Chapter 5: Ability Limitation, the Sumerians and backstory of a Dire Despot

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(Note: The First Person Perspective will only be applied to the first main character *Valerie*)

~ Somewhere far away ~

Evening, Dire Despot Devil's Tribe Base, Infiltration

The Sumerians had almost killed every last one of their enemies called 'Dire Despot Elites'. Erythra and Dizon are sending their pet soldiers across the world to eliminate every human being and take over their country. However, people who are blessed with abilities are doing their best to fight back the Dire Despot Soldiers.

"Looks like everything's clear. Set up our base here. Train Soldiers and we'll subjugate every last one of these Dire despots"

Sirisha Kiriyama. 10 years old, under the Intermediate level in a place called 'Magic Academy'. Height: 140 cm. Weight: 34 kg, leader of the Sumerians and under the class of Magic Wielder. Special Ability: Realm of the Descendant. Hidden Ability: Power Overload

(2nd Main character of this story, also known as 'Deuterogamist')

"Understood Ms. Kiriyama, your orders are received"

Akira Yukoro. 12 Years Old under the Intermediate level. Height: 150 cm. Weight: 45 kg, Sumerian Co-Leader and under the class of Swordswomen Champion Elite. Special Ability: The end draws near. Hidden Ability: Strike of the feeble wind

"Ms. Kiriyama. There's a group of Dire Despot Soldiers approaching. But, it seems like they're not attacking us at all"

Mizuhara Michido. 10 Years Old under the Intermediate level. Height: 144 cm. Weight: 39 kg, Sumerian Apprentice and under the class of Military Soldier. Special Ability: One Man's Army. Hidden Ability: Honor and Glory

"Thank you very much for not attacking us. My men and I come in peace." An unknown stranger said with a puppet on its left hand.

Curara Shinizaki. Age: Unknown. Height: 151 cm. Weight: 43 kg, Co-Leader of the Dire Despot under the Raven Claw Tribe.

Sirisha tilted her head, starting to get curious about Curara. "So my predictions were right. You are good people. Are you from the Holy Gospel Tribe or Raven Claw Tribe?" Sirisha asked. "I'm from the Raven Claw tribe. I'm here to aid you. Because our leader contacted that they needed your help. That's why we're going to travel to Yokohama. We'll leave tomorrow." Curara's sock puppet said.

Akira, Michido, and Sirisha scratched their heads for a second. "I see. But, can't you use your voice through your mouth?" Michido curiously asked. Curara let out a sigh and still spoke through her sock puppet. "I cannot. I've lost my voice because of a weird tragedy. But, it's sad as well. The only way I could talk to people is through this puppet I'm using. You'll one day understand my own miserable past life that I'll be telling you soon." Curara sat down on a nearby bench and sighed once more.

The other three Sumerian members sat down on the second bench. "Yokohama. That's what you mentioned a while back didn't you?" Michido stretched for a bit and yawned. "Indeed. The reason behind this is because of a certain Team called 'The Foster Stars' needed your aid. For them to evolve and strengthen their abilities and in preparation to assault Dizon and Erythra as soon as we've enhanced our abilities to the max and after we befriend the Devil's Tribe Leader" Curara explained.

(Note: Everyone in the country knows about Dizon and Erythra. Since each country are filled with Goddesses. For them to protect humanity from being perished by evil to avoid further corruption and to use humans as their pet slave to annihilate the Gods and Goddesses)

Curara continued explaining the important details to Michido, Akira and Sirisha on what they needed to do. "Okay. Now we understood Ms. --" Akira cut her sentence since Curara didn't introduce herself to them yet. "Curara, Curara Shinizaki, apologies for the late introduction." Her puppet said and at the same time loyally bowed.

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