-Chapter 4- Snufkin

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I was walking through the forest searching for where my father usually sets up camp. I always come to see him before I start traveling. He doesn't set up too far from Épiluire so it's not so hard to find him. I walked through the dirt that had bits of grass poking out from under the path. The rocks crunched under my feet. I almost pulled my harmonica back out, until I heard soft snoring not too far away. I chuckled lightly suspecting it to be my father sleeping. Soon I started to hear the crackling of a campfire and the faint whistling of his tea kettle. As I came closer to the clearing I saw him leaning against an old log, his hat slightly tilted over his face. I smiled seeing his familiar figure.

"You surely can sleep anywhere, can't you pops?" I said, my voice barely above my normal volume. He startled awake at the sound of my voice, quickly sitting up. Then smiled when he saw me.

"Why Snufkin. You know better than to scare a man when he's sleeping. I thought I raised you better."

I smirked at his teasing. My father started to pour me a cup of tea.

"Well, why don't you try sleeping in the tent that's mere feet behind you than to sleep by the campfire. While it's still going strong mind you." I retorted.

My father snickered at my response, almost spilling the cup he was handing to me.

"Ah, so I did teach you something then. I'm not so bad."

I sat by the roaring flame beside him. My father looked at me expectantly.

"Yes?" I questioned, not turning my head

"Did anything interesting happen before you got here? No one gave you any trouble I hope."

I smiled slightly remembering Jax's performance. I must have been quiet for a bit causing my father to ask me,

"Snufkin? What's with the grin?"

I snapped back into reality.

"Oh, nothing really. I was just thinking of an excellent performance I had the pleasure to watch before I got here."

My father looked surprised.

"You don't say? By whom?"

"A young lady named Jax, she was very kind. She returned my harmonica to me when I left it on my table. Can you believe my disregard?"

"Did she happen to play the fiddle by any chance?"

I was slightly shocked that my father had already known about the gnomish woman.

"Yes she did. Why? Have you seen her play before?" I asked starting to drink the now lukewarm beverage.

"Oh yes, multiple times. She is a remarkable fiddler and a very beautiful young lady as well. Don't you think Snufkin?"

I almost spit my drink back into my cup slightly choking for a moment, my father's question catching me off guard.

"Well, I can't say she isn't lovely, though I've barely met her. I'll see her again in the spring before she leaves Moominvalley." I said looking down into the cup in my hands.

"She goes to Moominvalley as well? You've got quite the lady cut out for you my boy." My father said chuckling.

"Dad, we've only just met."

"Ooh, I haven't heard 'Dad' in a while must be serious, or you're just really embarrassed."

I bit the inside of my cheek slightly, fighting back a flush and gave him a stern look. He laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop, I'm only teasing you know."

"I know." I sighed, slightly exasperated.

"You know, when I first met your mother I was the same way." My father started.

I laughed. He smiled knowingly.

"Come now father, I don't need to hear you and mother's sappy love story again for the hundredth time. When my significant other comes along, I'll definitely know. Then you will be the first one I tell."
My father smirked.

'You won't even tell your lover about it first?"

"Okay, second then." I smiled.

"What about Moomintroll? I'm sure he'd love to know before your old pop?"

I roared with laughter.

"Heavens no! He'd be on my tail for weeks if he knew cupid had shot me with an arrow."

My father laughed, then sighed contently.

"I've missed having you around son."

I grinned.

"I've missed you too pops."

I stared at the campfire with a grin spread across my face, my father throwing in more firewood nonchalantly. We sat in comfortable silence until he broke it.

"So, where do you think you're heading this year?"

I slightly chuckled, and sighed. My father asks me this every year, and I give him the same answer every time.

"Wherever the spring wind takes me father."

He grunted slightly, crossing his arms like a small child would.

"You're a mystery, even to your old man."

"It's no mystery father, it's my answer. I don't even know where I go sometimes, but I always find my way back to where I started. It's just a simple coincidence that I end up visiting the same places." I said smiling at the ground.

My father smiled at me.

"You've grown to be a very wise young man. I wonder where you got it from."

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Very funny."

My father smirked and began to stand up, dusting himself off.

"Well Snufkin, you're free to do what you please. You're welcome to stay here with pops as long as you need to. Though I wouldn't expect you to still be here in the morning, so don't feel bad if you leave early. With that said,"

He turned to smile at me before heading into his tent.

"Goodnight Snufkin."

I smiled slightly.

"Night pops."

Then he zipped his tent shut, and I was left outside. It was just me, nature, and the roaring campfire stoked inside of me.                                  

• • •

I sat by the dead firewood waiting for my father to rise from his slumber. I was waiting for the wind but there was none. I had made my decision. I heard the unzipping of my dad's tent flap.

A look of shock spread across his face.

"Snufkin? I thought you would be out and about already. What are you still doing here?"

I smiled slightly.

"I've decided to spend time with my father this spring. I think that it would make him happy, what do you think?"

My father was filled with joy.

"You really want to spend your alone time with me? Son, that's great!"

I grinned seeing my father so delighted.

"How about we start the day by doing a little fishing. What do you say pops?"

"Whatever you'd like, Snufkin."

Howdy! :D

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On Opposite Ends. {Snufkin x OC}Where stories live. Discover now