-Chapter 11- Jax

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We have been rowing for a couple hours and decided to take a break. Moomin had taught me all about how to row properly and helped me out a bit more. I have to say I'm not the strongest person so it was nice to have a hand. He asked me a lot of questions about my home town, in which I was happy to provide him with answers.

"Jax, what do you like to do when your alone?"

"Well, I do a lot of reading. I have this book of rhetoric that helps me improve my thinking skills. Not the most interesting thing but it works." I said smiling.

"Moomin, why don't you come over here and help me with lunch?" Moominmama asked.

"Okay!" He said smiling.

I looked out at the crystal blue ocean.

"So, what do you think so far?" Snufkin asked me, glancing at his harmonica.

"It's different, definitely. I'm a little intimidated by the size of the ocean. I've never been this far from land before. The only experience I've ever had with the sea is when it's frozen."

Snufkin glanced at me then looked out onto the water.

"Well there's a first time for everything right?" He asked grinning.

I smiled.

"I suppose."

We sat by the railing of the boat, looking out. Snufkin began to play a peaceful tune on his harmonica. I listened to him as he played.

"He was right, it is a beautiful day."

I looked at him with adoration. He was always so calm while I could be so uptight at times. I guess that's how we get along so well, because we balance each other out. He keeps me grounded, I worry less when I'm around him. His song ended and he opened his eyes to look at me. He said something but I was so lost in thought I didn't quite hear what he said which caused him to smile. I then heard him more clearly this time.

"Jax, you're staring." He said grinning.

"What! Sorry."

He chuckled lightly.

"It's fine, what's on your mind?"

I was bluntly honest with him.


He looked shocked and flattered at what I said.

"Me? Well, I wasn't expecting that. All good things I hope?" He said laughing nervously, his cheeks turning a light pink.

"Of course! I was thinking about how calm you can be. I really admire that about you, I wish I could be as collected as you can."

"Well you can't look up to someone too much if you want to be yourself, and for one I like your personality. You may think that being uptight is a problem but it really brightens up your good qualities. For example, how organized you can be."

"Organized?" I asked quite puzzled.

"Yes, of course! Don't you remember helping Moominmama with the packing this morning? Surely your memory cannot fail you so early?" He said smiling.

I felt my face start to flush. I slightly melted into my scarf basically being a defense mechanism. Snufkin chuckled.

"Shy now are we? What, you just spoke your mind a minute ago." He said beaming, obviously amused at my embarrassment.

"Oh hush you two, come over here already so we can eat. I'm starving!" Little My shouted.

"Come now Little My, I'm just poking fun." He said winking at me. His face still a shade of rose.

On Opposite Ends. {Snufkin x OC}Where stories live. Discover now