck my hole, make me moan your name Tae. Make me yours.” Jungkook said, sincerity evident.

“Oh my precious baby” Taehyung smiled as he leaned once again and kissed him firmly. That kiss was a confirmation that Jungkook would be all his. Tonight and forever.

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