-Chapter 3- Jax

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I woke up sat against the trunk of an old oak tree. I felt a gust of wind blow towards me causing my hair to fly up into my face. I brushed it out of the way and started to gather my things. When I looked up at the road ahead of me, I saw a blanket of white snow. My expression brightened, I giggled and started to kick up some of the snow as a small child would. Soon, I came across some small footprints. They looked bigger than mine but still small in comparison to a humans. Along the way I saw some kind of skid marks looking as if someone had fallen and slid.

"Maybe these are Snufkin's foot prints."

I laughed a little imagining the small man falling backwards into the white fluff.

"How cute, I guess he's not used to the snow."

I continued on my way to Moominvalley. I was enjoying my quiet walk listening to the birds and the rustling of the trees,until I heard a voice above me.

"Hmm, who are you? I've never seen you before?"

I was startled hearing the raspy, high pitched voice. I took out my tin mug from my bag to use as a weapon.

"Who said that? Who's there?"

"You like the snow don't you? Why don't you follow me, I can show you where there is much more."

I saw a brown furry creature, leap from a tree branch making a crunch noise when it hit the snow.

"No thank you, I'm just passing through."

My grip on the tin mug tightened as it came closer.

"Oh come now, you're no fun. We can be friends."

Everytime it took a step towards me I took a step back. I didn't know what to do except negotiate until it was necessary for me too fight.

"I don't think I should be talking to strangers. I have somewhere to be, I'm on a tight schedule."

"Oh? Where are you going?" It asked.

I hesitated for a second. I didn't want to tell it where I was going. What if it followed me there. I wouldn't favor that, not today. I had to make up a village somewhere, and fast.

"Uhm, I'm heading to uh.."

"You don't sound sure, are you lying to me?"

"Of course not, I'm heading to Honey Burrow."

"Ah, I've never heard of it. Is it nice there?"

"Yep! It's a cosy little town a little further up the river. It's a good place to stop and rest for a while."

" I can't believe that actually worked!"

I started to walk away thinking the conversation was over until I heard them start to talk again.

"Could you take me there, I'd love to see it."

"Narts! That place doesn't even exist. What do I do now?"

I felt beads of sweat start to form, rolling down the side of my face.

"Well, I, uhm. I'm on a time crunch. Maybe next time?"

"Nonsense, let's go there now."

I panicked, thinking of the only thing I could do.


I threw my tin mug at the creature, and ran as fast as my legs could carry me through the thick blanket of snow. Adrenaline pumped through my veins.

"Hey! Get back here!"
I didn't look back. I kept running until I was out of the forest. I stopped as soon as I was out, I panted and gasped for air.

"That's another mug wasted. Thank the gods I made it out. The snow was so thick, I could barely run through it. I guess I was faster than whatever that thing was though. I can't see it anymore."

I looked up and saw the familiar layout of Moominvalley. The bridge, the tall blue house on the hill, and the small river that was now frozen. Everything was covered in snow. I was overjoyed. I enjoyed the snow ever since I was a small child. I adored the thought of building snowmen with my mom and creating snow angels that were imprinted on the ground. Winter had always been my favorite season because of it. Though the snow is not the only reason it's my favorite. Winter has been also my favorite because of the holidays people celebrate with their friends and family like Christmas. I couldn't even imagine someone being snarky on Christmas. It's just such a humbling little holiday, I enjoy it every year. My mother and I used to always go caroling with some other good friends of ours. We had to stop that tradition though due to my mother getting older, she's not able to move around like she used to. Though she's still sweet as ever. I can't wait to go back home, I miss her. I always feel guilty about leaving her back home in Épiluire.

I shook my head.

"You worry every year and nothing happens, she'll be fine Jax. I'm sure she's sitting outside on the porch enjoying the spring weather right now."

I walked through the crisp snow towards the little gap in the rocks where I usually stay. I set up there because it leads to a secret cave where it's nice and quiet. I also remember there used to be gold, but that all disappeared a year ago. I always made sure to take a torch with me when I go down. I've always hated dark places ever since I was a child. When I made it to the beach I looked out towards the water. The waves crashed onto the snow covered sandbank then retreated back. I took a deep breath of the salty sea air.

"It's so peaceful during the winter time, I wonder what it's like in the spring when Snufkin's here." I said to myself.

I soon found the crevasse in the rocks and started to climb down, using the gaps and holes in the wall as hand holds. I lit a torch quickly seeing it was just how I had left it. I started to unpack my things, when I opened my fiddle case I smiled knowing that someone would be listening. I sighed with contentment. I picked it up and started to play a joyful melody. The music echoed throughout the cave. My fingers glided across the strings of my instrument. I had a grin that I couldn't wipe off of my face. I was so happy. As the song ended I put my fiddle back in its case for safe keeping. I didn't have much to unpack which was nice, though now I have to get water from the well. Which was all the way back towards the big, blue house.

"I wonder if Moomin lives there. I hope they don't mind me using their well. They would understand right? I mean all the river water is frozen, so it should be okay."

I sat on the floor of the cave pondering about where I was going to get my water from.

"I could try the ocean, but then I would have to boil the water, so all of the salt evaporates. That's such a drag though. I'll just get it from the well. Ooh, I really hope they won't mind."

I stood up and started to climb up the wall of the cave. The wind blew towards me causing my hair to fly behind me. It was a nice breeze with bits of snow that grazed my face. I chuckled, and started my walk towards the bright blue house.

Heyoo! I hope you enjoyed chapter 3!

Don't forget to comment your thoughts!! :))


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