Chapter 3: The Fallen Angels

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4:05 PM, Foster Stars Team, Subjugation

Upon starting the Subjugation, my entire team is on the run, including myself as well, armed with different types of Assault rifles and an M203 attached to it. "Valerie, I sense enemy presence up ahead," Ziña said. "Halt! Everyone, find something to protect yourselves now!" I said and afterward, everybody took cover behind the trunk of the trees.

I could hear them loading their weapons and preparing their abilities. When I heard heavy footsteps I ordered my team to open fire. After they heard what I just said they stopped taking cover and started firing at will. Most of the Dire Despot Minions died. But I noticed that one of them took cover. A Horde of Dire Despot Minions surrounded us from the West, South and East directions. The person that took cover finally revealed himself.

"Well, Well. I didn't expect to meet someone, here again, Ciano Katagiri." The Dire Despot member said while holding a Melee Weapon. "Hmph, if it isn't Fuyukawa Survile. I didn't expect to see you here either. It has been 20 Years hasn't it?" Ciano asked with a happy visage.

But at the same time, her eyebrows were meeting. "It has. I never thought you'd still be alive around these parts. Let me take a guess. You joined this group so you could annihilate Dizon and Erythra in exchange for their betrayal of your old team right?" Fuyukawa wore a sinister smile on his face when he asked Ciano a question.

Hold on just a minute. Is it just me or did I hear the word "Betrayal" in his sentence? I think I'm starting to know her reason why she joined our team. She wanted to get her revenge on the Dire Despot Leaders Dizon and Erythra. "Of course, yet here you are getting in my way." Ciano started talking furiously.

"Alas, I don't have time to get in your way, for now. We'll settle this somewhere else soon. Alright, men, move out." Fuyukawa ordered his Despot Soldiers to move out and all of them vanished in an instant.

When the coast was clear we continued moving forward. As we advanced through our path I saw Battalions of tanks approaching. "Febrie, it's your time to shine," Upon gazing at her she nodded and stepped forth, and began activating her Hidden Ability, "Phoenix Transformation".

After Febrie reiterated her Hidden Ability she began transforming. After she transformed everybody was shocked and they were familiar with her transformation. Febrie turned into a fiery creature that everybody was looking for decades ago, The Legendary Phoenix.

Ciano was quite surprised. As soon as the tanks started firing at her Febrie disintegrated each tank in one shot.

All of us used our M203 on the Tanks so we could support Febrie a bit. After a few hours, we've arrived at the base of the Dire Despot Gods. Those tanks that they sent were pretty challenging.

But we were able to vaporize them. Man, armored vehicles are hard to deal with if you know what I mean. I mean some of the Tanks were made out of hard and Solid Steel. Steel is even stronger than Iron. Even I can't pierce through a Brick Wall. I'm so despondent about not breaking anything solid yet.

As we slay each group of soldiers the faster we're taking down each one of their buildings. Unfortunately, Febrie's Transformation ended. In other words, she's back to her normal human form. Her Hidden Ability only lasted 90 Seconds.

After she went back to her normal form she brought out her Assault Rifle and joined us in eliminating the Dire Despot Units. Ziña used her Hidden Ability called "Gate of the Descendants". An Ability where you create a Big Portal and random units will come out of it such as Knight with flying Pegasus, Archangels and a Dragon.

As soon as I gazed at my surroundings I suddenly asked Arisha about the 5 Members that we were lacking awhile back. "Oh, that? Well, most of them responded that 'I accept the offer. But, unfortunately, I'm busy. So I'll join your team later' thing. But don't worry they're already recruited" Arisha reiterated it in a satisfactory expression.

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