Chapter 5- False Truths 1/3

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-Time skip to chapter 4-

Kokichi wouldn't go through with it. No, he shouldn't even be thinking it. He didn't have to worry about Kokichi killing Miu. They were trying to stop the killings, not start them. He would have to find some way to stop Miu, if she was still planning
What she had previously. He sighed. Of course she would. She loathed Kokichi and the boy didn't give her a reason to change her opinion on him. He constantly went out of his way to bully her at every opportunity. Kokichi was constantly telling him it was for her own good. He smiled at the memory. Hopefully it would continue to be reality after all this was over.

He had been putting off telling Kokichi about what he knew to happen next, but there was still a chance it would never happen. He knew he was going to have to tell him sometime soon. He had spent the last couple of days watching Miu from a distance when he and Kokichi weren't together. He hadn't seen anything too suspicious, but he most of Miu's plan was centred around the programming of the virtual world.


"So are you gonna tell me yet?!" Kokichi whined, poking him in the back of the head. Shuuichi broke his attention off Miu, who was sitting at the dining table a few seats away from him.
"Hmm?" Kokichi groaned and wrapped his arms around him, "What are you..."
"Tell mee~" Shuuichi shook his head,
"No way, and especially not here." Kokichi groaned again, a little louder this time.
"Well you've brought this upon yourself." He didn't know what Kokichi was talking about until a second later he felt a sharp pain of teeth on his ear. He gave a gasp of pain as Kokichi but harder. He span around and Kokichi let go grinning at him deviously. He rubbed his ear, trying to get the throbbing to subside,
"What was that for?" He must of said it a little too loudly because it caused a confused Kaito break off his conversation with Maki to look over at them,
"Fuck off Kokichi, you're annoying Shuuichi." Shuuichi laughed as Kokichi gave an outraged gasp.

"It's fine Kaito," he said waving a dismissing hand. He heard a small giggle from Kokichi and the grip around him tightened,
"Seeeee~ Shuuichi loves me! Suck it Kaito!" Kokichi jeered across the hall. Kaito looked as though he had just bitten into an extremely sour lemon.
"Whatever, I'm gonna head out, later." There was a screeching of a chair and Kaito got up and with a swish of his jacket he was gone. Maki got up too, glaring at the two of them as she followed suit. This was the only downside of being with Kokichi. His other friends weren't fond of him. 'Not fond of' was an understatement, loathed was more fitting. Shuuichi sighed and stood up as well. Kokichi watched him with large eyes, looking like some puppy that knew he had done something wrong. Shuuichi gave a reassuring smile,
"You coming?"

Kokichi's face lit up as though nothing had happened. Kokichi wouldn't have really cared if he offended Kaito, in fact he would have been enjoying it. Kokichi sprang up and followed him out.
"I want repentance for my ear." He said glancing sideways at Kokichi. "And for being rude to Kaito." Kokichi looked at him, his eyes shining malevolently,
"Kaito was definitely the afterthought in that sentence." Shuuichi didn't respond and simply frowned at the boy next to him. He hadn't meant for it to sound like that, but it had come out rather badly. "Passing over that! I'll let you do whatever you want to me in return for your ear, you big baby. Punch me, kick me, pinch me, kill me, you name it!"

He hooked his arm through Shuuichi's and pulled into him until their sides pushed together as they walked,
"But I know you wouldn't want to do any of those to me. You don't try and get even with people, you only do what you think will benefit yourself or others," he shivered as Kokichi's hand crept up his arm and to his chest. "So..." he looked down at Kokichi who had his head pressed against Shuuichi's arm, "what do you want to do to me, Shuuichi?" Kokichi's eyes were wide and the longer he looked into them, the more he felt he was falling deep into them. "You can be selfish if you want."

They had made it back to the dormitories and Kokichi slipped his arm free. He caught Kokichi's arm and pulled him back in,
"Don't think you're getting away that easy after all that," he lifted Kokichi's head and kissed him deeply. Kokichi broke away a sneer playing at his mouth,
"You really are an inexperienced virgin aren't you!" Shuuichi blushed hard and glared at him reproachfully. He wished he could say the same about Kokichi just to shut him up, but there was no truth in that,
"Is it really that bad?" Kokichi nodded fervently, taking Shuuichi's hand in his own and leading him towards his room.

"Yeah, you really suck! If you're ever gonna please me you're gonna have to be better." He giggled and pushed open his door.  "but do not worry, I'm an excellent teacher!" Shuuichi scowled, he had been hoping for a more considerate response maybe something like, 'oh it's not too bad' or 'you're getting a lot better', but no. Kokichi was as harsh as always. There was no way he was gonna take that comment lying down, he would show Kokichi he wasn't as shit as he thought.

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