Chapter 40- A Lead

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"What's the worst that's gonna happen, huh?" Kokichi said quietly, his voice coming only louder than a whisper. "Are you worried you're not going to be liked? Because I can tell you right now, you are not." Shuuichi tensed. He knew Kokichi loved lying, but who was he to decide whether this was true or false.
"I don't need to be liked..." he responded, his voice straining horribly, "this game isn't decided by who is liked the best. Besides, I'm not the one you need to be worrying about right now, I'm not the one who's going to die if they fail." He added, hating himself for how he rude he sounded.
"You-" kokichi began,

"you're starting to get on my nerves." Shuuichi voiced, slightly choked. He did not mean it in the slightest. Even with spilling a drink on him and urging him to show him where to put the key, Kokichi's company meant the world to him. The fact that Kokichi was willing to spend time with him and even offer to go to the dining hall with him was everything. He was the only friend he had anymore. But it was for the best if Kokichi wasn't seen around him or wasted precious time conversing with him. He needed everyone to survive. He knew Kokichi could figure out this situation. He just knew it. But if that were to happen, Kokichi couldn't get sidetracked. He heard Kokichi's breath hitch behind him.

"Ok." The voice was so airy and nonchalant, it made Shuuichi turn around. Kokichi looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "guess you are not that dumb after all," Kokichi averted his eyes and let them travel over the landscape around them. "Guess I will have to get information on my own then..." Shuuichi bit into his tongue. He couldn't mistake the sinking in his heart. He had felt it so many times before. Kokichi had ulterior motives for spending time with him... Maybe... or had that been a...
Shuuichi hesitated before opening his mouth again, eyes fixed on Kokichi, "do you ever get tired of lying?" The reaction was instantaneous. Kokichi's eyes flicked back to Shuuichi with what strangely looked like hope.

"Tired of lying? I could never! But what makes you say that..." a grin pulled itself onto the corners of Kokichi's mouth, "do you think what I said just now was a lie, detective?" Shuuichi felt his hopes rise. Had he been right?!
"I can always tell." He said confidently while on the inside he was a wreck. He would look like an absolute idiot if Kokichi had been telling the truth, but what if it was a lie...
"Welp! Seems I can't trick you that easily," Kokichi giggled, "You're correct, I have other motives for spending time with you~"

Shuuichi was going to ask what these other motives were, but it was obvious from the smirk that Kokichi threw him he was not getting an explanation.
"Come on~ come to the dining hall, it's not like you're gonna get attacked-" Kokichi stopped and a delighted little 'oh' left his mouth. "Again." Shuuichi's stomach dropped horribly and he grimaced.
"Not going to happen." This wasn't getting anywhere. Shuuichi turned away, this time with full intent on leaving, "maybe another time." He lied, leaving a silent Kokichi behind him.


Kokichi must've taken what he said to heart because the next few mornings from that day, he had knocked at his door with the suggestion of going to the dining hall together. Shuuichi had declined every time so far and was genuinely surprised as to how committed the boy was. The strangest thing of all was that he seemed to be able to read his mind. One time when he had complained openly in his room about how he was hungry for pancakes and Kokichi had turned up the next morning offering to make them with him.

As much as the offer had tempted him, he had declined. He still hadn't been able to step foot out of his dorm room at any time other than when it was pitch black. The loneliness would definitely have become too much for him to handle if it had not been for Kokichi's visits. It was still a mystery to him as to why Kokichi decided to visit him so often, but he was always happy to see him regardless. He had questioned Kokichi on why he came a couple of times and had always gotten the same response- a sly grin and a little "you'll have to figure it out~".

When Kokichi had first proposed they play Uno as a way to pass time, Shuuichi had to admit he had been extremely reluctant. His reluctance seemed to amuse Kokichi immensely and it only made him press to play the game more. When Shuuichi finally conceited and played a game with him he was able to pick up on Kokichi's cheat a lot quicker than before and put a stop to it. From then on the games had become a lot fairer and more fun.

"So..." he began, picking up a card from the middle and glancing at it. Red 5. He was sitting cross legged across from Kokichi in the bed, the appropriate playing cards laid out in front of them. "How's everything going? You know..." it had almost been a full week since this ordeal had first begun and the deadline of 2 weeks was drawing ever closer. Kokichi took a moment to answer and instead of looking at Shuuichi, he looked to be intensely studying his cards.
"Perfect. We found the door in the library, but we couldn't get it open. We're also struggling to find anything else." Kokichi replied as if he was mentioning something as mundane as the weather. Because of this, Shuuichi almost didn't pick up the severity of the situation.

He felt his stomach sink. He had thought everything was going so well, but they had gotten nowhere... and with a little under half their time gone. Shuuichi gulped hard against his dry throat.
"Oh..." he breathed. He had expected his classmates to have at least a moderate grasp at what was going on... maybe even find the machine inside the 2nd floor classroom for making flashback lights... but no. He had to find someway to help. If they couldn't get through the door in the library there was always the girls bathroom...
"You worried about us? Awww~" Kokichi looked up at him with doleful eyes.
"I-" he cursed internally. It was going to be difficult to provide help. He was supposed to be on the opposite side. Working against his classmates. "I just wanted to know." He finished, looking away from Kokichi and placing down the card he had just picked up.

Kokichi made a sarcastic sounding noise and went back to studying his cards. He was just going to have to say it. While they were on the topic.
"There's another way into that room..." he muttered quietly, attempting to shield his mouth from the cameras on the pretence of checking his cards. He knew the nanokumas would pick up what he said, but he hoped it would be less noticeable. Kokichi stopped moving. His whole demeanour seemed to have shifted. His brain looked to be running a million times an hour.
"...the floor, which floor?" Kokichi asked, returning back to shuffling through his cards again.

"Firstly why would I tell you that, I'm not here to help you," he said with a shake of his head. He had tried to accentuate the "first" as best he could without making it too obvious. Kokichi's motionless expression continued without change. Hopefully he had gotten it.
"And secondly?" Kokichi responded with a snide smile. Shuuichi hadn't been prepared to respond to this. Did that mean he didn't get it? Or was he just messing with him...?
"Uh, and further..." maybe he was confirming the floor... he thought quickly, "I-it would ruin the fun." He concluded. Kokichi chuckled slightly,
"Fair enough. Well I'll find out!" with that, Kokichi sprang off the bed and threw his cards down on the large pile of discarded ones. Shuuichi scowled.
"I win! And I'm off!" Kokichi said cheerfully with a wink at him. Shuuichi wasn't sure if he imagined or not. "Take care of the cards till next time won't you~"

Kokichi smiled and waved before skipping out the door. Shuuichi stared at the spot Kokichi had just vacated feeling a smile creep its way onto his face. Had  he figured it out?

AN- I really don't like this chapter and it's basically a build up for the next chapter but the next one is hopefully going to be a lot better 🥺

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