Game of the Gods Short Preview

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A World where peace existed. Where people were happy with their lives and get along with their most beloved children. Until such time, a group of people started a raid in a certain city. After that happened they grew in numbers and killed more than 600 people. Military Soldiers had appeared and fired back them with everything they've got. Reinforcements and Tanks were the only advantages they had towards that certain group called the 'Dire Despots'. They were able to kill most of the Despot Soldiers. When their fellow Leaders, Co-Leaders, and Executives had arrived they were able to kill all the Military Soldiers that was standing.

Before they've caused chaos to the entire World the Gods have heard the prayers of the people who were begging to fight back the evil Gods. As a result, their prayers have been answered. 10 Gods appeared before their eyes and 5 Goddesses. The quickly blessed all the Humans with powerful abilities after such time. At the end of the battle, the Humans were victorious. Now that Humanity is in danger the Gods decided to look after their homeland. 

Ever since the Dire Despots failed to annihilate the entire human race, two tribes began turning their back on each other. There were 4 Tribes under the Dire Despot Race. Holy Gospel Tribe, Raven Claw Tribe, Sinner Tribe, and Devil's Tribe. Among all these 4 Tribes the Devil's Tribe is one of the strongest of them all.  The two tribes that turned back on their own race was the Holy Gospel and Raven Claw Tribe. The reason why'd they did that was because of failure.

The Holy Gospel and Raven Claw were not proving themselves that they could also kill humans. (Even though they're the face of resentment their hearts keep telling them 'not' to kill any innocent human beings) So the main Leaders of the Dire Despot Clan Erythra and Dizon were kicking out members from the Raven Claw and Holy Gospel one by one due to disappointment.

They weren't supposed to act like that. Ever since Dizon and Erythra rose they were kind people. Until a shadow had appeared from nowhere instantly took control of Dizon and Erythra's mind. As a result, they turned evil. Their original thoughts were locked deep within their hearts. This is what happened before they declared the very first war against humanity. 

All Adult human beings were killed during the declaration of World War II. But yet again, as a result, all of them got killed. But, they ended up in victory once more. Most of the people died had Children, and that's where the Gods had suspected. After the bloody battle, all of their Children came out, crying hard, worried and was wholeheartedly sad. The person named Valerie Larkspur. A 12-Year-Old Child who also saw the death of his Mother and Father teared up. 

After seeing their deaths she clenched her fist and raged inside her thoughts. Knowing that one day when she grows older, she'll make the Dire Despots pay for such unruly and unforgiving action they've executed. As time flies by Valerie worked and trained her body to strengthen herself, along with the use of her abilities. 


There was a girl named Sirisha Kiriyama. A 10-Year-Old kid who was a mining slave for no reason. Her master feeds her. But, in an indecent way. He kept throwing Bread and Biscuits at the floor. Sirisha eats it like a wild Cat or Dog. Thus, the Guards outside were talking negative things about Sirisha every time she eats that way. 

One night. When she noticed that all of the Guards (including her Master) were all asleep, she grabbed her briefcase and packed all the important things that were given to her. (Including the Food) She quickly sneaked up outside. There was a fence so she tried climbing it, and it was a huge success. After she finally tasted freedom she accidentally ran into a Goddess. 

The Goddess almost had the same height as Sirisha's. (But 10 cm away ahead of her) The Goddess was shocked after being hit by Sirisha. Afterward, she gazed at Sirisha's appearance. Sirisha was very filthy and her clothing was completely ragged. After Sirisha convinced the Goddess on what just happened the Goddess felt bad of her. Since that was the case she decided to take care first of Sirisha.

After she took care of Sirisha after 5 Months, she was able to train her on how to use weapons. (Such as Assault Rifles or Melee Weapons like a Sword) The Goddess created a team for her. Which is called 'The Sumerians'. A Military Squad of the God and Goddesses so they could strengthen their power against the Dire Despots if ever the Dire Despots decides to invade Humanity again. 

And so the Story begins...

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