-Chapter 17- Jax

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"Thank you for letting me stay in the bath house with you Two Ticky. It was very kind of you." I said packing my things.

"It's no problem really, you can stay with me anytime you'd like." She informed.

I then started to here the familiar tune of a muted harmonica in the distance. I smiled to myself.

"There's Snufkin, I must take my leave now. Thank you again for your hospitality." I said giving Two Ticky a warm hug.

"Be safe!" She said waving goodbye.

I threw on my plaid scarf and returned the gesture giving her a bright smile. I carried myself towards the bridge with excitement. I finally get to see my friends who have awakened from their slumber during the winter months. As well as the alluring traveler dressed in different shades of green from head to toe. I heard his harmonica grow louder and louder as I came closer. I could hear the voices and laughter of my friends as they played in the now green valley. I saw that Snufkin's back was towards me as I walked closer. He watched from the bridge as his friends frolicked with glee. I took this opportunity to use any leftover snow to get his attention. I set my fiddle case down and balled up some snow. I aimed very carefully so I didn't miss. The snowball hit his back which made him quite shocked, he turned around to see me standing there waving. He smiled and laughed.

"Nice aim!" He called out to me.

I chuckled and grabbed my fiddle walking closer to greet him properly.

"Better watch out now. I'm going to get you back for that." He said smirking.

"We'll see about that." I retorted.

"Jax!" Moomin called out.

I looked over to see he was wearing the santa hat. I smiled seeing that he was waving the note in his paw.

"Jax! Can you believe it! Santa Claus left me a letter and his hat!" He exclaimed.

I chuckled lightly at his excitement.

"What does it say Moomin?" Snufkin asked with a grin.

Moomin cleared his throat dramatically causing me to laugh.

"Dear Moomintroll, you have been such an exceptionally behaved young boy that I decided to give you something very special that no one has ever gotten before. Merry Christmas! Santa Claus.

P.S. Thank you very much for the cookies, they were marvelous!" He read with his best Santa impression.

I gushed with joy as I heard him read the letter.

"You are very lucky Moomin I have to say!" I said ruffling his fur.

He giggled as I did.

"Come on Moomin, it's your turn to seek!" Sniff exclaimed.

"Coming! It was very nice to see you again Jax." He said then ran off to return with his friends.

I smiled contently seeing that he enjoyed his present. In the corner of my eye I could see Snufkin smirking at me.

"That was very sweet of you to write him that letter. Thank you for making him happy. I can tell he's really excited about the present you've given him. Speaking of."

He pulled out the tin of tea I had given him. Snufkin then opened the container revealing the little entry I had written to him. I blushed remembering the things my mother had said to me while I was writing it.

"Aw Jax, do you favor this boy?"

"You should give him one of our sweeter blends since you like him."

"Was he the one who he found your mug for you? What a sweet young man."

I slid into my scarf, averting my gaze. He chuckled.

"For a 'sweet person like me,' huh? I'm glad you think so. I have to admit I did read it quite a few times and earned some curious glances from my father." He said a slight tint of pink coloring his face.

"Did you, goodness. You would not believe what my mother said while I was writing it, but I'll spare you the details." I said meekly.

Snufkin gave a small laugh and looked towards my bags.

"I assume you're going back home?"

"Yes, I am. I should get going, I wouldn't want to keep my mother waiting." I smiled.

"Well, safe travels m'lady." He said tipping his hat and winking.

"Thank you." I said smirking playfully.

• • •

"Mother! I'm home." I was cut off to see that the nurse Kate was still here.

"Kate? What a surprise. What are you still doing here?" I asked quite confused.

My confusion continued as I noticeed my mother was not present in the room.

"Kate, where is my Mother?"


It's been a while! Sorry! SO I have gone on hiatus for 1 month maybe? Again I'm sorry I was just not getting any ideas for this story and I was quite frustrated. But I'm back now!..Maybe. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this part. As always be sure to comment your thoughts and suggest some way I could improve the story for you guys. Thank you guys for being patient! ILYSM! :))


On Opposite Ends. {Snufkin x OC}Where stories live. Discover now